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Med 1 final exam

5 steps of the nursing process Assesment, Nursing Dx, Planning, Implimentation, Evaluation
Which part of the nursing process involves the collection of data? Assesment
What is the second step of Maslow's hierarchy? Saftey and security
What term represents the belief that ones culture is better than all others? Ethnocentrism
Which term describes an individuals traditions, values and beliefs? Ethics
Name the three P's of diabetes Polyuria, polydypsia, polyphagia
What range does Humlin R peak? (clear) 2-5 hours
What range does Humlin N peal? (cloudy) 6-12 hours
Define tetany continuous tonic spasm of a muscle (due to low calcium)
Grave disease is a disorder associated with what gland? Thyroid
A Dx of diabetes is two fasting blood glucose levels of what value? Greater than 126
Name two symptoms of hypoglycemia. sweating, disorientation
What is the immediate treatment of hypoglycemia? Orange juice (Carbs)
Bronze skin, nuasea and fatigue are s/s of what disorder? Addisons disease (hypo secretion of the adreanal gland)
Excess growth hormone that occurs in adulthood is ? Acromegly
The only palpable endocrine gland is? thyroid
Enlargement of the thyriod gland is? Goiter
Initial effect of insulin is termed? Onset
The female dominated family is called? Matriarchal
Nuclear family is best described as? Mother, father, and children
Defined as a maturational process that creates the need for individual adaptation because of the physical and psychological declines that occur over a lifetime? Aging
What is the major cause of memory loss in older adults? Depression
Greif that begins to occur prior to acual death is termed? Anticipation
What is the name of the medication that interferes with the normal breakdown of alcohol? Antabuse
The leading cause of death in a child abuse victim is? Head injury
The physiological response to abrupt stopping or reduction in a substance used for a long time? Withdrawl
Name a behavior that a chemically impaired nurse would display. Late to work, messy handwriting, missing meds, chronic absences
Women are more successful at commiting suicide true or false FALSE
Developes in response to some unexpected emotional or physical trauma that could not be controlled is describing what disorder? Post tramatic stress disorder
elder abuse is usually caused by whom? Family members
Created by: 100000681083756
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