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SIUE Organic Chem

Kevins Lecture, Physics & chem applied anesthesia

protons carry positive charge, located in the nucleus
What distinguishes the characteristics of an atom the # of protons
Neutrons are neutral, also located in the nucleus
Atomic Number number of protons
Atomic Weight # protons + # neutrons
Electrons carry negative charge, located outside the nucleus
Electron Orbit 2 in first orbit, 8 in each additional orbit
Atoms attempt to have ____ electrons in their orbit 8
Objects with like charges repel eachother
ojects with opposite charges attract
isotopes Atoms have same number of protons and electrons, but have different number of NEUTRONS. Same characteristics, different atomic weight
The outtermost and most reactive electrons of an atom Valence shell
Valence shell is a measure of the # of chemical bonds formed by atoms of a given element
group number of letter A on periodic table = # of valence electrons
O2 is group 6 on periodic table so it wants to form 8-6 = 2, 2 bonds
Hydrogen is group A1 on periodic table so it wants to form 1 bond, wants to rid that one electron to have 0
Carbon is group A4 on periodic table so it wants to form 4 bonds. 8-4 = 4.
Quantom Mechanical Model is used to find the probable location of an electron in an atom
Quantom number "n" is size; describes average distance of the orbital from the nucleus & the energy of the electron in an atom. Can be any positive whole number.
A larger number for "n" in quantom model means more energy and larger orbital
Quantom number "l" describes The shape of the orbital; positive whole number froom 0 to n-1.
Simple names of "l" quantom number s orbital = 0, p orbital =1, d orbital = 2, f orbital =3
Quantom number "m" describes how orbitals are oriented in space, 3D.
Quantom number "s" describes The direction that the electron is spinning. Only two values are used +1/2 & -1/2.
Hybrid orbitals new set of obritbals could be created by mixing s, p, and or d atomic orbitals on an atom
When bonds are formed reactions occur, and molecules are held together
in a chemical reaction atoms are neither created or destroyed
exothermic reactions release heat
endothermic reactions absorb heat
Ionic bonds complete transfer of an electron, requiring lots of energy, forming a cation and anion, atoms with significantly different electromagnitivity
cation + form
anion - form
Ionic bonds are used to form simple salts NaCL
Covalent bonds share electrons, requiring less energy than ionic bonds, occurs by overlap of individual atomic orbitals Ex: HCL, most covalent bonds demonstrated polarization
In covalent bonds electrons in each atom tend to become attracted to the positive nucleus of the other atom
Symmetrical Covalent bond "pure covalent bond", having a net neutral charge
Hydrogen bonds bond between two 1 s atomic orbitials. Electrons are attracted to the positive nuclues in other atom. Continue to come together until the nuclei become to repel eachother.
Sigma bond formed by head on overlap of atomic orbitals, bonding densitiy is concentrated in the middel making it the strongest type of covalent bond
Strongest type of covalent bond Sigma
Pi bonds sideways or parrallel overlap, usuall from P orbials
Single bonds always are sigma bonds
double bonds have 1 sigma, and one pi bond
triple bonds have 1 sigma and 2 pi bonds
Organic chem is the study of carbons or other carbon molecules
Carbon is unique because it can form bonds with other carbons, as well as stable covalent bonds with other nonmetal compounds, there are more carbon compounds than any other compounds combined, tetravalent, 4 electrons in outer shell, 4 bonds
Strongest bonds in nature are CARBON bonds
Organic Molecule characteristics Insoluble, like oil. Have low melting and boiling points due to the weak intermolecular forces
Because the bonding of carbons is so versatile, they exhibit isomerism
Isomers different compounds with same molecular formula, via by which atom is bonded to which, or how atoms are arranged in 3-dimensional space
Isomers organic compounds have similar chemical form, but different structures, same atomic weight, different physical characteristics
Isomers occur in organic compounds that have more than 3 carbon atoms
