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midterm med/surg2

nu140 midterm notes

C-reactive protein indicates stroke
alcohol and immunity chronic alcohol abuse decreases immune response
HIV protocol notify infection control officer- 2 or 3 drug combo depending on exposure taken for 4 weeks
risk groups for immunosuppression chronic diseases, alcohol, age, stress, surgical patients
S&S of scabies curved or white lines or eryhtematosus ridges in skin
nodular malignant melanoma may resemble blackberry,uniform grey or grey-black color-less favorable prognosis
Use of whirpools for healing pressure ulcers whirlpool helps to debride and stimulated regranulation of cells
skin tear repairs and protocols if flap dry remove, if viable put back on and secure,gently clean- do not disturb*5d steristrip or bandage
Rule of "9" for burns arms&legs=9% each (front 4.54,back 4.5)chest 18, back (incl buttocks)18%,head front&back 4.5% each(total 9%) groin 1%
types of dermatitis contact dermatitis,atopic dermatitis,stasis dermatitis,sebhorreic dermatitis
what defines an "open" dressing ointment is placed on wound directly, wound may be covered but dressing is NOT secured
presbyopia extension of the distance from the eye at which an item to be read is held
age related eye changes lens harder, presbyopia, narrower field of vision, color discrimination loss, decreased moistuer secretions,ectopion, ptosis, subq fat and tissue elasticity decrease, arcus senilus, cornea flattens, sclera yellows, iris less able to dilate.
self assessment for sympathomimetics- patient teaching BP, pulse, skin, orthostatic HTN- only what they can do on own- not what nurse can do for them
ataxia inability to walk in an even steady gait as seen in neuro damage and parkinsonism
cataracts opacity of lens causing blurry vision,smoking greatly increase developement risk.
how is accomodation of the pupil achieved? ciliary muscles and ligaments change the shape of the LENS rounding or flattening it.
FOuR neuro checks Full Outline of UnResponsiveness- measures eye motor brainstem and respiratory responses
series of responsive determination tests for determining LOC 1st- shake, 2nd-eye press, 3rd-pich trapezius, last- sternal rub
subjective data pertinent to Dx of concussion AMNESIA for event
Viruses associated with Guilliane Barre' cytolomegalovirus and EBV
Parkinson' triad bradykinesia, tremor, rigidity
difference between a partial and general siezure partial siezures are localized, general siezures are bilaterally symetrical
what causes siezures ( basic etiology) anoxia to brain tissue from either ischemia or infarct
Agnosia condition in which there is a disconnect between what the object is and what you do with it.
Scotoma & migraines "spots before the eyes" with or without an aura as a precursor to migraine onset
eye care in Bell's Palsy patch if no blink, artificial ttears for corneal dryness, corticosteroids if <7d, acyclovir for underlying herpes infection
wax and waning of MS symptoms evident in 80% of all MS cases. remission and exacerbation alternating
Underlying Cause of MS AUTOIMMUNE,
MS is diagnosed by S&S no definitive casue
main treatment for MS methylprednisolone (Prednisone)
Guillain Barre precursors viral infection. onset in typically 10-20 days
Early signs of MG diploplia, dysphagia,, ptosis, hoarse /nasal voice, severe weakness that inproves with rest.
S&S of Subdural hematoma (esp. in elderly) increase irritability, increased lethargy, dull headache, CONFUSION
side effect of parkinsons' Insomnia R/T inability to decrease tremor
why immunoglobulin? Immunoglobulins are delivered IV fro patients who may be immunocompromised or who already have a specific disease
why do the elderly have slow reflexes? deterioration of myelin sheath and slowing of impulses with age
S&S of anaphalaxis SOB,angioedema,wheals,drop in BP, Dyspnea, convulsions and RAPID INCREASE IN SEVERITY of symptoms
treatment for anaphalaxis EPInephrine is initial intervention
AD (autonomic dysreflexia) decrease Heart rate, increased BP and a small stimulus cause an exagerrated reaction to a stimulus
dysarthria slurring or indistinct speech, difficulty speaking
lhermitties' sign bending neck causes apainful electrical sensation to run down spine
menieres disease and patient precautions no sudden movements (esp of head or neck)
stem cells produce in Bone Marrow and fetal tissue. important becasue may be able to grow into any type of cells
acquired immunity vaccination or have the disease
ELISA enzyme linked immuno sorbant assay
sympathetic nervous system fight or flight responses
parasympathetic response to sympathetic
cranial nerves 12pairs-OOOTTAFAGVSH-
Levels of consciousness alert, confused answers with cues, lethargic (in/out) obtunded-unconscoius and unresponsive
Guillian Barre' syndrome present 10-21 d post viral infection- manifests from TOES UP(this is why it is different) self limiting- nursing priority- PROTECT AIRWAY in acute phase
cornea reflects light on lens
lens lets light in out
retina rods and cones for color and shape, FLASHES OF COLORED LIGHTS with detachment
glaucoma loss of peripheral vision R/T increase in IOP of aqueaous humor
S&S of ICP increase cushing's triad (widening oulse oressure with systolic rise), rapid and irregular respirations, bradycardia witha full bounding pulse) pupillary changes
S&S of EPIDURAL hematoma peri-orbital fx, ecchymoses (racoon eyes), battles sign (bruising behind ear), rhinorrhea, otorrhea, tinnitus /hearing issues, facial paralysis, Conjugate deviation of eyes (eyes go opposite each other)
menieres disease basically chronic severe vertigo with any movement of head
post surgical nursing care most often POSITION ON UNAFFECTED SIDE
hyperopia farsighted- light focuses after retina
myopia nearsighted- light focuses before the retina
retinal detachment demonstrated by flashing COLORED LIGHTs
menieres disease basically chronic severe vertigo with any movement of head
post surgical nursing care most often POSITION ON UNAFFECTED SIDE
hyperopia farsighted- light focuses after retina
myopia nearsighted- light focuses before the retina
retinal detachment demonstrated by flashing COLORED LIGHTs
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