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HB Musculoskeletal
Musculoskeletal System
Question | Answer |
Type of arthritis caused by overproduction of uric acid | Gout |
Places where cranial bones come together | Sutures |
Polyarthritis caused by autoimmune disorder | Rheumatoid |
The top of the sternum | Manubrium |
The bottom of the sternum | Xiphoid |
Number of cervical vertebrae | 7 |
Number of Thoracic vertebra | 12 |
Number of Lumbar vertebra | 5 |
The muscle that initiates a movement is | prime mover |
The muscle that returns a movement is | antagonist |
Cells that destroy bone | osteoclasts |
The hip socket | Acetabulum |
Process at point of shoulder used to landmark for injections | Acromian Process |
Example of a ball and socket joint | Hip/Shoulder |
Connective tissue bands that hold bones together | Ligament |
Muscle used for injections in the thigh | Vastus Lateralis |
Exaggeration of the curvature of the thoracic vertebrae | Kyphosis |
Process on ulna that forms elbow | Olecronon Process |
Largest bone in the ankle | Calcaneus |
Position whereby palms are face up | Supine |
Position whereby palms are face down | Prone |
The end of the muscle that moves less and is usually the proximal end is | Origin |
The end of the muscle that moves more | Insertion |
Ends of the long bones where lengthwise growth takes place | Epiphysis |
Membrane that lines inside of joint | Synovial Membrane |
Place where cranial bones come together in infant skull | Fontanels |
Partial dislocation | Subluxation |
Condition where ligaments are overstretched, partially torn or completely torn | Sprain |
Condition where muscles are overstretched | Strain |
Connective tissue cords that attach muscles to bones | Tendon |
Permanent shortening of a muscle | Contracture |
Process by which cartilage becomes true bone | Ossification |
Type of bone marrow that produces blood cells | Red Bone Marrow |
Name for shoulder blade | Scapula |
Place where pubic bones come together in the front | Syphysis Pubis |
Type of arthritis caused by wear and tear and old age | Osteo Arthritis |
Disease caused by a spirochete which can cause an infectious arthritis | Lyme Disease |
Ligament in knee | ACL, MCL, LCL, PCL |
Muscle movement where individual fibers quiver without effective movement | Fibrillation |
Movement toward the midline | Adduction |
Condition where muscle has too much tone | Spastic |
Complex group of muscles and tendons that attach upper arm to shoulder | Rotator Cuff |
Calf muscle | Gastrocnemuis |
The shaft of the bone is called | Diaphysis |
Longest muscle | Sartorius |
Another name for tendonitis in the elbow | Tennis Elbow |
A foramen is considered an | Opening (Vertebra) |