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VN 152 Femal Repro

DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - PELVIC EXAMINATION allows inspection & palpation of external & internal reproductive structures to identify deviations from normal, to provide info for medical diagnoses, & to collect specimens for lab analysis.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - ENDOMETRIAL & CERVICAL BIOPSIES performed for 3 reasons: 1) assess endometrium for readiness to accept & nourish fertilized ovum. 2) to indirectly assess corpus luteum function in cases of supected infertility. 3) to diagnose uterine cancer.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - COLPOSCOPY used to inspect the cervix under the magnification & to identify abnormal & potentially cancerous tissue. Commonly done before cervical biopsy
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - CULDOSCOPY invasive procedure usually performed with light sedation & local anesthetic on an outpatient basis. the simplest way to directly visualize the female pelvic cavity. Can experience shoulder pain caused by air entering pelvic cavity. For ectopic pregnancy
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - LAPAROSCOPY surgical procedure that may be performed under local anesthesia on an outpatient basis or under gen anesthesia. It visualizes abdominal organs & to perform minor surgery such as tubal ligation.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - DILATION AND CURETTAGE used for diagnostic & treatment purposes. To diagnose uterine cancer and causes of abnormal uterine bleeding.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - MAMMOGRAPHY radiologic test used to detect breast cysts or tumors, especially those not palpated on physical exam. Should be done every 1-2 yrs for women 40-49 yrs & annually for women 50 and older.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - BREAST SELF-EXAMINATION should be done at the same time each month. At the end of the menstrual period.
DIAGNOSTIC TEST/PROC - BREAST BIOPSY definitive test for diagnosing breast cancer.
THERAPEUTIC MEASURES - DOUCHING a procedure in which the vagina is floded with fluid containing various cleansing or perfumed agents.
THERAPEUTIC MEASURES - CAUTERIZATION a method of deliberate tissue destruction by means of heat, electricity or chemicals
THERAPEUTIC MEASURES - APPLICATION OF HEAT used as treatment to relieve pain, to promote healing by increasing blood flow & tissue metabolism, and to stimulate rupture of abscessess.
THERAPEUTIC MEASURES - TOPICAL MEDS meds for application to the vulva or vagina are in the forms of tablets, creams & suppositories.
UTERINE BLEEDING DISORDERS - METRORRHAGIA bleeding or spotting between menstrual periods
UTERINE BLEEDING DISORDERS - MENORRHAGIA menstrual periods w profuse or prolonged bleeding
VULVITIS inflammation of the vulva
VAGINITIS local inflammatory response to various factors. Most common: candida albicans (fungus or yeast) and Trichomonas vaginalis (protozoal infection)
VULVITIS & VAGINITIS - S/S local swelling, redness & itching
VULVITIS & VAGINITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS based on symptoms and on inspection of the vulva & vagina
VULVITIS & VAGINITIS - MED TREATMENT specific to the causative agent.
BARTHOLIN'S GLAND ABSCESS (BARTHOLINITIS) edema & pus formation due to infectous microorganisms occlude the duct of the affected gland and form an abscess
BARTHOLIN'S GLAND ABSCESS (BARTHOLINITIS) - S/S perineal pain, fever, labial edema, chills, malaise and purulent discharge
BARTHOLIN'S GLAND ABSCESS (BARTHOLINITIS) - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS visual inspection, culture & sensitivity
BARTHOLIN'S GLAND ABSCESS (BARTHOLINITIS) - MED TREATMENT oral analgesics & moist heat (sitz), surgical incision & drainage of abscess. Broad-spectrum antibiotics
CERVICITIS inflammation of the cervix. Infectous organisms, scraping of cells for diagnostic tests, cryosurgery, use of tampons or meds, childbirth, decreased estrogen levels after menopause & use of oral contraceptives
CERVICITIS - S/S usually asymptomatic, although it may cause pain,visible vaginal discharge, bleeding or dysuria
CERVICITIS - COMPLICATIONS pelvic inflammatory disease
CERVICITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS pelvic exam or pap smear
CERVICITIS - MED TREATMENT systemic or topical antimicrobial agents.
MASTITIS infection induced inflammation of breast tissue in the lactating woman. Staphylococcus aureaus, escherichia coli, streptococci
MASTITIS - S/S usually confined to one breast, may be asymptomatic except for tenderness and low grade fever. Symptomatic: localized pain, fever, tachycardia, general malaise, headache
MASTITIS - COMPLICATIONS abscess formation
MASTITIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS culture & sensitivity
MASTITIS - MED TREATMENT freq emptying of breast, heat, rest & analgesics
FIBROCYSTIC CHANGES an exagerrated response to hormonal influences. Excess fibrous tissue develops accompanied by overgrowth of the lining of the mammary ducts, proliferation of mammary ducts & formation of cysts.
FIBROCYSTIC CHANGES Common among women who have never given birth, have had spontaneous abortion & early menarche & late menopause.
