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Amharic All

Idellem No
yellum all gone
ow yes
kes bey calm down
ta tahn ka key be careful
nah come (boy)
neh come (girl)
anta atfeligim you do not want (boy)
anchee atfeligm you do not want (girl)
anchee hey you (girl)
ante hey you (boy)
en heed let's go
simu listen
ey look
e weud e shall o I love you (girl)
e weud e hall o I love you (boy)
chigger yellum no probelm
ishi okay
chigger alle there is a problem
ze geh jew ready
mekafel share
asa yeen show me
kuchu belu sit down (p)
kuchu bay sit down (s)
ta ggesh be patient (girl)
ta gges be patient (boy)
tigist patience
guh bash do you understand
ih BAH kesh please (girl)
ih BAH keh please (boy)
ANZ nah lehu sorry
YAH suh deh GEH bless you
bee eat (girl)
BIH lah eat (boy)
eh REH boh hahl are you hungry (boy)
eh REH boh shahl are you hungry (girl)
eh REH boh AH cheh Hwahl are y'all hungry
meh RAHB hungry
meh TEH maht thirsty
TEH geh kun I'm full
tew stop it (boy)
tay stop it (girl)
TOH loh na come quickly
Tehn ya sleep
HEED TEHN ya go to sleep
heed go
wu TAH get out
KOOM stop
SAH men kiss me
go bez clever
ah HUHN now
eh REHF leave it alone
BECK ah finished, done, enough
TAh kah TAH tah yewu watch him
mook hot
metfo bad
tiru good
tiru beh TAHM very good
TOH lou quick, hurry
MAH zinh sad
meh KOH taht mad
dih KAHM tired
kuhss slowly, patiently
meudreus to arrive
deurswal it arrived
meuTeuyeuK to ask
teuyiKo ask him
meugzat to buy
geuzow i bought
meumTat to come
meuTan we came
madreug to do
tadeurgalleuch she's doing
meuTeuTat to drink
yiTeuTallu they're drinking
meusTeut to give
siTeuny give me
meuhed to go
anhedim it isn't going
maweuK to know
alawiKim I don't know
meumar to learn
yimaral he's learning
meuwdeud to like
yiweudallu do you like? (pol)
meunar to live (somewhere)
tinoralleuh you live ...
mafKeur to love
yafeuKratal he loves her
meusrat to make
meugeunanyeut to meet
inigeunany let's meet
meukfeul to pay
keufilwal he paid
manbeub to read
meumeulleus to return
meuKoyeut to stay
iKoyallo I'm staying
mayeut to see
aiyeuh you see
meunnageur to speak
teunageurku I speak
meuSaf to write
yiSafu you write (pol)
alleuny I have
alleuh you have (m)
alleush you have (f)
allot you have (pol)
allo he/it has
allat she/it has
allachu you (pl) have
alleun we have
allacho they have
neuny I am
neuh you are (m)
neush you are (f)
not you are (pol)
no he/ it is
neuch she / it is
nachu you (pl) are
neun we are
nacho they are
alleubiny I must
alleubih you must (m)
alleubish you must (f)
alleubiwot you must (pol)
alleubeut he / it must
alleubat she / it must
alleubachu you (pl) must
alleubin we must
alleubacho they must
ichilalallo I can
tichilalleuh you can (m)
tichiyalleush you can (f)
yeechilallu you can (pol)
yeechilal he/ it can
tichilalleuch she /it can
tichilallachu you (pl) can
inchilalleun we can
yeechilallu they can
ifeulligallo I want
tifeulligalleuh you want (m)
tifeulligeeyalleush you want (f)
yeefeulligallu you want (pol)
yeefeulligal he /it wants
tifeulligalleuch she /it wants
tifeulligallachu you (pl) want
infeulligalleun we want
ieefeulligallu they want
min What?
mindin what?
meuche When?
Man who?
yeut Where?
leumin Why?
leumindin Why?
sint? How much?
min tareugalleuh? What are you doing?
man no? Who is it?
sint gize yeeweudsdal how much time will it take?
Apple pom
Banana moose
Bread dabo
Chicken doro
Coffee bunna
Drink metet
Eggs en ku lal
Fish asa
Full tegebihugn
Honey mar
Hungry rabeh
Ice cream gelati
Juice chimmakee
Meat siga
Milk weutet
Orange bertukan
Rice ros
Tea chai
Water Woo ha
I'm hungry a robin
Breakfast kurs
Lunch mesa
Dinner e raht
Fork shu kah
Spoon man ka
bottle tee toh
Excuse me yikuhrta
Goodbye (casual) ciao
hello tay nah yist tahl leen
peace salem
How are you? (girl) Dehna nesh
Please (girl) ibahkish
Sorry aznalo
Thank you ah mah se ga nah lo
What's your name? (girl) Sem me man esh?
