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Barorecptors in the aortic arch and carotid sinuses respond to changes in the LSIII CARDIO ARTERIAL PRESSURE
**Know this Sympathetic nervous system stimulation causes a release of the neurotransmitter ?? which causes the Heart rate to ??? and also causes vaso LSIII CARDIO epinephrine increase vasoconstriction
Parasympathetic stimulation casuse the release of the neurotransmitter ?? which causes the Heart rate to ?? LSIII CARDIO aceytocholine decrease
Stretc h receptors in the vena cav and tright atrium respond to changes in LSIII CARDIO blood pressure
Increase in blood volume result in ??? ADH release LSIII CARDIO decrease
Decrease in blood volume result in ??? ADH release LSIII CARDIO increase
ADH is released by the __ gland LSIII CARDIO pituitary
Renin is an enzyme secreted by the _____- LSIII CARDIO kidney
Increases in renin secretion will ?? the blood pressure LSIII Cardio Increase
Write the formula for determining cardiac output: LSIII Cardio CO = SV or HR
**Know this What is the heart's natural pacemaker & where is it located LSIII Cardio SA nod - top of right atrium
If the natural pacemaker fails, what other area of the heart can initiate an impulse LSIII Cardio Any cardiac muscle tissue, any cell (AV node would start if not any cell)
**Know this What needs to be monitored on an extremity that was used for cardiac catheterization LSIII Cardio peripheral pulses
**Know this Any cell of the heart can cause a beat True or false LSIII Cardio true
Define CAD Group of disease that prevent coronary heart from getting enough oxygen
List 4 meds commonly used to treat CAD and briefly describe their action nitro - decreases workload and vasoldilation lopressor - slows heart rate digoxin increases force of concentration lasix - removes fluid
List 4 meds commonly used to treat CAD and briefly describe their action calcium channel blockers beta blockers cholesterol lowering agents
List 5 surgical treadtements for CAD and breifly describe what they are CABG
List 5 surgical treatments for CAD and breifly describe what they are Aplasty
List 5 surgical treadtements for CAD and breifly describe what they are PTCA
List 5 surgical treadtements for CAD and breifly describe what they are Stent
List 5 surgical treatements for CAD and breifly describe what they are
What is the cause ofthe s/s associated with angina Ischemia do to lack of O2
Describe the characteristics and location of the pain associated with Angina:
Cardiac enzymes will be normal because no damage with Angina
How do vasoldilators and beta blockers help with S/S of angina Open vessels to increase O2 to heart
How does surgical treatment compare with CAD treatments
KNOW THIS What causes angina Lack of oxygen and blood flow to myocardinin
KNOW THIS How does regular exercise help minimize the damage done during an M.I. muscle working collateral circulation
What happens to cardiac enzymes levels after an M.I. and why They increase because of tissue
Waht happens to their WBC and why They increase because they are cleaning up necrotic tissue
List 3 primary causes of an MI and indicate which one is the most common #1 clot #2 sudden athrosclerotic block #3 Vasopspasms
Most MIs involve which part of the heart Left ventricle
List the symptoms of an MI other than chest pain increased cardiac enzymes
Why is a person more likely to have dysrhythmias following an MI
Why is a person more likely to do into heart failure after an MI damaged ventricle not going to contract correctly
KNOW THIS What is drug of choice for pain associated with MI MORPHINE
What route should be given for the morphine associated with MI IV Push because it works faster Don't give IM meds
**KNOW THIS How does regular exercise help minimize the damage done during an MI also called the silent killer Keeps themuscle working , collateral circulation
KNOW THIS P-waves on the ECG represent what part of the cardiac cycle atria contracting depolarization
The QRS complex represents Ventricle contracting repolarization
T-waves represent ventrical relaxing (repolarization)
What is the heart's pacemaker the SA Node
The pain assoiciated with CAD is referred to as ?? & ??. which is a result of ?? caused by a decreased ?? The pain associated with CAD is referred to as ANGINA PECTORIS, which is a result of ISCHEMA, caused by decreased OXYGEN
The pathophysiology of CAD is a narrowing or obstruction of the ?? arteries d/t ???? placques The pathophysiology of CAD is a narrowing or obstruction of the CORONARY arteries d/t ATHEOSCLEROTIC placques
What should the nurse advise the patient with angina pectoris to do when experiencing pain Rest sit Nitro 1 times every 5 minutes times 3
The patient with angina whould learn to avoid activities that can trigger pain. What are some of these Shoveling snow, exercise, stress, smoking, heavy meals
What are risk factors for developing CAD Obesity , smoking, family history, increeased blood lipids, Diabetes mellitis
What kind of anesthesia does the patient receive when undergoing a cardiac catheterization Conscious sedation - versed Loal at the insertion site
What needs to be monitored post op VS, chest pain, peripheral edema, neuro vascular checks to extremities( checking to see if nerve still intact)
How does angioplasty relieve anginal pain Opens artery so oxygen rich blood circulates in heart compresses plaques against wall
How does CABG (coronary artery bypass) relieve anginal pain Saphenous vein used to bypass occluded arteries bypasses occluded arteriers
Nitrates relieve pain by dilateing coronary arteries
Myocardial infarction occurs when the myocardial tissue is abrutly deprived of oxygen, causing tissue death ischemia
What is the reason for doing cardiac enzymes/isoenzymes Show that certain proteins are increased in blood d/t necrotic heart muscle
