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2nd week assessment

Nurse health assessment

RUQ - RIght upper quadrant contains *Liver, *Gallbladder, Duodenum, Head of pancreas, Rt kidney & adrenal, part of ascending & transvere colon
What is Viscera? Solid organs
What is Viscera pain? Organ pain
What is Cutaneous pain? Pain on the surface of the skin
Three systems of the abdomen? 1. Hepatic (liver) 2. GI Tract 3. GU Genito Urinary
LUQ - Left upper quadrant contains left lobe of liver, spleen, stomach, Body of pancreas, left adrenal gland, portion of left kidney, splenic flexure of colon, part of transverse & descending colon
RLQ - right lower quadrant contains Cecum, appendix, portion of ascending colon, right ovary & tube, right ureter, right spermatic cord
LLQ - left lower quadrant contains part of descending colon, sigmoid colon, left ovary & tube, left uretur, left spermatic cord
Midline contains Abdominal Aorta - you can see the pulse on thin people Uterus - enlarged when pregnant or fibroid tumors Bladder - Distended = full bladder
Abdominal Aneurysm Sac formed in the artery bcuz of athersclerosis Athersclerosis - hardening of the arteries More common in men over 55 Feeling "seering/tearing back pain"
Subjective data - Things to ask in an abdominal assessment * APPETITE; anorexia; weight; gain/loss? (Thyroid - controls metabolism); lactose, allergies, GERD (reflux disease) *PAIN * Dysphagia - difficulty swallowing * Food Intolerances- lactose, allergies
Hypothyroidism - Hypo (below) underworked 1. weight gain 2. constipated 3. fatigue
Hyperthyroidism - Hyper (above) overworked 1. loss of weight 2. Insomnia 3. diahrrea 4. energized
ABD Pain N & V (nausea & vomiting) What does it look like? 1. Coffee ground - old blood (ulcer) 2. Hematemesis - blood in vomit
What do Bowel Movement (BM) look like? Frequency? Color, consistency, black/tarry, melana-microscopic blood in stool;
ETOH (Alcohol)/Smoking can cause ulcers/GIB (gastrointestinal bleeding)
Hemoccult test to see if there is blood in the feces/stool
Peristalsis the involuntary constriction & relaxation of the intestines that pushes contents (food) forward
Ascites accumulation of serous fluid in the abdomen
Serous fluid thin fluid/straw color-pale yellow
Sangumous thick like blood
Ascites is commonly found with? heart failure, cirhossis of liver, cancer (liver, colon)
Cranial Nerves
CN I. Olfactory - Smell.
CN II. Optic - Vision.
CN III. Oculomotor - Extra-ocular movement, pupillary constriction, upper eyelid elevation, lens shape change
CN IV. Trochlear - downward & inward eye movement
CN V. Trigeminal - chewing, corneal reflex, face & scalp sensations
CN VI. Abducen - lateral eye movement
CN VI. Facial - Expressions in forehead, eye & mouth; taste
CN VII. Acoustic - Hearing & Balance
CN VIII. Glossopharyngeal - swallowing, salivating & taste
CN IX. Vagus - swallowing & gag reflex, talking; sensations of throat
CN XI. Accessory/Spinal - shoulder movement & headrotation
CN XII. Hypoglossal - tongue movement
Subjective interview q's for patient: Trauma/Injuries? Dizziness/Vertigo? Neck Pain?
What nurse's are objectively assessing when looking at size & shape of head Normocephalo -Normal head size; Macrocephalic-enlarged; Microcephalic-very small. ROM, Trachea is midline. & lymph nodes are palpable
Subjective question to ask patient is: Change or frequency of headaches? Where? Feels like? sharp/stabbing, dull/throbbing
Aura a subjective sensation or motor phenomenon of a migraine or seizure coming.
photophobia sensitive to light
Nucchal rigidity can't touch their chin to their chest
what is the sensory organ of vision? eyes
Name lymph nodes of head & neck Prearicular, Postaricular, Occipital, Submental, Submandibular, Cervical- multiple chains of cervical lymph nodes
Palpating lymph nodes should feel: Size, shape, mobility, consistency (hard or spongy), discreet (individual) or clumped, tenderness
Normal lymph nodes are: moveable, soft, not tender, & discreet
Cancerous lymph nodes hard, uni-lateral, non-tender & fixed
lymph filters infection
perrla pupil, equal, round, reactive to light & accommodation
pupil size determined by autonomic nervous system ANS
lymphadenopathy (acute infection - strep throat) > 1 cm. Bilateral, warm, tender & moveable - Acute infection
lymphadema chronic swelling. common with women who have breast cancer
what dilates pupil sympathetic
what constricts pupil Parasympathetic
what to look for in an eye assessment blurring, blind spot, night vision, decreases acuity
diplopia double vision
strabismuss cross eyes
the snellen tests for visual acuity 20/20 is normal 20/60 nearsighted. the larger the bottom the poorer the vision
myopia/myopic nearsighted
presbyopia change in vsion related to age
hyperopia farsighted
conjunctivitus pink eye; viral infection, very contagious, purulent discharge
corneal abrasion a lash in the eye, it still feels like its there
subconjunctival hemorrhage white of eye is red
cataracts opaque/grey- difficult to see rxn w/ the pupillary light reflex
ear anatomy - tragus & pinna tragus - ant, front, little cartilage tab pinna, or auricle - the whole external ear
assess for earache, infections, discharge, hearing loss, environmental noise exposure, tinnitus, cerumen, CSF (be worried if this comes out of ear), vertigo
tinnitus ringing in the ears, 25% pop. has ideopathic ringing (no known cause)
ototoxic drugs that can cause permanent hearing loss
Created by: sairahjane
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