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nur110 med terminolo

lip fat
lip/o fat
-emia blood
hyper- excessive
protein protein
combining vowel root suffix usually joined w/ a vowel "o"
most medical terms have three basic parts prefix, root , suffix
the root is the _____________of the term subject or foundation
the _________is the word ending that modiifies and gives essential meaning to the root suffix
the _______is a term component at the begining of a term that further modifies the root. prefix
often a medical term is formed from _________or more roots two
when a medical term has more than one root, it is joined together by a combining_________ vowel , ususally "o"
a combining form is a/an _________with a/an __________attached. root , vowel
in the word liemia, lip , meaning__________is the root and _________of the term. It is modified and given essential meaning by the link to the suffix -emia meaning_______ ___________. The term refers to a condition of _______in the ________. fat, subject, blood condition, fat/blood
In the term hyperlidemia, hyper- is a/an __________placed at the _________of the term to further _________the meaning of the term to denote above or ____________fat in the blood. prefix, beginning, modify, excessiveq
in the term hyperlipoproteinemia , the addition of the ___________protein further defines the word in indicate an excessive amount of fat and __________in the blood. root , protein
in lip/o , lip is the ________and lip/o is the _____________ ___________. the vowel _________is the most common _________ __________and ________is the second most common combining vowel. root, combining form, o, combining vowel
-al, -ic pertaining to
-ectomy excision or removal
-emia blood condition
-itis infection
-logy study of
-spasm involontary contraction
-stomy creation of an opening
-tomy incision
hyper above or excessive
hypo- below or deficient
para- alongside of or abnormal
peri- around
ani/o, vas/o , vascul/o vessel
cardi/o heart
enter/o small intestine
esophag/o esophagus
hem/o, hemato blood
lip/o fat
oteo/o bone
ox/o oxygen
duct to lead
simple suffix form basic terms/ -al, ic
compound suffix formed by a combination of basic term components/ -emia, -tomy,-stomy, -ectomy,-logy
symtomatic suffix describes the evidence of illness / -spasm
diagnostic suffix identifies a medical condtion/ -emia
surgical or operative suffix describes a surgical tx / -ectomy, -tomy
general suffix has general application such as to from and adj. or noun / -al , -ic, -logy
Created by: 1368721449
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