Describe the quality of the pain assoicated with an Mocardial Infarction Crushing substernal radiating to the neck, jaws, left arm
What are other signs and symptoms of an M.I. Shortness of breath throw up, nausea
Dysrhythmias frequently occur after an MI d.t decreased myocardial pumping/ irritability of myocardium
Heart failure, cardiogenic shock, and pulmonary edema occur d/t decreased cardiac output which decreases metabolism
Thrombophlebitis frequently occurs d.t Prolonged bed rest and forced inactivity, venous stasis
How can thrombophlebitis be prevented anticoag and passive ROM exercise, SCD's ted hose
KNOW THIS how can thrombophlebitis be prevented SCD's and ted hose
Why is it important to obtain 12-lead ECG's to diagnose and M.I. to see all he sides of heart function
with an M.I. the S-T segment will be what Elevated
With Ischemia, the S-T segment will be depressed
How is the pain associated with an M.I relieved? Morphine
Why is rest so important in the acute phase of an M.I. decreases oxygen needs and workload on heart
***KNOW THIS The antidote for coumadin is VITAMIN K
**KNOW THIS The antidote for heparin is Protamine sulfate
The antidote for digoxin is digoxin immune FAV (Digibind)
Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of ??? in the ??? Pulmonary edema is the accumulation of fluid in the alveoli and lung tissue
What does the sputum look like in the client with pulmonary edema? Pink frothy
What are other symptoms of pulmonary edema crackles, hypoxia
What are 6 medications types that may be used to treat pulmonary edema Lasix - diuretics, morphine, nitro, lanoxin Loop diuretics, morphine, lanoxin = makes heart contract harder
What kind of diet will the patient with CHF be on Low sodium, and low fat high potassium
What are 2 common side effects of beta blockers drugs that the nurse should assess for prior to administering the drug Decrease pulse, decrease blood pressure bradycardia and hypotension
**Know this Can you give beta blockers to an asthma patient Never give asthma patients beta blockers
The immediate treatment for ventricular fibrillation is defibrillate CPR
What is the treatment for atrial fibrillation pacemaker, anticoagulant, cardioversion and anti thrombolytics
**KNOW THIS What drug is used to treat ventricular fibrillation Lidocaine
** KNOW THIS How does Lidocaine work suppresses impulse that triggers dysrhythmias
What ddrug is commonly used when the patient's heart rate is too low atrophine
What is the normal cardiac output (number of ml) 3600 ml.
What is the formula used to determin it CO = stroke volume x HR
What is the normal ejection fraction greater than 60% approximate 70% of blood volume in heart
How do ACE inhibitors help treat CHF act as anti hypertensive to decrease peripheral arterial resistance and improve cardiac output
What is the definition of hypertensions Blood pressure greater than 140/90 consectutive
What is the most common form of hypertension Essential primary
What risk factors are associated wih hypertension age, gender, race, history, smoking, obesitiy, stress, oral contraceptives, cholesterol
Name 5 classes of hypertension Diuretics help rid the body of ecess fluid to help increase BP Beta Blockers - adrenergic stimulation and myocardial O2 demand
Name 5 classes of hypertension ACE Inhib lower peropheral arterial resistance and improve cardiac output Calcium Channel Block - Increase coronary artery blood supply and lower myocardial O2 demands Angion Blockers lower effects of angio recep sites such as muscle & adrendals
What are complicarions that may occur from untreated sustained hypertension Organ damage, stroke, MI, TIA, increase risk of stroke, MI
**Know This What are signs and symptoms of Hypertension H/A, dizzy, ringing ears, blurrred vision, epitaxis, BP 140/90 consistently
What are s/s of venous stasis in the legs? leg pain, ede,a, color, temp, dark pigmentation
What are vericose veis tortuous dilated vein with incompetant valves
Define Phlebitis Supeficial veins are irritated and inflammed d/t IV catheter venipuncture
Define Thrombophlebitis inflammation of vein in conjunction with formation of a thrombus
Define DVT development of thrombus in deep vein of extremity cause break off and travel to lungs = Pulmonary embolism dangerous
What are risk factors associated ith Phlebitis, Thrombophlebitis and DVT
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
**KNOW THIS What is Buerger's disease (thromboangitis obliterans) occlusive vascular condition small and medium arteries become inflammed and thrombotic
**KNOW THIS What is #1 risk factor in Phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis smoking
**Know this What is #1 s/s of phlebitis, DVT, thrombophlebitis sensitive to cold
KNOW THIS What is raynaud's disease intermittant attcks of ischemia caused by cold or emotional stimuli
KNOW THIS What teaching needs to be done with client with Raynaud's disease No smoking decrease stress and wear gloves with cold objects
What needs to be monitored when the Dr. orders "neuro circ checks" following femerol bypass or abdominal aortic aneuriysm repair
What kind of teaching should you do for someone with arterial insufficieny in their legs don't cross legs
**KNOW THIS What is intermittant claudication Cramplike pain in calves caused by poor arterial circulation
What are risk factor for CVA obesity, hypertension
**KNOW THIS What is the most common cause of CVA thrombosis
**KNOW THIS If a patient suffers from left hemiparesis, what side of the brain did the stroke occur on right side
What are the symptoms of a CVA H/A, tingling, numbness
What is a TIA transient ischemic attack cerebrovascular insufficiency with temporary episodes of neurological dysfunction varies in severity
Created by: gmabrender
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