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GI DisordersTest

GI Disorder Accessory Organ Disorders

What are the nursing interventions for the Oral Cholecystography (Gallbladder Series) X-Ray visualizationof gallbladder Assess for allergies to iodine, administer 6 telepaque tablets orally after evening meal, and NPO after midnight.
What is the rationale for the IV Cholangiography Radiographic dye is administered IV, able to visualize common bile duct and gallbladder and patency of cystic duct.
rationale for the Operative Cholangiography Common bile duct is directly injected with radiopaque dye. Visualization of stones, or other obstruction to prevent uneccessary cbd exploration.
Name the rationale and nursing interventions for the Ultrasound of the gallbladder, liver and or biliary system used to visualize deep structures by recording reflections of ultrasonic waves directed into tissue. NPO after midnight, should be done before any barium studies.
Rationale and Nursing interventions for Gallbladder Scanning Injection of technetium 99 is given and scan is done to see the gallbladder and biliary tract. NPO after midnight.
Rational and nursing intervention for Liver Biopsy needle inserted through abdomen into liver to remove a piece of liver tissue. Informed consent, NPO for 4-8 hrs, assess for normal platelet count and prothrombin time. assess for s/s bleeding, vitals every 15 min x 1 hr, every 30 min x 4 hrs every 4 hrs
continued for liver biopsy assess for collapsed lung, and bed rest for 24 hrs. Keep patient on right side for atlest 2 hrs.
Rationale for liver scan and nursing interv. radionuclide per iv, geiger counter to record distribution of radioactive particles.N NPO after midnight.
Rationale and nursing intervention for ultrasound of pancreas used to diagnose carcinoma, pseudocyst, pancreatitis,and abcess. NPO 8 hrs prior.
Rationale and nursing interventions of CT of the abdomen Cross section image, diagnose inflamm., tumors, cysts, etc.. NPO after midnight, may experience claustrophobia.
What is the rationale for the ERCP of the Pancreatic Duct Fiberoptic duodenoscope is inserted thru oral pharynx, esophagus and stomach into duodenum. due injected for radiographic view of cbd and pancreas to ck for stones and place stints to bypass obstructions
Nursing interventions for the ERCP test NPO 8 hrs before test, informed consent, remain still for 1-2 hrs prior to, NPO until gag reflex returns assess for abdominal pain, s/s pancreatitis
T-tube cholangiogram is used to diagnose retained ductal stones and or leaks and demonstrates good flow of contrast into the duodenum
what are the nursing interventions for the t-tube cholangiogram t tube to closed drainage system, cover site with sterile dressing (once tube is removed), assess for allergies to iodine, NPO after midnight.
Created by: dallen_71
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