FIBROCYSTIC CHANGES - S/S smooth round lumps that are freely movable may be felt; sometimes milky yellow or green discharge from the nipple.
FIBROCYSTIC CHANGES - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS physical exam & health history. Mammogram or ultrasound may be used.
FIBROCYSTIC CHANGES - MED TREATMENT DANOZOL reduces symptoms. Decreases estrogen production
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE infection that may affect any or all structures in pelvic portion of reproductive tract and peritoneal cavity
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE - COMPLICATIONS ectopic pregnancy, infertility & chronic abdominal discomfort. Infection of the entire peritoneal cavity & systemic septic shock also are potential complications
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS culture of the causative organism/s, sonography, laparoscopy & culdocentesis.
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE - MED TREATMENT rest, application of heat via warm compresses, a heating pad or sitz, regimen of analgesics & antibiotics.
ENDOMETRIOSIS endometrial cells deposited in the pelvic cavity implant on structures within the cavity. They continue to respond to menstrual cycle hormonal stimulation. Result is the periodically painful & potentially destructive condition
ENDOMETRIOSIS belived to occur in 10% of all women of reproductive age. Incidence and severity are greatest in women with relatives who have endometriosis.
ENDOMETRIOSIS - S/S dysmenorrhea, pain w defacation, dypareunia & abnormal bleeding
ENDOMETRIOSIS - COMPLICATIONS constriction of pelvic structure by endometrisis-related adhesions.
ENDOMETRIOSIS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS visualization & excision of endometrial implants; ultrasonography
ENDOMETRIOSIS - MED TREATMENT nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. GNRH hormone, surgical management
ENDOMETRIOSIS - NURSING CARE validating that pain is real & providing info about pain relief measures.
CYSTS a closed saclike structure that is line w epithelium & that contains fluid, semisolid or solid material. Classified as neoplasms & may be benign or malignant; majority are benign
FIBROID TUMORS benign & common. They grow slowly during reproductive yrs but atrophy after onset of menopause
FIBROID TUMORS - S/S may be asymptomatic, but the most common symptoms are menstrual irregularities - menorraghia & dysmenorrhea.
FIBROID TUMORS - COMPLICATIONS infertility, crowding & malpositioning of the fetus during pregnancy, degenerative changes from interruption of blood supply.
FIBROID TUMORS - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS on examination, uterus is enlarged & distorted.
FIBROID TUMORS - MED TREATMENT many need no treatment, tumors atrophy after menopause. Myomectomy may be performed.
CYSTOCELE vaginal disorders caused by weakness of supportive structures between the vagina & bladder
RECTOCELE vaginal disorders caused by weakness of supportive structures between the vagina & rectum
CYSTOCELE & RECTOCELE - RISK FACTORS during pregnancy & childbirth, the muscles that support the pelvic floor may be weakened.
CYSTOCELE & RECTOCELE - S/S dysparenuia, lower back & pelvic discomfort & recurrent bladder infections
CYSTOCELE & RECTOCELE - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS based on inspection & palpation.
CYSTOCELE & RECTOCELE - MED TREATMENT may include kegel exercises; pessary, anterior colporrhaphy & posterior colporrhaphy
UTERINE PROLAPSE uterus descends into the vagina from its usual position in the pelvis. The supporting ligaments amy be congenitally weak or become stretched during pregnancy or injured during childbirth, resulting in weaking of support
UTERINE PROLAPSE - FIRST DEGREE cervix is above vaginal introitus.
UTERINE PROLAPSE - SECOND DEGREE cervix protrudes from the introitus.
UTERINE PROLAPSE - THIRD DEGREE vagina is inverted and both the cervix & the body of the uterus protrude from the introitus.
UTERINE PROLAPSE - S/S dysparenuia, back ache, & a feeling of pelvic heaviness & pressure
UTERINE PROLAPSE - COMPLICATIONS in 2nd & 3rd degree, protruding uterine portion subject to trauma & may become eroded & necrotic
UTERINE PROLAPSE - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS 1st degree- diagnosed by pelvic exam. 2nd & 3rd degree - readily detected by visual inspection
UTERINE PROLAPSE - MED TREATMENT vaginal hysterectomy w anterior & posterior colporrhaphy. Pessaries may be used for women.
NORMAL UTERUS POSITION at 45 degree angle anterior to the vagina; cervix points downward toward the posterior vaginal wall.
RETROVERSION backward tilt, w the cervix pointed downward toward the anterior vaginal wall
RETROFLEXION body of uterus bends back on itself
ANTEVERSION entire uterus tilts forward at a sharper angle to the vagina
ANTEFLEXION uterus bends forward, folding on itself
RETROVERSION/FLEXION & ANTEVERSION/FLEXION weakening & stretching of the round, bround & uteroscaral ligaments & weakend pelvic floor musculature related to childbearing the most common causes
RETROVERSION/FLEXION & ANTEVERSION/FLEXION - S/S most uterine displacement is asymptomatic, although dyspareunia & low back pain may occur with retroversion
VAGINAL FISTULAS abnormal passageways between the vagina & other pelvic organs
VESICOVAGINAL FISTULA between the vagina & the urinary bladder
URETHROVAGINAL FISTULA between the urethra & the vagina
RECTOVAGINAL FISTULA located between the vagina & the rectum
BREAST CANCER white non-hispanic women have highest incidence of breast cancer. African american women most likely to die. Fam history is important; risk rises if one or more 1st degree family members has had breast cancer & if that cancer was premenopausal & bilateral
BREAST CANCER - S/S painless breast tissue thickening or lump. Late symptoms include dimpling of the skin, nipple discharge, nipple or skin retraction, edema, dilated blood vessels, ulceration & hemorrhage.
