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Con Ch 19

Specimen Collection and Diagnostic Examination

culture lab test involving cultivation of microorganisms or cells in a special growth medium
cytology the study of cells including their formation, origin, structure, function, biochemical activities, and pathology
electrocardiogram (ECG) Sometimes called EKG, a graphic representation of electrical impulses generated by the heart during a cardiac cycle; identifies abnormalities that interfere with electrical conduction thru cardiac tissue
expectorate eject mucus, sputum, or fluids from the trachea and lungs by coughing or spitting
fixative any substance used to preserve gross or histologic specimens of tissue for later examination
Hemocult test that detects occult (hidden) blood in the feces
midstream urine specimen urine collected after voiding is initiated (midstream) and before voiding is completed; cleanest part of the voided specimen
occult hidden
residual urine urine left in the bladder after voiding
sensitivity laboratory method of determining effectiveness of antibiotics, usually performed in conjunction with culture
specimen a small sample of something, intended to show the nature of the whole
tourniquet constricting device applied to control bleeding; applied above the bleeding site to prevent blood flow to the part below the tourniquet and prevent venous blood from returning to the heart
Venipuncture the most common method of drawing a blood sample, involves inserting a hollow-bore needle into the lumen of a large vein to obtain a specimen
Vacutainer tube that allows the drawing of multiple blood samples
-ography procedure in which an image is produced
-ogram actual image or results of a test
-oscopy visualization of body structures
-centesis puncture of a body cavity
sputum secretions from the lung; contains mucus, cellular debris, or microorganisms, and may contain blood or pus
Created by: Jaybob
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