good morning indemin adderu
good afternoon indemin walu
good evening indemin ameshu
how are you? indemin allu
good night dehna yideru
good day dehna yiwalu
good evening dehna amshu
good bye dehna hunu
samuna soap
fota towel
birdlibs blanket
tirass pillow
weunbeur chair
kulf key
shint bet toilet
tembir stamp
miskeen beggar
keubeuro drum
gojo bet hut
hisan baby
deuha poor
habtam rich
geunzeub money
dabbo bet bakery
yeu libs suk clothes shop
geubiya market
dabbo bread
soft toilet paper
cho salt
weuteut milk
keumiss dress
Kob hat
porsa purse
Chamma shoes
yeu kees porsa wallet
TiKur black
seumayawee blue
buna aineut brown
areungwade green
birtukan aineut orange
Kai red
biCha yellow
meukwakwaya cosmetics
meustaweut mirror
yeu Tirsburish toothbrush
TuTo baby bottle
meuSihaf book
meuSihet magazine
keuteuma town
karta map
meungeud road
iskripto pen
irsass pencil
kompyuteur computer
sidi CD
batri dingai battery
kamera camera
film film
vidiyo kaset videotape
sigara cigarette
tiliK big
beuKi enough
tinnish small
bizu many
andand some
beutam bizu too many
meuls change
Kurs breakfast
misa lunch
irat dinner
meukseuss snack
shuka fork
kubaya cup
belawa knife
mankeeya spoon
TafaCH sweet
muK hot
TeureuPeza table
sikwar sugar
inKulal eggs
shinkurt onion
pom apple
muz banana
wain grapes/ wine
mata night
dinkwan tent
irsha farm
ateurgwamee interpreter
teurara moTat mountain climbing
zinab rain
neufass wind
zinjeuro monkey
neubir leopard
kokoboch stars
CHeureuKa moon
kwass ball
feuss fart
eyes ain
aff mouth
joro ears
milas tongue
gudfeucha adoption
afinCHa nose
Tirs teeth
iger foot/leg
ij hand
Tat finger
abdomen hod
ability chilota
about (concerning) sile
about (nearly) yahil
above kebelay
abroad wichager
absent keree
abundant bizu
accident adega
account heesab
ïndämïn how
dähna well, fine
iss... how about? (added to the end of the word)
Abbat father
ïnnat Mother
Inna and
Mist wife
abbatïnna innatih father and mother
bäl ahun well then, well now
ïne I
antä you, masc. informal
ïssu he
ïrswo you (formal, polite)
yarswo your (formal, polite)
yäne my
ïñña we
imm also, too
igser yïmmäsgn thank you (may god be praised)
gobez good (for action, not food or drink)
gobez näh you are good
bunna o konjorno the coffee is really good
Konjo nän? am i beautiful?
Kiddus Saint
näñ I am
näh You are (masc. informal)
näsh you are (fem, informal)
naccäw they are / he / she is (formal, polite)
näwot you are (formal polite)
näcc she is
näw he is
nän we are
eat በላ - bälla - mäblat - jybälal
buy ገዛ - gäzza - mägzat - jygäzal
hear ሰማ - sämma
make, work ሠራ - Särra - mäSrat - jySäral
go up, go out, leave ወጣ - wäTTa - mäwTat - jywäTal
see አየ - ajjä - majät - jajal
close ዘጋ - zägga - mäzgat - jyzägal
drink ጠጣ - TäTTa - mäTäTTat - jyTäTTal
wait ቆየ - k'ojjä
come መጣ - mäTTa - mämTat - jymäTal
give ሰጠ - säTTä - mäsTät - jysäTal
help ረዳ - rädda - märdat - jyrädal
remain ቀረ - Kärrä
become bad ከፈ - käffä - mäkfat - jykäfal
call ጠራ - Tärra - mäTrat - jyTäral
go ሄደ - hedä - mähed - jyhedal
bekome ሆነ - honä
sell ሼጠ - szäTä - mäszäT - jyszäTal
send ላከ - lakä
write ጻፈ - TSafä - mäTSaf - jyTSyfal
kiss ሳመ - samä
learn ተማረ - tämarä
be able, can ቻለ - czalä - mäczal - jyczylal
turn ዞረ - zorä - mäzor - jyzoral
say (irreg.) አለ - alä - malät - jylal
enter, arrive ገባ - gäbba - mägbat - jygäbal
arrive ደረሰ - därräsä
speak ነገረ - näggärä - mängär - jynägral
take ወሰደ - wässädä - mäwsäd - jywäsdal
