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HB Musculoskeletal

Musculoskeletal System

Type of arthritis caused by overproduction of uric acid Gout
Places where cranial bones come together Sutures
Polyarthritis caused by autoimmune disorder Rheumatoid
The top of the sternum Manubrium
The bottom of the sternum Xiphoid
Number of cervical vertebrae 7
Number of Thoracic vertebra 12
Number of Lumbar vertebra 5
The muscle that initiates a movement is prime mover
The muscle that returns a movement is antagonist
Cells that destroy bone osteoclasts
The hip socket Acetabulum
Process at point of shoulder used to landmark for injections Acromian Process
Example of a ball and socket joint Hip/Shoulder
Connective tissue bands that hold bones together Ligament
Muscle used for injections in the thigh Vastus Lateralis
Exaggeration of the curvature of the thoracic vertebrae Kyphosis
Process on ulna that forms elbow Olecronon Process
Largest bone in the ankle Calcaneus
Position whereby palms are face up Supine
Position whereby palms are face down Prone
The end of the muscle that moves less and is usually the proximal end is Origin
The end of the muscle that moves more Insertion
Ends of the long bones where lengthwise growth takes place Epiphysis
Membrane that lines inside of joint Synovial Membrane
Place where cranial bones come together in infant skull Fontanels
Partial dislocation Subluxation
Condition where ligaments are overstretched, partially torn or completely torn Sprain
Condition where muscles are overstretched Strain
Connective tissue cords that attach muscles to bones Tendon
Permanent shortening of a muscle Contracture
Process by which cartilage becomes true bone Ossification
Type of bone marrow that produces blood cells Red Bone Marrow
Name for shoulder blade Scapula
Place where pubic bones come together in the front Syphysis Pubis
Type of arthritis caused by wear and tear and old age Osteo Arthritis
Disease caused by a spirochete which can cause an infectious arthritis Lyme Disease
Ligament in knee ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL
Muscle movement where individual fibers quiver without effective movement Fibrillation
Movement toward the midline Adduction
Condition where muscle has too much tone Spastic
Complex group of muscles and tendons that attach upper arm to shoulder Rotator Cuff
Calf muscle Gastrocnemuis
The shaft of the bone is called Diaphysis
Longest muscle Sartorius
Another name for tendonitis in the elbow Tennis Elbow
A foramen is considered an Opening (Vertebra)
Created by: jruhde
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