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CCAC NRN 102 Assessment for Risk Factors

_________ is one in which the lie or health of the mother or infant is jeopardized by a disorder conincidental with or unique to pregnancy. High Risk Pregnancy
What are three major causes of maternal death worldwide? hypertensive disorder, infection, and hemorrhage.
What are three major causes of maternal death in the US? gestational hypertension, puylmonary embolism, and hemorrhage.
What is the leading cause of death in the neonatal period? congenital anomalies
What is the goal of antenatal testing? identify fetal compromise before intrauterine asphyxia of the fetus occurs.
What is a noninvasive test that can be done at home? Fetal Kick Counts
What patient teaching should the nurse do in regard to Daily Fetal Movement Counts? Do it at the same time every day,if the baby has not moved in 12 hours, notify the physician immediately, or if the amount of movement is perceived to be less than the previous day, notify the health care provider.
______________provides crticial information to the health care provider regarding fetal activity, gestational age, and normal versus abnormal growth and assists with visualization during invasive tests. Ultrasound examination
Biophysical profile assesses what 5 things? Fetal breathing movements, fetal movements, fetal tone, amniotic fluid volume, nonstress test
A BPP is performed on a patient who is 39 weeks gestation. No fetal breathing was seen in 30 minutes,3 episodes of fetal limb movements were seen, there was extension of the legs with the movement, AFI was 4 cm, NST was nonreactive. What is the score? 4
What is the main role of nurses in BPP? Counseling and educating the patient about the procedure.
When can an amniocentesis be performed? After 14 weeks.
When can percutaneous umbilical blood sampling (PUBS) be done? In the second and third trimesters.
What is an indication for PUBS? Fetal Blood sampling and transfusion to include inherited blood disorders, karotyping of malformed fetus, detection of fetal infection, determination of acid-base status in IUGR, assessment and treatment of isoimmunization and thrombocytopenia.
When is CVS performed? Between 10 and 12 weeks.
Maternal Serum AFP levels are used as a diagnostic tool for NTD in pregnancy. False, it is a screening tool.
When is MSAFP done? 15 to 22 weeks.
What is the most widely applied technique for antepartum evaluation of the fetus? Nonstress testing
What are the advantages of NST? noninvasive, relatively inexpensive, and no know contraindications
Is NST more or less sensitive than a CST or BPP in detecting fetal compromise? Less
What is the criteria for a reactive NST? 2 or more accelerations of 15 beats/min lasting 15 or more seconds over a 20 min period, normal baseline rate, moderate variability.
A CST provides a warning of fetal compromise earlier or later than a NST with more or less false positive tests. earlier, less
What are 2 methods of CST? Nipple stimulation and oxytocin stimulated
How are the results of a CST interpreted? If no late decelerations the test is negative.
What is the nurse's role in antepartum testing? Educator and support person.
Created by: JayneAnn
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