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Health Assess Ch15


Air Conduction (AC) Normal pathway of hearing; most effecient, transmitted thru ear canal and middle ear
Bone Conduction (BC) Bones of the skull vibrate, transmitted directly to inner ear and CN VIII
Conductive Hearing Loss Involves a mechanical dysfunction of the external or middle ear, partial loss
Causes of Conductive Hearing Loss Impacted cerumen, foreign bodies, perforated TM, pus/serum in ear, and otosclerosis
Sensorineural (or Perceptive) Loss Signifies pathology of the inner ear, CN VIII, or auditory areas of cerebral cortex
Causes of Sensorineural Loss Presbycusis and ototoxic drugs
Presbycusis A gradual nerve degeneration that occurs with aging
Vertigo A staggering gait and a strong, spinning, whirling sensation
What is the difference between a child and an adult's eustachian tube? Child- shorter, wider and more horizontal than adult's which is sloped
Otosclerosis Common cause of conductive loss, ages 20-40; gradual hardening of stapes to oval window
Otitis Media (OM) Middle ear infection, most commone illnesses in children
Who is more prevalent to dry cerumen, which is gray and flaky? Asian and American Indians
Who is more prevalent to wet cerumen, which is honey to dark brown and moist? Blacks and Whites
Tinnitus Ringing, crackling, or buzzing in ear
Objective signs of hearing loss Lip reading, frowning or straining forward to hear, frequently asks to repeat, loud voice
Tympanic membrane (TM) Ear drum, translucent, pearly gray w/cone of light (reflection of scope light)
What should you do when inspecting an adult's ear with an otoscope? Pull the pinna up and back, helps straighten the S-shape of the canal
What shoulf you do when inspecting a child under 3 years of age with an otoscope? Pull the pinna down
Where should the cone of light be in the right ear? 5 o'clock
Where should the cone of light be in the left ear? 7 o'clock
Whispered Voice Test Test one ear, mask hearing in other, whisper two-syllable words(Tuesday),they repeat aloud
How should you activate a tuning fork? Hold it by the stem and strike on the back or heel of your hand
Weber Test Place tuning fork in middle of skull and ask if sound is heard the same in both ears equally
Rinne Test Compares AC & BC; place fork on mastoid process and then near ear when sound is gone
What is the normal response or positive Rinne Test? Sound is heard twice as long by AC as by BC; AC > BC
Romberg Test Assess ability to maintain standing balance; close eyes and stand in one spot
What should the position of the ear be? Top of pinna should match imaginary line from/to corner of eye; 10 degrees vertically
What does low-set ears or deviation in alignment indicate? Mental retardation or a genutourinary malformation
Frostbite Reddish blue discoloration and swelling; extreme cold exposure; pain, tender, necrosis
Otitis Externa (Swimmer's Ear) Outer Ear Infection; painful/redness of pinna, more common w/ humid weather or in water alot
Cerebrospinal Fluid Otorrhea Associated w/ severe head trauma; skull fracture- fluid leak from canal into concha
Tophi Small, whitish-yellow, hard, nontender nodules in or near helix; sign of gout
Keloid Overgrowth of scar tissue, more common in dark-skinned people
Carcinoma Ulcerated crusted nodule with indurated base that fails to heal; on pinna or ear canal
Excessive Cerumen B/c of narrow canal or poor cleaning; totally blocking- ear fullnes and sudden hearing loss
Foreign Body Beans, corn, cereals, jewelry beads, small stones, cotton, live insects
Scarred Drum Dense whire patches on eardrum b/c repeated ear infections, do not affect hearing
Blue Drum (Hemotympanum) Indicates blood in middle ear
What indicates conductive loss with the Weber Test? Sound lateralize to poorer ear from background noise, which masks hearing in normal ear
What indicates sensorineural loss with the Weber Test? Sound lateralize to better ear, poor ear is unable to perceive the sound
What indicates conductive loss with the Rinne Test? Sound is heard as long by BC (AC=BC)or even longer than AC (AC
What indicates sensorineural loss with the Rinne Test? Normal ratio (AC>BC), but reduced overall; hear poorly both ways
Insertion of Tympanostomy tubes Relieve middle ear pressure and promote drainage of recurrent infections, fall out
Created by: Futuredoctor09
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