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WVC Obsteric Procedu

wvc Nursing Care During Obstertric Procedures chpt 20

Amniotomy Artificial rupture of the amniotic sac. Usually done in conjunction with induction or stimulation of labor, or to permit electronic fetal monitoring.
What are three risks associated with amniotomy? Prolapse of the umbilical cord, obstructing blood flow to and from the placenta & reducing fetal gas exchange. INFECTION, and abruptio placentae.
This can occur if the uterus is distended when the membranes rupture. A large area of placental disruption reduces fetal oxygenation, nutrition and waste disposal. Abruptio placentae, premature separation of normally implanted placenta. One of the 3 risks assoc. with amniotomy.
In what case would an amniotomy be deferred? If the fetus presenting part is high or if the presentation is not cephalic. The risk for prolapsed cord is greater in this situation b/c there is more room for the cord to slip down.
What procedures would a nurse perform prior to the amniotomy? Establish a baseline fetal heart rate and pattern at least 20 to 30 minutes prior to the procedure.
While monitoring FHR you see deep or prolonged variable decelerations that occur during contractions, or persistent bradycardia is present after contractions, what can be suspected? The cord may be compressed, causing fetal distress.
In addition to fetal heart rate monitoring after an amniotomy, a nurse should also assess what? Temperature should be assessed every 2 hours after an amniotomy. Anything greater than 100.4 f should be reported.
What are the 8 indications that labor should be induced? A hostile intrauterine environment, spontaneous rupture of the membranes w/o onset of labor, postterm pregnancy, inflammation of the amniotic sac, hypotention reducing FBF, abruptio placentae, severe maternal medical conditions and fetal death.
What drug is used to augment labor when the contractions are insufficient? Oxytocin
This condition is a contradiction to induction of labor. It is the abnormal implantation of the placenta in the lower uterus. placenta preva can result in hemorrhage during labor, so labor would not be induced.
This contradiction to labor exists when the umbilical cord vessels branch over the amniotic sac rather than inserting into the placenta. Vasa previa can cause fetal hemorrhage if the membranes rupture and labor is induced.
This condition indicates an immediate cesarean section is necessary. Umbilical cord prolapse.
What is cephalopelvic disproportion? A fetal head size that is too large to fit through the maternal pelvis at birth.
This condition is usually caused by bacterial or viral infections that cause inflammation of the amniotic sac. chorioamniontitis , also called amniontitis.
A difficult or prolonged labor, often associated with abnormal uterine activity and cephalopelvic disproportion Dystocia.
A surgical incision of the perineum to enlarge the vaginal opening. episiotomy
This is when the umbilical cord is around the fetal neck nuchal cord
Abnormally small quantity of amniotic fluid (less than 500 ml at term) oligohydramnios
Edema caused to the newborn's scalp created by a vacuum extractor chignon
What are the major risks associated with induction and augmentation of labor? Uterine hyperstimulation resulting in fetal distress, uterine rupture, maternal water intoxication caused by oxytocin's antidiuretic effects and a greater risk for chorioamnionitis.
What are the 5 factors to estimating cervical readiness for labor according to the Bishop Scoring System? Dilation, effacement, fetal station, cervical consistency, and cervical position.
What 2 drugs are given to facilitate cervical ripening? Prostaglandin and misoprostol (Cytotec unlabeled use)
How does a mechanical method of cervical ripening work? A common method involves placement of hydrophilic inserts into the cervical canal, where they absorb water and expand, gradually dilating the cervix.
A woman's uterus becomes more sensitive to oxytocin as labor progresses. During what stage of labor can the rate of infusion gradually be reduced? During the active stage of labor, usually when the woman is between 5-6 cm dilated. After the membranes rupture, it maybe stopped or reduced.
Oxytocin stimulates uterine contractions. Hypertonic contractions can have what effect on the fetus? Hypertonic contractions can reduce placental blood flow and therefore reduce exchange of fetal oxygen and waste products.
What does a HYPERTONIC contraction mean? A contraction that is too strong and causes fetal distress.
Prior to induction or augmentation of labor the nurse determines whether FHR and patterns are reassuring. How often is the FHR charted during the 1st and 2nd stage of labor. FHR is charted at least every 15 minutes during the 1st stage of labor and every 5 minutes during the 2nd stage of labor.
During induction/augmentation of labor the nurse recognizes nonreassuring patterns or hypertonic contractions. What steps can she take to reduce uterine activity and increase fetal oxygenation? Reducting or stopping the oxytocin, keeping the woman on her side to prevent aortocaval compression & increase fetal blood flow, giving 100% oxygen via snug facemask.
What drug may the doctor order to reduce uterine activity during induction/augmentation of labor? Terbutaline can be given to quickly stop the uterine hyperstimulation.
The nurse observes the uterine activity and monitors what three things? Contractions are assessed for frequency, duration and intensity.
During the administration of oxytocin, how often is the mother's baseline BP & pulse taken? Every 30 minutes or when the oxytocin level is increased.
If a woman has received oxytocin for an extended period of time, she runs the risk for postpartum hemorrhage. What should a nurse look for to identify this condition? The uterine muscle becomes fatigued and doesn't contract effectively to compress vessels at the placental site. This is manifested by a SOFT FUNDUS & AN EXCESSIVE AMOUNT OF LOCIA, USUALLY WITH LARGE CLOTS.
What are two methods used to change fetal presentation? External cephalic version and internal version.
What is an operative vaginal birth? One in which the physician applies traction to the fetal head during birth with a vacuum extractor or forceps, to aid the woman's expulsive efforts.
What are the 3 types of uterine incisions made for a cesarean? Low transverse, low vertical and classic, a vertical incision into the upper uterus.
What is the preferred surgical uterine incision for a cesarean? low transverse uterine incision is the preferred unless there is a complication.
Two incisions are made. One in the abdominal wall and one in the uterine wall. What are the 2 in the abdominal wall called? A midline vertical incision between the umbilicus and the symphysis or a Pfannenstiel incision, just above the symphysis.
Created by: wvc
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