begin ጀመረ - dżämmärä - mädżämmär - jydżämmiral
open ከፈተ - käffätä - mäkfät - jykäftal
know አወቀ - awwäKä - mawäK - jawKal
finish ጨረሰ - Czärräsä - mäCzärräs - jyCzärrysal
want ፈለገ - fällägä - mäfälläg - jyfällygal
try ሞከረ - mokkärä
like ወደደ - wäddädä
return መለሰ - (tä)mälläsä - mämmäläs - jymmälläsal
treat አከመ - akkämä
ring ደወለ - däwwälä
get used to ለመደ - lämmädä
wait for, expect, look after ጠበቀ - TäbbäKä - mäTäbbäK - jyTäbbyKal
break ሰበረ - säbbärä
cause pain, make ill አመመ - ammämä - mamäm - jammal
be sick, ill ታመመ - tammämä - mättamäm - jyttammämal
visit ጎበኘ - gobäńńa
seem, look like መሰለ - mässälä - mämsäl - jymäslal
show አሳየ - asayyä - masajjät - jasajjal
repeat ደግመ - däggämä - mädgäm - jydägmal
pay ከፈለ - käffälä - mäkfäl - jykäflal
rest አረፈ - arräfä - maräf - jarfal
ask ጠጀቀ - TädżżäKä - mäTädżäK - jyTädżKal
find አገኘ - agäńńä - magńät - jagäńńal
do አደረገ - adärrägä - madräg - jadärgal
get up, depart, leave ተነሰ - tänässa - männäsat - jynnessal
wash oneself ታጠበ - taTTäbä - mättaTäb - jyttaTTäbal
study አጠና - aTäńńa - maTńat - jaTäńal
learn, study, drill ተማረ - tämarä - mämmar - jymmaral
see each other ተያዩ - täjajju - mättäjajät - jyttäjajjalu
be necessary አስፈለገ asfällägä
zbierać się, gromadzić ሰበሰበ säbässäbä
mix ቀላቀለ - KälaKKlä
examine መረመረ märämmärä
testify መሰከረ mäsäkkärä
be wet በሰበሰ bäsäbbäsä
mingle, mix ደባሰቀ däballäKä
zakazywać ከለከለ käläkkälä
translate ተረጐመ täräggwämä
utykać, halka አነከለ anäkkäsä
shake ነቀነቀ näKännäKä
meet ተገናኘ - tägänańńa - mäggänańńät - jyggänańńal
read አነበበ - anäbbäbä - manbäb - janäbbal
spend a few days ሰነበተ - sänäbbätä - mäsänbät - jysänäbbytal
sing ዘፈነ - zäffänä
cancel ሰረዘ - särräzä
Now ahun
Later Buhalla
Just a minute ahnd gize
Not yet gena new
Today zare
Tomorrow nuhguh
Yesterday tenant
No Idellem
All gone yellum
Yes ow
Calm down kes bey
Careful ta tahn ka key
Come (boy) nah
Come (girl) neaye
enough bekka
Hey you (female) anchee
Hey you (male) ante
How much? sent no?
Hurry toh low
I dont want eh fall ah go
Let's go en heed
Look ey
(be) careful leh-yeu-weh-che (girl)
I love you (girl) e weud e shall o
no problem chigger yellum
yes problem chigger alle
Ok Isshy
Ready ze geh jew
School tim ur te bet
Share mekafel
Show me asa yeen
Sit down (two) kuchu-belu
Sit down (one) kuchu-bay
Stop thai
Brother wendim
papa abbabba
Family beta seb
Friend gwadegna
Mama enat
Old man shimagele
Old woman arogeet
Sister ihit
i am ine negn
you are (m) ante neh
you are (f) anchee nesh
he is issu new
she is isswa nat
we are igna nen
you are (pl) innante nachihu
they are innessu nachew
you are irsiwo newot
he is issachew nachew
she is isswachew nachew
1 and
2 hulet
3 sost
4 arat
5 amist
6 sidist
7 sebat
8 semint
9 zetegn
10 asir
20 haya
30 selasa
40 arba
50 hamsa
60 silsa
70 seba
80 semanya
90 zetegna
100 and meto
1000 and sh
dog wusha
cat dimit
bird wef
frog inkurarit
dove irgib
cow lam
oxen beray
lamb bug
goat fiyel
chicken doro
lion ambasa
tiger nebir
elephant zehon
hyena jib
fox ke(!)bero
rabbit ti(!)nchel
hippo asenabari
crocodile azo
mouse/rat ayt(!)
frog inku(!)rarit
monkey to(!)ta(!)
snake ibab
fly zimb
bee nib
baboon zinjero
deer agazen
bear dib
turtle eli
giraffe kech(!)inay
wolf tekula
zebra yemedahiya
rhino awraris
pig assama
camel gimel
horse fares
chick cha(!)chu(!)t
sint seuat no? What time is it?
... seuat no. It's .... o'clock
leu ... seuat rub guddai quarter to ...
... seuat keurub quarter past...
