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Pharm. Ch. 1

What is compliance (Adherence)? Implementation or fulfillment of a prescriber's course of treatment by a patient
What are goals? statements that are time specific and describe generally what is to be accomplished to address a specific nursing diagnosis
What is noncompliance (Nonadherence)? An informed decision on the part of the patient not to adhere to or follow a therapeutic plan.
What is the nursing process? An organizational framework for the practice of nursing. in encompasses all staps taken by the nurse in caring for a patient
What is outcome criteria? Descriptions of specific patient behaviors or responses that demonstrate meeting of or achievement of goals related to each nursing diagnosis
What is prescriber? Any health care professional licensed by the appropriate regulatory board to prescribe medications
What are the 5 nursing process steps? assessment, nursing diagnosis, planning, implementation, and evaluation
The nursing process ensures? that patient will get best quality care regardless of age, gender, medical diagnosis, or setting
What is critical thinking? mid and thought proces to gather info. and then develop conclusion, make decisions, draw inferences and reflect upon all aspects of patient care.
What do the elements of the nursing process adrress? physical, emotional, spiritual, sexual, financial, cultural and cognitive aspects of a pt.
The nursing process is? a central process and framework for nursing care.
What is collected during the initail assessment phase? data is collected, reviewed and analyzed
Where can info. about the pt. come from? pt. pt's family, caregiver, and significant other and the pt's chart
What are the methods of data collection? interviewing, direct and indirect questioning, observation, medical records review, head to toe physical exam, and nursing assessment
What is objective data? data from senses
What is subjective data? What the pt says and feels
What does a medical profile include? all drug use, home or folk remedies, intake of alcohol, tobacco and caffeine, OTC meds, hormonal drugs, health history, history of illegal drugs, family history, growth and developmental stage (age and regimen)
What is a holistic nursing assesment? assessing the pt as a whole (everything about them)
What should you assess about medications? perscribed, OTC, herbs, theraputic drug use, allergic reactions, AE, routes, test results, toxicities, antidotes, history, pt's questions
What six elements must the prescribers order be checked for? pt name, date the drug order was written, name of drug, dosage & frequency, route, and signature
Once pt and drug info. have been collected the nurse must? critically analyze ans synthesize the info. (verify and document)
What are nursing diagnosis used for? means of communicating and sharing info about the pt and pt experience
what are nursing diagnosis a result of? critical thinking, creativity and accurate collection of data
What is the NANDA? considered to be the major contributer to the development of nursing knowledge and leading authority
What is the purpose of NANDA? to increase the visibility of nursing's contribution to the care of pt's and to further develop, refine, and classify the info and phenomena relation to nurses
How many steps are there to formulate a ND? 3 steps
What are the 3 steps? human response of the pt to illness or injury, factors related to the response, list of clues, bues, evidence and other data to suppost the nurse's clain that this diagnosis is accurate
What happens after data is collected and ND are formed? planning
How does the planning phase begin? identification of goals and outcomes
what is the major purpose of planning? prioritize the ND and specify goals and outcome criteria, time frame
What are the criteria for goals? they are objective, measurable, and realistic
Planning phase is catorigized in what catagorize? physiologic, psychologic, spiritual, sexual, cognitive, motor
What comes after the planning phase? implementation
what is implementation? communicaition and collaboration with the pt and with members of the health care team associated with pt care.
What does implementation consist of? initiation and completion of specific actions
Nursing actions may be? independent, collaborative or dependent
What are the 5 rights to med. admin? right pt, right time, right drug, right route, right dose
What might be the 6th right? right documentation
criteria to be considered when admin. meds is? pt. safety, pt. education, double checking, storage of drug, accurate calculation, right route
When giving meds the RN should always? check all med orders
How many times? 3 and consider if the med is right for the pt
If doubt exist when giving pt meds a nurse should? contact the prescriber
If an verbal order is given to give a med the prescriber should? sign the order within 24 hrs
The use of the drugs _________ name is preferred? generic
The nurse should never _________ ANYTHING assume
When considering the does the nurse should always? check the dose and see if it is good with the pt's weight and size and against normal dosage range
When calculating pay special attention to? decimal points
What decimal is not acceptable? 2.0 because mistaken for 20
Who are more sensitive to meds? infants and elderly
if meds are given at a certain time they must be within? 1/2 hr before or after scheduled time
Stat meds should be administered? within 1/2 hour
Nurses should always document? any change
The effect of a change in the dosing or timing of medication should? never be underestimeted
another problem that arrises while giving meds is? multiple drug therapy and drug drug, drug food interaction
If the order does not have the route the nurse must? call the perscriber
Again, the nurse should never _____ ASSUME
To ensure the right pt the nurse should? ask pt to state hame, check pt band to confirm pt. name, identification #, age and allergies
Acceptable identifiers of pt are? name, identification #, telephone #
pt's chart should always have: date and time of med admin., name of med, dose, route, and site
In documentation you should include? symptoms, AE, toxicity, why you didn't give a med (if you didn't), refusal of med, actual time, data reguarding clinical observations and treatment of the pt if med. error has occured
If a med. error occurs? the error should not be included in nursing notes you have to fill out an incident report
What is a medication error? any preventable event that may cause or lead to inappropriate medication use or patient harm while the medication is in the control of the health care professional, pt or consumer
What is the last step in the nursing process? Evaluation
What is the evaluation phase? it is systematic, ongoing, and a dynamic phase of the nursing process
What does the evaluation phase include? monitering the fulfillment of goals and outcome criteria
What do you document in the evaluation phase? clear, concise, abbreviation free charting that records info related to goals and oucome criteria and meds
Evaluation also includes? monitoring the implementation of standards of care
Created by: alicia.rennaker
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