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Con Ch. 1

Chapter 1 : Evolution of Nursing

Accreditation process where a program voluntarily seeks review by a given organization to determine whether program meets criteria
Certification the granting and recognition for achieved competency in a specific area of nursing
Health the absence of disease or other abnormal conditions; a state of mental, physical and social well-being
Holistic an approach to care that considers all factors
Illness abnormal process in which aspects of social,emtional or itellectual condition and function of a person is greatly diminished
Licensure the granting of a commision to a organization/person to engae in practice or activity
Medicine the art or science of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of disease and the maintenance of good health
Wellness a dynamic state of health in which an individual progress toward a higher level of functioning, achieving an optimal balance between internal and external enviroment
Patient recipient of health care
Approved program one that meets min. standards set by state agency
Health care system complete network of agencies, facilities and providers of health care
Clincal pathway map out expectations of the hospitalization according to designated time fram to assist patient in attaing desired outcome
Cross-training defined as training to care for surgical patients or as broad as housekeeping to give specific care to patient
Phoebe first deaconess, attened sickkin their homes : 60 AD
Fabiola first free hospital in Rome in 390AD
Theodor Fliedner first real scholl of nursing in kasierworth ,germany
Floerence Nightingale First nursing theorist, developed "nightingale plan", which included good hygiene, sanatation, patient observation,accuate record keeping, nutrional improvement
Dorothea Dix care for mentally ill
Clara Barton founder of Red Cross
Mary Ann Ball civil war heroine
Linda Richards first trained nurse in america, developed nursing and hospital records
Lavina Dock organized the Nation League of Nursing Education
Mary Mahoney first african-american nurse
Lillian Wald developed public health nursing in US
Mary Nutting developed curriculm concepts and guidlines for student nurses
Mary Breckenridge est. Frontier Nursing Service to delievr obstetric care in rural area of kentucky
NAPNE National Association of Practical Nurse Education
NFLPN National Federation of Liscensed Practical Nurses
NLN Nation League for Nursing
ANA American Nurses Association
BVNE/BNE Board of Nursing Examiners
Maslow hierarchy indentified the basic human needs...Physiocal, Safety and Security,Love and Belongingness,Esteem,Self-actualization
Role of NAPNES standardized ciurriculm
Role of NFLPN to protect nurses interests
Parse Theory healthis continual, open process rather than a state of well being of absence of disease
Benner and Wrubel Theory caring in central to essence of nursing
Leininger Theory Caring is unifying domain for nursing knowledge and practice
Roy Theory adaptation model based on physiologic,psychological, sociologic and dependence and independence adapative modes
Orem Theory Nursing is necessary when patient is unable to fulfill biological,psychological, development or social needs
Nightgale Theory Patients enviorment is arranged to facilitate the body's reparative processes
Factors Affecting Health Care Rising health care costs; Aging population; Advancement in Technology; Health care insurance;Malpractice insurance
Participants in Health Care System RN; LVN/LPN; Profesional health care specialists;
Major Concepts for nursing models Nursing;Patient;Health;Enviroment
Practical/Vocational Nursing is defined the activity of providing specific services to patients under direct supervision of RN, Physician or Dentist
Medicine =science
Medication =drugs
Social Factors affecting health lifestyle and personal financial hardship
Created by: Jaybob
Popular Nursing sets




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