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CHIN 4010. Lesson 13

发展 fāzhǎn development; to develop
传承 chuánchéng to hand down
建设 jiànshè to construct
时髦 shímáo fashionable
追求 zhuīqiú pursuit; to seek
人文 rénwén humanities
精神 jīngshén spirit, essence
塑造 sùzào to model
似乎 sìhū it seems that
淡忘 dàn wàng to fade from one's memory
争相 zhēngxiāng to compete for
打造 dá zào to establish
品牌 pǐnpái brand
形象 xíngxiàng image
被视为 bèi shìwéi to be regarded as
技术 jìshù technology
对立面 duìlìmiàn opposite
管理者 guǎnlǐ zhě administrator
yǎn eye
推动 tuīdòng to push forward
提升 tíshēng to enhance
竞争力 jìngzhēnglì competitive strength
因素 yīnsù factor, element
piān measure word for an essay
关于 guānyú about, with regard to
苏州 Sūzhōu place name
双面绣 shuāng miàn xiù two-sided embroidery
比喻 bǐyù to compare
科技 kējì technology
协调 xiétiáo to harmonize
合为一体 héwéi yītǐ to combine into one
建成 jiànchéng to construct the city
原址 yuánzhǐ original site
变迁 biànqiān change, transition
投资者 tóuzīzhě investor
海外华人 hǎiwài Huárén overseas Chinese
发家之地 fā jiā zhī de the palce where one's business started to grow
安置 ānzhì to settle down
心灵 xīnlíng soul
居所 jūsuǒ residence
cháo toward
悠悠长长 yōuyōu cháng cháng long
小巷 xiǎoxiàng alley
wàng to look over
感觉 gǎnjué feeling, to feel
恍惚之间 huǎnghū zhījiān in a trance
jǐn only, merely
广州 Guǎngzhōu place name
深圳 Shēnzhèn place name
排名 páimíng to rank
jiū to probe into
忽视 hūshì to ignore
促进 cùjìn to promote, to accelerate
共识 gòngshí common consensus
否认 fǒurèn to deny, to negate
腾飞 téngfēi to boom
急功近利 jígōngjìnlì eager for quick success and instant benefit
切断 qiēduàn to cut off
记忆 jìyì memory
名义 míngyì in the name of
损害 sǔnhài to damage, to harm
个性 gèxìng individuality
当前 dāngqián current
不乏 bùfá there is no lack of
败笔 bàibǐ a poor or faulty stroke in calligraphy; failure
反映 fǎnyìng to reflect
规划 guīhuà to plan, plan
想象力 xiǎngxiànglì imagination
贫乏 pínfá lack, insufficient
拥有 yōngyǒu to possess, to own
模仿 mófǎng to imitate
与众不同 yǔzhòngbùtóng out of the ordinary
形成 xíngchéng to form, to take shape
积累 jīlěi to accumulate
跨越 kuàyuè to leap over
阶段 jiēduàn stage
培育 péiyù to foster
文明 wénmíng civilization
古国 gǔguó ancient country
深厚 shēnhòu profound, deep
赋予 fùyǔ to endow with
眼光 yǎnguāng foresight, insight
立足 lì zú to base oneself on
意识 yìshi thoughts, awareness
激活 jīhuó to activate
古老 gǔlǎo ancient
元素 yuánsù element
巧妙 qiǎomiào artfully, masterly
融合 rónghé to merge, to blend
古今 gǔjīn ancient and modern
高楼大厦 gāolóudàshà tall buildings and great mansions
小桥流水 Xiǎoqiáo liúshuǐ small bridge and running water
和谐 héxié harmoniously; harmony
相处 xiāngchǔ to get along
体会 tǐhuì to understand through something beyond the intellect
流淌 liútǎng to flow
关怀 guānhuái care; attentiveness
内涵 nèihán connotation
启迪 qǐdí inspiration, to inspire
吸引 xīyǐn to attract
资金 zījīn fund, capital
呈现 chéngxiàn to show, to display
多样 duōyàng varied, diversified
丰富 fēngfù abundant, rish
面貌 miànmào features
Created by: Ens7v
Popular Chinese sets




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