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RCS1-O2 Delivery Dev
Types of Oxygen delivery devices
Question | Answer |
What is the most common type of oxygen delivery system? KH | A nasal cannula |
Which two masks have the advantage of allowing the patient to breath room air should the oxygen delivery system fail? KH | Simple and partial rebreather masks |
What type of device will give a guaranteed FiO2 no matter what the patient’s venilatory pattern is? KH | High flow device |
What kind of mask requires the liter flow to be at least 5 LPM to ensure that CO2 is being flushed out? KH | Simple mask |
What type of O2 device delivers FiO2 from 28 -100%? KH | Air-entrainment nebulizer |
What are advantages of a high flow device? KH | They are precise and stable and the patient’s rr and Vt have no effect on FIO2% |
What is defined as a device that does NOT meet all the inspiratory flow demands of the patient? KH | Low flow device |
What device delivers up to 100% O2, if bag does not completely collapse during inhalation? KH | Non-rebreathing mask |
If bag on a non-rebreathing mask collapses more than 2/3 the capacity what can you do to correct the problem? KH | Turn up the flow. |
What is similar to a simple mask designed to fit over neck area than mouth and nose? KH | Tracheostomy Mask |
Who is a croup tent never to be used on? KH | Newborns |
What is a clear plastic shell that encompasses the head to provide O2 therapy to children <1 year of age? KH | Oxygen hood |
What is another name for an air-entranment mask? KH | Venturi mask or venti mask |
What are disadvantages of a nasal cannula? KH | Drying of mucosa and nares, increased chance of nosebleeds, soreness and breakdown of tissue around ears. |
What does affect the delivered FiO2 in a venturi mask? KH | A blocked entrainment port |
True or False Your are supposed to use a humidifier with a venturi mask. KH | False |