.... seuat teukul half past ...
seunyo Monday
makseunyo Tuesday
rob Wednesday
hamus Thursday
arb Friday
Kidame Saturday
ihud Sunday
weudiyownu immediately
ahun now
zare keuseuat this afternoon
zare mishit this evening
beuzzi weur this month
zare Teuwat this morning
beuzzi simint this week
zare today
zare mata tonight
keu tinantina weudiya day before yesterday
keu .... keun beufeet .... days ago
tinantina mata last night
yaleufo simint last week
yaleufo ameut last year
tinantina yesterday
tinantina keuseuat yesterday afternoon
negeu tommorrow
and one
huleutt two
sost three
arat four
amist five
sidist six
seubat seven
simint eight
zeuTeuny nine
assir ten
assra and eleven
assra huleutt twelve
assra sost thirteen
assra arat fourteen
amist five
sidist six
seubat seven
simint eight
zeuTeuny nine
haya twenty
seulassa thirty
arba forty
hamsa fifty
silsa sixty
seuba seventy
seumanya eighty
zeuTeuna ninety
meuto one hundred
huleutt meuto two hundred
sost meuto three hundred
arat meuto four hundred
amist meuto five hundred
and shi one thousand
meuto shi one hundred thousand
and milliyon one million
andeunya first
huleuteunya second
i was ine nebberku
you were (m) ante nebberk
you were (f) anchee nebbersh
he was issu nebbere
she was isswa nebberech
we were igna nebbern
you're innante nebberachihu
they were innessu nebberu
you were irswo nebberu
he was issachew nebberu
mine yene
yours (m) yante
yours (f) yanchee
his yessu
hers yesswa
ours yegna
yours yennante
theirs yennessu
it is yours yante new
it is ours yegna new
it is mine yene new
it is your house yante bet new
it is our house yegna bet new
it is my house yene bet new
my house bete
your house (m) betih
your house (f) betish
his house betu
her house betwa
our house betachin
your house (pl) betachihu
their house betachew
i go ihedallehu
you go (m) tihedalleh
you go (f) tihedjallesh
he goes yihedal
she goes tihedallech
we go innihedallen
you go (pl) tihedallachihu
they go yihedallu
Ant gundan
Antonym tekaranee
Any manignawm
Anybody mannim sew
Anything mannim neger
Ape tota
Apology yikirta
Appearance melk
Applicant amelkach
Application mamelkeccha
Appointment(rank) shumet
Appointment(time) ketero
Approval simiminnet
Approximately begimmit
Archbishop leekepapas
Argument kirikkir
Arithmetic kutir
Arm kind
Armpit bibbit
Arms yetor-messarya
Army tot seraweet
Around bezurya
Around(about) be---gedema
Art tibeb
Artificial sew-serrash
As inde
Ash amed
Ashtray yesidjara merragefya
Aside kegwen
Ass ahiyya
Assassin nefsegeday
Assembly sibseba
Assistance irdata
Assistant reddat
Association mahber
Astrologer kokeb kotaree
Astrology kekeb kotera
At be
Atmosphere ayyer
Attention tinkake
Attentive tinkuk
Attorney akkabe hig
Auction haradj
Audience admachoch
Aunt akist
Author derasee
Authority siltan
Automobile awtomobeel
Avenue godana
Away keruk
Backpack borsa
Ball kwass
Balloon feena
Bed alga
Butterfly birabiro
Car mackeena
Dog wushaw
Flower ababa
Horse ferres
Love fikir
Pen escribito
Rain zaneb
Room bet
Swimming pool wanna
Telephone silk
this (m) yih
this (f) yihch
that (m) ya
that (f) yach
these innezeeh
those innegna
this is (m) yihe new
this is (f) yihch nat
these are innezeeh nachew
those are innezya nachew
this is beautiful (f) yihch konjo nat
this is yours (m) yih yante new
these will go innezeeh yihedallu
that woman is beautiful yihch set konjo nat
this book is yours yih metshas yante new
these men are going innezeeh sewoch yihedallu
i wear ilebsallehu
you wear (f) tilebshallesh
i jump izellallehu
you jump (f) tizeyyallesh
i leave itewallehu
you leave (f) titeyallesh
i sell ishetallehu
you sell (f) tishechallesh
to wear melbes
i wear ilebsallehu
to jump mezlel
i jump izellallehu
to leave metew
i leave itewallehu
to sing mezemmer
i sing izemmirallehu
to begin medjemmer
i begin idjemmirallehu
to finish mecherres
i finish icherrisallehu
to shoot metekos
i shoot itekusallehu
to kill megdel
i kill igedlallehu
to sell meshet
i sell ishetallehu
to give mestet
i give isetallehu
to tell menger
i tell inegrallehu
to pay mekfal
i pay ikeflallehu
to live menor
i live inorallehu
to open mekfet
i open ikeftallehu
Created by: 616620740
Popular Languages sets




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