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Nurs1715 BloodAdmin
Blood administration
Question | Answer |
One whole unit of blood contains? | 450mL of blood and 50mL of anticoagulant |
one unit of packed red blood cells contain? | 250mL and 300mL of blood with 50mL of anticoagulant |
Blood has a refrigerated shelf life of? | 35 to 42 days |
Frozen blood has a shelf life of? | 10 years |
can only be stored for 5 days | platelets |
true or false: platelets should be frozen | FALSE platelets can't handle cold temps, and therefore should be stored at room temp. |
how long do erythrocytes(RBC) live? | 120 days |
An _____is a substance that can stimulate the body to make antibodies. | antigen |
Which blood type is the universal donor? | type O |
which blood type is the universal recipient? | type AB |
antigen A on the cell surface of the RBC, no antibody A but does have antibody B in plasma | type A blood |
which type of blood can recieve type B? | Type A blood |
antiegen B on cell surface of RBC, no antibody B but does have antibody A in plasma | type B |
which type of blood can't take type A blood? | Type B |
antigen A and B on cell surface of RBC, no antibodies A or B in plasma | type AB |
no antigens on cell surface of RBC, do not have antibodies A or B in plasma | type O |
which blood type can only receive type O blood? | type O |
What is an Rh-negative mother given after birth of every baby to prevent the formation of antibodies? | RhoGAM |
how much does a person have to weight to donate blood? | 110lbs |
If a person has cancer of any organ, besides skin, how long would they have to wait to donate blood? | 10 years |
How old do you have to be to donate blood? | anyone over 17 years of age; anyone over 65 if they are in good health may donate blood. |
transfusion using stored blood of others | homologous blood transfusion |
collection of client's own blood for future transfusion | autologous blood transfusion |
blood lost into sterile cavity is suctioned into cellsaver machine. Whole blood or PRBCs are washed (often with saline), filtered, and returned back to patient as an IV infusion. | Intraoperative blood salvage |
1-2 units of blood removed from patient through venous or arterial line and simultaneously replaced with colloid/crystalloid solution. Blood obtaned is then re-infused after surgery. | Hemodilution |
what is the main advantage of hemodilution? | patient loses fewer RBC, because added IV solutions dilute concentration and lowers Hct. |
The nurse must directly monitor the patient for how long after a blood transfusion is started? | the nurse must stay with the patient a full 15 min after infusion has begun. |
how often does the nurse check vitals after infusion begins? | every 15 min x4 |
Infusion is usually started at which flow rate? | 75cc/hr and then increased to 125cc/hr because blood can only hang for four hours |
when should you change tubing when giving administering a blood infusion? | with every unit or every 2 units |
Can you give meds when a person is receiving blood? | unless there is a multiple lumen, meds should be given before or after blood administration. |
chills followed by fever (within 2 hours), muscle stiffness, anxiety | febrile nonhemolytic reaction |
occurs when a donor is incompatiable with a recipient | acute hemolytic reaction |
continuance of blood transfusion after circulatory overload is discovered can cause? | production of pink, frothy sputum |
too much blood infused too quickly increasing vascular spaces and heart cannot handle, hypervolemia can occur. | circulatory overload |
due to mechanical trauma, infusing solution something else other than normal salone. When blood is hung with other solution or med was added | hemolysis reaction |
cannot occur if old blood transfused usually after 4 hour limit. K is released by old hemolysized blood. | hyperkalemia |