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the liver

the liver.

What is the largest organ EVER the liver.
How is the liver divided Left & right lobes
what are the lobules of the liver? hepatic cells radiating from central hepatic vein separated by sinusoids. all are exposed to blood to filter.
how does the liver get its blood portal and heptatic
what kinds of cells does it have hepatocyte & kupffer
what does hepatocyte do line sinusoids, secrete bile
what does kupffer do remove and phagocyzes old blood/bacteria/whatever
what does the bile that the liver secretes do emulsifies fats and make micelles to send fatty acids/vitamins to intestine for absorbtion
what does teh liver metaboolize hormones and drugs
what hormones does it inactivate insulin and glucagon
what cannot be excreted by the kidneys that the liver metabolizees lipid-soluble substances
what nutrients does it metabolize fats proteins carbs
what serum tests do liver fxn alt ast
rises in ast and alt result in what liver damage
what all causes hepatitis bacteria virus toxins
what was hep A called beffore infective hepatitis
how do you get hep a feces
how long is the incubationa nd prodromal period 2-6 weeks
when is someone with hep a most infectious 4 wk after infection
how do you know you have it positive anti-hav, igg
does someone with hav have a chronic or carrier state no
what was hep b called serum hepatitis
how do you get it blood or fluid
what is the incubation/prodromal period of hep b 1-6 mo
what disease is hep b associated with cirrosis, liver cancer, hep d
when doe Hbsag appear 1 month afte rtransmission lasts up to six mo
when does anti hbc appear 2 weeks after hbsag maybe forever
when does anti hbs appear after hbsag appears negative. perisists for months
what was hep c called non a non b
how do you get hep c blood and fluidd
how much people are chronicity of hep c 85%
how long is incubation of hep c 2 wk to six mo
what is prodromal period hep c years
how to diagnose hep c anti hcv, hcv rna pcr
how to treat hep b hep c prevention with vacc hbv only. antiviral agents. hep c transplant only
how does cirrosis happen increased fibrous/connective tissue deposits and hepatocytes die
what causes cirrosis alcohol, drugs, toxins, viruses, antibiotics, sclerosing cholengitis
what is early stage of cirrosis fatty liver enlarged tender to palpate elevated bilirubin, alt, ast, ggt
what is late stage of cirrosis hard, shrunken, non palp.biliruibin and enzymes drop
what are other manifestations of cirrosis reduction in clotting, ascities, hypoalbumenia, portal hypertension
what neurotoxins are associaed with hepatic neruo encepelopathy ammonia & aromatic amino acids stages 1-4
what other manifestations of cirrosis Jaundice Palmar erythema Pruritus Spider angiomas Fetor hepaticus
Created by: 549590412
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