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Muscles- mastication, the face, the palate, and suprahyoid

Name the Muscles of Mastication 1.Temporalis 2.Masseter 3.Medial pterygoid 4.Lateral pterygoid.
A:Elevates/closes mandible. O: Zygomatic arch. I: mandible- lateral surface of angle, ramus. N: Trigeminal, V. Masseter
A: Elevates/closes mandible, works with another muscle. O: medial surface of lateral pterygoid plate of sphenoid. I: medial surface of angle of madible. N: Trigeminal, V. Medial (internal) Pterygoid
A: Depressor/opener of mandible; protrudes mandible; permits side-to-side movement of mandible. O: Great wing of sphenoid and lateral surface of lateral pterygoid plate. I: Neck of condyle process of mandible and TMJ. N: Trigeminal, V Lateral (external) Pterygoid
A:Elevates/closes mandible and retracts mandible. O: Temporal fossa. I: coronoid process of mandible. N: Trigeminal, V. Can feel bulge when clench jaw. Cause of some headaches. Temporalis
Muscle(s) that elevates or close the mandible Temporalis, Masseter, Medial (internal) pterygoid.
Muscle(s) that retracts mandible Temporalis
Muscle(s) that depresses or open mandible Lateral (external) pterygoid (also anterior belly of digasrtric, mylohyoid, geniohyoid)
Muscle(s) that protrudes mandible Lateral pterygoid
muscle(s) that permits side-to-side movement of mandible Lateral pterygoid
Name the Outer circular (horizontal) muscles of the pharynx. - Superior constrictor - Medial constrictor - inferior constrictor
Name the inner longitudinal (vertical) muscles of the pharynx. - Salpingopharyngeous - Stylopharyngeous - Plaltopharyngeous
Muscle that forms the nasopharynx and oropharynx. Aides in swallowing by propelling the bolus and helps close the VP port. Superior Pharyngeal Constrictor
Muscle that is partially made up of the cricopharyngeous. Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor
Muscles that work together for rotary chewing. Medial and lateral pterygoids
Which nerve innervates the muscles of mastication? CN V- Trigeminal
Name the cranial nerves important for innervating the muscles of swallowing. CN V- Trigeminal CN VII- Facial CN IX- Glossopharyngeal CN x- Vagus CN XII- Hypoglossal
Which group of muscles contribute to structure and elevate the larynx during swallow? Suprahyoid Muscles: Mylohyoid, Digastric, Geniohyoid, stylohyoid,
Which muscle is fan-shaped and known for making the floor of the mouth (FOM)? Mylohyoid (while geniohyoid is the "table runner")
Which muscles are responsible for big movements of the tongue? Extrinsic lingual muscles: Genioglossus, Hyoglossus, Styloglossus, Palatoglossus
Which muscle has 2 bellies and a bend in it? One belly pulls hyoid up and forward before swallowing, while the other belly pulls hyoid back after swallowing. Digastric
Which extrinsic lingual muscle is also known as the anterior faucil pillar? Palatoglossus
Which muscles are responsible for velar movement? Velar muscles: Levator Veli Palatini, Musculus Uvulae, Palatoglossus, palatopharyngeous
Which muscles is the largest velar muscle; most responsible for velar elevation? Levator Veli Palatini
Which velar muscle is the pressure equalizer- regulates the eustachian tube? Tensor Veli Palatini
What muscles are responsible for precise movements of the tongue? Intrinsic tongue muscles: - superior longitudinal muscle - inferior longitudinal muscle - transverse muscle - verticle muscle
Which muscles are responsible for movement of the lips and cheeks? Muscles of the face: -Obicularis oris -zygomaticus minor -Lavator labii superior -Zygomaticus major -Levator anguli oris -Depressor labii inferior -Mentalis -Risorius -Buccinator
Which muscle flattens the cheek and holds food in contact with teeth? Buccinator
Created by: MsMichelleio
Popular Speech Therapy sets




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