constitutional isomers compounds with same molecular formula, but atoms connected in different arragement. different structure, different physical properties, and different physiological properties
2 kinds of stereoisomers Diastereomers & enantiomers
Stereoisomers atttached in same sequence, but have different 3-D orientation
Diastereomers NOT mirror images, and include Cis & Trans, and conformational isomers
Cis Isomers functional group is on the same side of the = carbon bond. (kind of diastereomers)
Trans functional group is on the opposite side of the = carbon bond (kind of diastereomers)
Conformational Isomer spin around the carbon-carbon single bond giving rise to an infinite # of 3-D geometries, called rotamers. Not really isomers
Enantiomers kind of steroisomer, is a MIRROR image, optical isomer, cannot be super imposed, rotate in opposite directions, having same physical properties & solubility with different physiological properties
Enantiomers rotate in equal amounts, but in different directions
Dextro isomer r= rectus, or R spin
Levo isomer sinister or L spin
Only the ___ form of LSD Is psychoactive R- or D- form
Thalidomide ___ form acts as seditive S-form or L spin
Structure of Organic Molecules 2 parts: 1.) carbon backbone 2.) one or more functional groups
Functional groups set of atoms within a larger molecule that have a characcteristic structure & chem behavior. Largely defines the chem and physical properties.
Hydrocarbon functional groups containt only H & C atoms, and are very flammable (include alkane, alkene, alkyne, arenes)
Alkanes carbon - carbon single bond. simplest organic molecule. No functional groups. Methane is simplest. Relatively unreactive, and saturated.
Alkene carbon-carbon double bond. Has functional group. Simplest is ethene. unsaturated
alkyne carbon-carbon triple bond. Has functional group. simplest is ethyne. unsaturated
Alkyl group substituent that branches off the main chain, CH3
Quaternary carbon four alkyl groups, doesn't pass blood-brain barrier well.
Aromatics circular, 6 member carbon ring with 3 double carbon-carbon bonds, also called arenes, functional group is benzene ring, very stable
organohalogen compounds are less flammable, contain one or more halogen atoms fourn in 7A (F, Cl Br, I)
Alcohols R-O-H. OH (hydroxyl group) methanol is simplest
Aromatic alcohols are called phenols
Ethers R-O-R. Funtional group is O2 bridge between 2 alkyl group.
Most anesthetic gases are halogenated ethers (Enflurane, Isoflurane, Sevofluroane)
amines funct group derived from ammonia (NH3) Large number of meds are amines (Ketamine, Dopamine, Epinephrine. MOst have strong base strength and will accept a proton to form its conjugate acid. Called ammonium salts with are much more soluble in water
By controlling pH of the medium (amines base to acid) you can control the solubility of many medications
Carbonyl functional groups See note cards
cycolalkanes NOT aromatic rings. (alkane = single c-c bond only)
Rules of Nomenclature 1.) Define longest carbon chain 2.) Identify/name groups attached to chain 3.) Number chain consect, start end nearest substituent group 4.) designate location of sub group by # & name 5.) Assemle name of groups in alphabetical order
Iso prefix stands for a branched chain akyl group
Almost all anesthetic agents are Organic compounds
Nitrous is inoragnic
Halothane is halogenated hydrocarbon, (an ethane with F, Cl, or Br)
Inhalation gases other than halothane are halogentated ethers
Local anesthetics are made from amides and esters
Halogenation of hydrocarbons creates H atom replaced by a halogen atom (I, Br, Cl, F) to create a highly potent nonflammable gas
Enflurane and Isoflurane are Isomers, same chemical structure & weight, different physical characteristics
Ethers R-O-R most inhalation gases
Iso, Des and Sevo are Methyl ethyl ethers
Esters Local anesthetics, functional group is -COOR, R is akyl group.
Natural Epinephrine exists in L-isomer or L spin having greater beta 1 (cardiac) than beta 2 (pulmonary) activity
Racemic Epi nebulizer has 50/50 of R and L spin. Get more pulm effects with less tachycardia.
Created by: asaranita
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