BREAST CANCER - COMPLICATIONS infiltration of adjacent breast & axilliary tissue & metastasis to distant sites
BREAST CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS clinical breast exam. Mammogram, breast ultrasound, digital mammography or MRI.
BREAST CANCER - MED TREATMENT lumpectomy, simple mastectomy, radical mastectomy
CERVICAL CANCER research indicates that risk for cervical cancer is increased in women who have been infected with HPV. Additional factors: smoking, initial sexual intercourse in early adolescense, multiple sexual partners, dietary deficiencies in folic acid & vit A & C.
CERVICAL CANCER - S/S early cervical cancer is asymptomatic. Advanced cancer also may be asymptomatic or may be assoc w blood tinged or frank bloody vaginal discharge, menstrual irregularities or bleeding after intercourse
CERVICAL CANCER - COMPLICATIONS invasion of cervical cancer into adjacent structures.
CERVICAL CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS tissue specimens obtained by multiple punch biopsy, endocervical curettage, or conization
CERVICAL CANCER - MED TREATMENT mild dysplacia: w loop electrosurgical excision. Radiation, cryosurgery
OVARIAN CANCER family or personal history of ovarian cancer; a personal history of ovarian by dysfunction or of breast, endometrial, or colorectal cancer; high fat diet, early menarche and late menopause
OVARIAN CANCER - S/S asymptomatic in early stage, advanced: abdominal pain & bloading, GI symptoms such as flatulence& urinary tract complaints
OVARIAN CANCER - COMPLICATIONS spread to the peritoneum, omentum & bowel surface via direct invasion, peritoneal fluid & the lympathic & venous systems
OVARIAN CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS pelvic & rectal exam. Abdominal & vaginal ultrasound, exploratory laparotomy or laparoscopy
OVARIAN CANCER - MED TREATMENT depends on staging. Surgery, chemotherapy, radiation
VULVAR CANCER cause unknown, but may be related to STIs, particularly HPV
VULVAR CANCER - S/S commonly reported is pruritus. Pain & bleeding
VULVAR CANCER - COMPLICATIONS invades adjacent structures or metastasizes via lymphatic system
VULVAR CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS localized lesions: conservative removal of the malignant tissue by laser surgery; topical chemo.
VAGINAL CANCER no definite cause detected. Risk factors: STIs, previous diagnosis of cervical/vulvar cancer
VAGINAL CANCER - S/S in early & most treatable form, usually asymptomatic. Later symptoms: burning sensation, discharge may have a foul odor, dyspareumia, spotting after intercourse & bleeding
VAGINAL CANCER - COMPLICATIONS invasion of adjacent structures & mestatasis
VAGINAL CANCER - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS most cases detected during inspection of vagina & from PAP smears. Made via colposcopy & biopsy of suspicious areas followed by tissue studies
VAGINAL CANCER - MED TREATMENT laser surgery, topical checm, radiotherapy, vaginectomy
INFERTILITY conception depnds on a number of factors. Timing & techniques used for sex intercourse. Production & release of healthy ovum & numerous healthy sperm.
INFERTILITY - MEDICAL DIAGNOSIS based on data obtained from exhaustive psychosocial & physical health & sexual health histories of both partners
MENOPAUSE cessation of menstruation; end of reproductive capacity. Natural menopause part of normal aging; surgical menopause from removal of ovaries.
MENOPAUSE May begin as early as age 35 but more commonly occurs between 40 & 55. process from early sign to cessation usually 2 yrs or less. said to be menopausal when no menses for 1 yr
MENOPAUSE - S/S hot flashes, vaginal dryness, insomnia, joint pain, headache & nausea. w/o estrogen, uterus becomes smaller , vagina shortens & vaginal tissues become drier.
MENOPAUSE - S/S Breast tissue may loose firmness & pubic & axilliary hair becomes sparse. Stress incontinence, emotional instability, irritability & depression
MENOPAUSE - MED TREATMENT estrogen therapy,
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE - S/S may be silent infection with no symptoms. Symptomatic: gradual onset of dull, steady, low abdominal pain or sudden onset of severe abd pain, chills & fever.
PELVIC INFLAMMATORY DISEASE - S/S Other symptoms: dysuria, irregular bleeding, foul smelling vaginal discharge that may cause inflammation & skin breakdown of the vulva, dyspareunia
Created by: jekjes
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