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sjvc rt12 cpg's

flash cards for all the stations

Postural Drainage Hazards & Complications: Hypoxemia Increased ICP Acute hypotension Pulmonary hemorrhage Pain to muscles
Postural Drainage Contraindications: Head and neck injury Active hemorrhage ICP > 20mmHg Empyema Pulmonary Embolism
Postural Drainage Indications: Turning Evidence of difficulty with secretions Presence of Atelectasis Presence of foreign body Sputum production greater than 25-30 ml/day
Directed Cough Hazards & Complications: Fatigue Bronchospasm Vomiting Chest pain
Directed Cough Contraindications: NONE
Directed Cough Indications: Aid in the removal of secretions Presence of Atelectasis Prophylaxis against post-op complications Routine part of bronchial hygiene therapy Obtain sputum samples
Airway Emergency Hazards & complications: Failure to establish patency Trauma to nose/mouth/tongue/upper airway Aspirations/infection ET tube problems
Airway Emergency Contraindications: NONE
Airway Emergency Indications: Airway emergency/compromise Artificial airway obstruction Apnea Cardiopulmonary arrest/failure Aspiration/risk of aspiration
Aerosol Meds Hazards & Complications: Device malfunction/underdosing Device malfunction/overdosing drug Complications Repeated exposure can produce asthmatic symptoms
Aerosol Meds Contraindications: NONE
Aerosol Meds Indications: Deliver aerosolized: Adrenergic Anticholinergic Anti-inflammitory Mucokenetic agents to the lower airway
Pulse OX Precautions: Device limitations factors that may Affect the accuracy
Pulse OX Contraindications: NONE
Pulse OX Indications: Monitor adequacy of arterial Hb saturation Quantify the response of therapeutic intervensions Comply with mandated regulations
PAP Therapy Hazards & Complications: Pulmonary barotrauma Increased ICP Cardiovascular compromise Air swallowing Increased WOB
PAP Therapy Contraindications: ICP > 20mmHg Hemodynamic instability Acute sinusitis Active hemoptysis Untreated pneumothorax
PAP therapy Indications: Reduce air trapping in asthma & COPD Aid in mobilization of secretions Prevent/reverse atelectasis Optimize delivery of bronchodilators
O2 Therapy Hazards & Complications: NONE
O2 Therapy Contraindications: NONE
O2 therapy Indications: Documented hypoxemia Acute care with suspected hypoxemia Severe trauma Acute myocardial infraction Short-term therapy
Nasal Suctioning Hazards & Complications Hypoxia/hypoxemia Nasal trauma Arrythmia/bradycardia Atelectasis Bronchospasm/bronchoconstriction ICP > 15mmHg
Nasal Suctioning Contraindications: Occluded nasal passages Nasal bleeding Laryngospasm Bronchospasm Acute head/neck injury
Nasal Suctioning Indications: Inability to clear secretions Audible eveidence of secretions Obtain sputum sample
IPPB: Hazards & Complications: Increased airway resistance Barotrauma Hyperventilation Hemoptysis Gastric distension
IPPB Contraindications: Tension Pneumothorax ICP > 15mmHg Hemodynamic instability Tracheoesophageal fistula Active hemoptysis
IPPB Indications: Improve lung expansion Short-term noninvasive vent. support Deliver aerosol medication
Incentive Spirometry Hazards & complications: Ineffective unless supervised Hyperventilation Bronchospasm hypoxia fatigue
Incentive Spirometry Contrainications: PT can't be instructed PT can't cooperate Unable to take deep breaths
Incentive Spirometry Indications: Predisposed to atelectasis Presence of atelectasis Restrictive lung defect
Bland Aerosol Therapy Hazards & Complications Wheezing or bronchospasm Bronchoconstriction/ artificial Airway infection Over hydration PT discomfort
Bland Aerosol Therapy Contraindications: Bronchospasm Hx of airway hyper-responsiveness
Bland Aerosol Therapy Indications Upper airway edema LTB Subglottic edema post extubation edema need for sputum induction
Assessing Bronchodilator Therapy Hazards & Complications Deep inhalation & forced exhalation Bronchoconstriction Airway collapse paroxysmal cough
Assessing Bronchodilator Therapy Contraindications: PT in severe distress
Assessing Bronchodiltor Therapy Indications: Confirm appropriateness of therapy Individualize PT's medication Determine status, acute/long-term Change therapeutic dose
Created by: sjvc12rt
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