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Progressive Era


person who wanted to destroy all trusts trustbuster
law that required food and drug makers to list all ingredients on their packages Pure Food and Drug Act
the protection of natural resources conservation
Roosevelt and his supporters split the Republican party in 1912 Bull Moose Party
act to regulate banking Federal Reserve Act
Commission with the power to order companies Federal Trade Commission
former slave who founded Tuskegee Institute in Alabama Brooker T. Washington
Professor,author,and public speaker,who was the first African American to earn a Ph.D. from Harvard W.E.B. DuBois
Organiation formed in 1909 to seek equal rights for African Americans NAACP
scientist who discovered new uses for crops grown in the south George Washington Carver
crusading jounalists who exposed social evils and corruption muckrackers
good of the people public interest
governor who introduced Progressive reforms in Wisconsin Robert La Fallette
election in which voters choose their party's candidate for the general election primary
procudure that allows voters to put a bill directly brbore the state legislature initiative
process in which a bill is submitted to a direct vote of the people referendum
procedure by which voters can remove an elected official from office recall
giving jobs to loyal supporters patronage
service that includes all federal jobs exept for elceted positions and those in the armed forces civil services
group resonsible for filling jobs in the federal government Civil Service Commission
group that was to oversee the railroad industry Interstate Commerce Commission
act that prohibited trusts or other businesses from limiting some competition Sherman Anti-trust Act
a president how took steps toward ending the spoils system Rutherdord Hayes
entered the White House in 1881 and tried to kimit the spoils system James Garfeild
Vice President,became president after Garfield's death Chester Aurthur
the public outcry led the government to take steps to__________ railroads and other businesses regulate
The Sherman Antitrust Act was used to stop A._______.Later the courts began to use the Sherman Antitrust Acts aganist B.________ A: labor unions B: trusts
Created by: 10jenjen10
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