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pne188 mood disorder
Question | Answer |
bipolar 1 | manic or mixed episodes |
bipolar 2 | 1 or > depressive episodes or 1 depressive episode + hypomanic episode |
medical treatment for manic episodes | antipsychotics |
medical treatment for depressive episodes | antidepressents, ect |
anxiety | used to describe feelings of uncertainty, uneasiness, apprehension, or tension that a person experiences in response to an unknown object or situation. |
fear | body's physiologic and emotional reponse to a know or recognized danger. |
generalized anxiety disorder | characterized by unrealistic or excessiveanxity and worry occurring more day than not in a 6-month period. |
Obsessive-compulsive disorder | a persistent, painful,intrusive,thought,emotion or urge that one is unable to ignore or the preformance of a repetitious, uncontrollable, but seemingly purposeful act to prevent some furture event or situation, or a combination of both. |
post-trauamatic stress disorder | a syndrome that develops after an individual sees, is involved in, or hears about a traumatic experience. |
phobias | irrational fear of an object, activity, of situation that is out of proportion to the stimulus and results in avoidance of the identified object, activity, or situation. |
somtoform disorder | (blank) |