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Health Promo Ch 9


Significance Refers to the level of priority assigned to the disease as a health concern
Stakeholders Individuals or groups that have a legitimate interest in the topic; e.g. hospitals
For the lead agency to develop and oversee the development process they must... Contact and organize necessary stakeholders
Primary objective of screening Detection of a disease in its early stages in order to treat it and defer its progession
Secondary objective of screening Reduce cost of disease management by avoiding costly interventions req. at later stages
What is the nurse responsibility with screening? Educating patients
What is the nurse not responsible for with screening? Making sure people follow-up and providing the treatment for follow up
People at risk for Breast Cancer Increase w/ age, women who never gave birth, gave birth before 20yr, early period n late menopause
Recommended screening for Breast Cancer Mammography every 1-2yrs for women 40 and over w/ or w/o clinical breast exam (CBE)
Colonoscopy is recommended when? For both men and women at age of 50 every 10 yrs
What is the third-leading cause of cancer deaths for men and women in the US? Colorectal Cancer
What is the tenth most common cancer among women in the US? Cervical Cancer
Who is at risk with cervical cancer? Women of low socioeconomic status, history of multiple partners, early sex, smokers, HIV
Annual screening of PAP test should be done on women of... Age 21 +/- within 3 yrs of 1st sex
What is the second-leading cause of cancer death among males in US? Prostate Cancer
What is one of the major modifiable risk factors for coronary heart disease? Elevated blood cholestrol levels
Recommended screening for high blood cholestrol levels begin at what age? Men age 35 and older, Women age 45 and older, and young adults age 20 w/ other risk factors
What is a leading risk factor for congestive heart failure, stroke and heart attack? Hypertension
What is the fifth-leading cause of death in persons age 25-44 yrs? 7th in ages 15-24 yrs? AIDS
Created by: Futuredoctor09
Popular Nursing sets




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