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Rad Shoulder
Humerus and Shoulder Girdle
Question | Answer |
Scapulohumeral | Spheroidal or ball and socket(greater freedom of movement) |
Sternoclavicular | Plane or Gliding |
Acromioclavicular | Plane or Gliding |
Which of the following Humeral Structures is most distal? | Lesser Tubercle |
What is another term for the mid area of the costal surface of the scapula? | Subscapular Fossa |
Which of the following scapular structures is most posterior? | Acromion |
What is the classification for the scapulohumeral joint? | Spheroidal |
An injury of the anterioinferior aspect of the glenoid labrum is termed? | Bankart Lesion |
Which of the following AP proximal shoulder projections will demo the lesser tubercle in profile? | Internal rotation |
Which of the following projections will best demo a possible Hills-Sachs defect? | N/A |
How much is the body rotation for a posterior oblique position?-Grashey Method | 35-45 degrees |
What anatomy of the shoulder is best demo'd with a Tangential Projection?-Fisk Modification | Glenoid Cavity |
How much should the CR be angled for an AP axial projection of the clavicle on an asthenic PT? | N/A |
The use of AEC is not recommended for the AP projection of the Scapula. T or F? | N/A |
The shoulder girdle consists of ____, ____, and _____. | Proximal Humerus, Scapula, and Clavicle. |
The 3 aspects of the Clavicle are the? | Sternal Extremity, Body(shaft), and Acromial Extremity. |
Do females or males have thicker or more curvy in shape Clavicles? | Male |
The 3 angles of the Scapula include? | Lateral Angle, Superior Angle, and Inferior Angle |
Anterior Side of the Scapula is referred to as? | Costal Surface |
Anatomic Name for Armpit? | Axilla |
2 Fossae located on the posterior Scapula? | Infraspinous Fossa and Supraspinous Fossa |
All joints of the shoulder girdle are classified as being? | Synovial (Diarthrodial) |
Scapulohumeral-joint classification | Spheroidal |
Sternoclavicular-joint classification | Plane |
Acromioclavicular-joint classification | Plane |
Greater Tubercle | Proximal Humerus |
Coracoid Process | Scapula |
Crest of Spine | Scapula |
Coronoid Process | Not part of the shoulder girdle |
Acromial Extremity | Clavicle |
Intertubercular Groove | Proximal Humerus |
Condylar Process | Not part of shoulder girdle |
Surgical Neck | Proximal Humerus |
At what angle should the affected arm be abducted from the body for the Inferosuperior Axial Projection? | 90 degrees |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if the Greater Tubercle is profiled laterally | External Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if the Humeral Epicondlyes angled 45 degrees the the IR | Neutral Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if the Epicondyles are perpendicular to the IR | Internal Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if there is supination of the hand | External Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if the palm of hand is against thigh | Neutral Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if Epicondyles are parallel to the IR | External Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if Lesser Tubercle is profiled medially | Internal Rotation |
Proximal Humerus Rotation if Proximal Humerus is in a lateral Position | Internal Rotation |
Proximal Humerus in position for an AP projection | External Rotation |
T or F: The use of a grid is not required for shoulders that measure less than 10 cm | TRUE |
T or F: Low mA with short exposure times should be used for adult shoulder studies? | FALSE |
T or F: Large focal spot setting should be selected for most adult shoulder studies? | FALSE |
T or F: A high speed screen IR is recommended for shoulder studies when using a grid? | TRUE |
T or F: The gonadal dose for most shoulder projections is .1 mrad or less. | TRUE |
T or F: The use of contact shields over the breast, lung, and thyroid regions is recommended for most shoulder projections? | TRUE |
kV range to be used for a shoulder series on the average adult? | 70 to 80 kV |
If physical immobilization is required, which individual should be asked to restrain a child for a shoulder series? | Parent or Guardian |
T or F: CT arthography of the shoulder joint requires the use of iodinated contrast media injected into the joint? | TRUE |
T or F: Nuclear Medicine bone scans can demo signs of osteomyelitis and cellulitis? | TRUE |
T or F: Ultrasound can provide a functional (dynamic) evaluation of joint movement that MRI cannot. | TRUE |
Compression between the greater tuberosity and soft tissues on the coracoacromial ligamentous and osseous arch? | Impingement Syndrome |
Injury of the anterioinferior glenoid labrum? | Bankart Lesion |
Inflammatory condition of the tendon? | Tendonitis |
Superior Displacement of the Distal Clavicle? | Acromioclavicular Joint Dislocation |
Compression fracture of the articular surface of the humeral head? | Hills-Sachs Defect |
Traumatic injury to one or more of the supportive muscles of the shoulder girdle? | Rotator Cuff Tear |
Atrophy of Skeletal Tissue? | Osteoporosis |
Subacromial Spurs | Impingement Syndrome |
Fluid Filled Joint Space | Bursitis |
Thin bony cortex | Osteoporosis |
Abnormal widening of acromioclavicular joint space | Acromioclavicular joint seperation |