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SIUE Clotting

Kyle's Patho Lecture

Platelets are formed in the bone marrow from megakaryotes
Platelets do not have a ____ in their cytoplasm nuclie
Platelets __________ when squeezing through capillaries fragments
Platelet plugs function closes small ruptures in small vessles hundreds of times daily very QUICKLY
Thromboxane 2 Released by platelets. Contributes to vasopasm after tissue injury. Is a vasoconstrictor
Blood vessel spasm occurs primarily from 1.) local myogenic spasm, local factors released from traumatized tissues; thromboxane 2, and nervous reflexes from pain or other sensory stimuli
Platelet composition (6) 1.) Mitochondria for ATP & ADP 2.) Golgi and ER for synthesis of enzymes and storage of Calcium 3.) Contractile proteins (actin, myosin, & thrombosthenin) 4.) fibrin stabelizing factor 5.) enzymes that synthesize prostaglandins 6.) growth factors
Membrane of platelet consists of surface - glycoprotein that repels adherence of platelet to normal endothelial cells Contains: phospholipids whih activate mult stages in clot cascade
When platelets come into contact with damaged vascular surface they? swell, assume irregular forms releasing granuoles that contain multiple active factors, become sticky and adhere to wall, secrete ADP to form thromboxane 2 which activates aditional platelets to come to site
1st mech of homeostasis for bleeding blood vessel spasm
2nd mechanism of homeostasis in bleeding platelet plug
3rd mechanism of homeostasis in bleeding blood clot
Clot developement begins in _________ if trauma is severe and in _________ if trauma is minor severe 15-20 seconds minor 1-2 minutes
Within ______ time after rupture vessle if opening isn't to large it is filled with a clot 3-6 min
After ________ the clot retracts which 20 min to 1 hour, and it closes the vessel further
Once clot has formed it can follow 2 courses 1.) become invaded with fibroblasts (most common) 2.) or dissolve
Fibrin Fibers emesh rbcs, platelets and plasma with the threads to form a clot
Prothrombin activator is formed via 2 ways 1.) extrinsic pathway 2.) intrinsic pathway
Clotting: 3 essential steps 1.) Damage to vessel releases complex cascade of chem reaction 2.) prothrombin activator causes prothrombin to thrombin 3.) thrombin converts fibrinogen to fibrin
Prothrombin is a/an plasma protein that is unstable and can be split into 2, one is thrombin
Vitamin K is produced? Necessary why? Intestines, neccessary for prothrombin formation in the liver.
Vitamin K is absorbed via _____ to go to liver bile salts, so if bile ducts are obstructed, K cannot make it to the liver, therefore decreasing prothrombin formation
Prothrombin is formed where? Liver.
Fibrinogen is a/an plasma protein, lrg molecular size. Due to large size rarely can make it into the tissue fluids
Extrinsic Pathway beings with trauma to vascular wall and tissue
Extrinsic Pathway 1.) release of tissue fx: thromboplastin 2.) Activation of Factor X to Xa 3.) Factor Xa combins with Factor V to form prothrombin activator
Intrinsic Pathway begins with injury to blood or exposure of blood to collagen
Intrinsic Pathway 1.) Activation of XII and release of platelet factor 3 2.) XIIa activats XI 3.) XIa activates IX 4.) IXa and VII activates factor X 5.) Xa and V acctivates prothrombin activator
Thrombin acts as enzyme to convert Fibrinogen to Fibrin
Lack of Vitamin K, in some pathological states or antiboitic use prevents normal prothrombin formation
Liver dieseas such as cirrhosis causes decreased prothrombin formation, and can depress the clotting system so much the patients tend to bleed
Initially when the clot is formed it is weak. Why? Because there is no cross linking of fibrin threads at first
How does the clot & fibrin becomes strengthened when trapped in the mesh, platelets release fibring stabelizing factor, which adds strength to mesh by cross linking of threads
Ions required for blood clotting Calcium
Factors that promote clotting 1.) prothrombin activator 2.) calcium ions 3.) vitamin K
How many substances are found in blood that affect coagulation 50
Factors that prevent clotting 1.) Antithrombin III 2.) smoothness of endothelium prevents contact and activation of clot cascade 3.) thrombomodulin removes thrombin
Thrombomodulin does what Prevents clotting by removing thrombin and activating protein C, which inactivates Factor V & VIII
Agents that remove thrombin from the blood Fibrin threads Antithrombin III Thrombomodulin
The fibrin mesh absorbs what? and prevents? Thrombin as the threads develope preventing the spread of the clots
Plasmin lysis of fibrin clot and other protein coags (fibrinogen, Factors V, VII, XII, prothrombin)
Plasminogen to Plasmin Plasminogen is trapped in clot when it's formed. Injured tissues slowly release T-Pa, which after the bleeding stops, converts the plasminogen in the clot to plasmin
Alpha Antiplasmin Circulates in the blood, binds to plasmin and inactivates it
Because Plasmin is always circulating in small amounts, to be effective Plasmin must reach certain level before with have lysis affect
Almost all blood clotting factors are formed in the Liver
Created by: asaranita
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