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Phrama Unit 1 Gloss

Absorption the process of moving a drug across body membranes
Active transport transport of a substance (as a protein or drug) across a cell membrane against the concentration gradient; requires an expenditure of energy
Affinity chemical attraction that impels certain molecules to unite with others to form complexes
Agonist drug that is capable of binding with receptors to induce a cellular response
Antagonist drug that blocks the response of another drug
Bioavailability ability of a drug to reach the bloodstream and its target tissues
Biologics substances that produce biological responses within the body; they are synthesized by cells of the human body, animal celss or microorganisms
Blood-brain barrier anatomical structure that prevents certain substances from gaining access to the brain
Chemical name strict chemical nomenclature used for naming drugs established by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC)
Clinical investigation second stage of drug testing that involves clinical phase trials
Clinical phase trials testing of a new drug in selected patients
Combination drug drug product with more than one active generic ingredient
Complementary and alternate therapies treatments considered outside the realm of conventional Western medicine
Conjugates side chains that, during metabolism, make drugs more water soluble and more easily excreted by the kidney
Controlled substance in the United States, a drug whose use is restricted by the Comprehensive Drug Abuse Prevention and Conrol Act
Dependence strong physiological or psychological need for a substance
Diffusion or passive transport transport of a substance across a cell membrane by diffusion; expenditure of energy is not required
Distribution the process of transporting drugs through the body
Drug general term for any substance capable of producing biological responses in the body
Drug-protein complex drug that has bound reversibly to a plasma protein, particularly albumin, that makes the drug unavailable for distribution to body tissues
Efficacy the ability of a drug to produce a desired response
Enzyme induction process in which a drug changes the function of the hepatic microsomal enzymes and increases metabolic activity in the liver
Frequency distribution curve A curve relating the magnitude of an observed variable characteristic to its frequency of occurrence. A normal frequency distribution is described by a Gaussian curve.
Generic name non proprietary name of a drug assigned by the government
Graded dose-response relationship between and measurement of the patient's response obtained at different doses of a drug
Hepatic microsomal enzyme system as it relates to pharmacotherapy, liver enzymes that inactivate drugs and accelerate their excretion; sometimes called the P-450 system
Idiosyncratic response unpredictable and unexplained drug reaction
Ionized converted totally or partly into ions
Loading dose comparatively large dose given at the beginning of treatment to rapidly obtain the therapeutic effect of a drug
Maintenance dose dose that keeps the plasma drug concentration continuously in the therapeutic range
Mechanism of action the way in which a drug exerts its effects
Median effective dose dose required to produce a specific therapeutic response in 50% of a group of patients
Median lethal dose (ED50) often determined in preclinical trials, the dose of a drug that will be lethal in 50% of a group of animals
Median toxicity dose (TD50) dose that will produce a given toxicity in 50% of a group of patients
Medication drug after it has been administered
Medication error index categorization of medication errors according to the extent of the harm an error can cause
Metabolism total of all biochemical reactions in the body
Minimum effective concentration amount of drug required to produce a therapeutic effect
NDA review third stage of new drug evaluation by the FDA
Nonionized not converted into ions
Nonspecific cellular response drug action that is independent of cellular receptors and is not associated with other mechanisms, such as changing the permeability of cellular membranes
Partial agonist medication that produces a weaker, or less efficacious, response than the agonist
Pharmacodynamics study of how the body responds to drugs
Pharmacogenetics area of pharmacology that examines the role of genetics in drug response
Pharmacokinetics study of how drugs are handled by the body
Pharmacological classification method for organizing drugs on the basis of their mechanism of action
Pharmacology the study of medicines; the discipline pertaining to how drugs improve or maintain health
Pharmacopoeia medical reference indicating standards of drug purity, strength, and directions for synthesis
Pharmacotherapy treatment of prevention of disease by means of drugs
Plasma half-life the length of time required for the plasma concentration of a drug to decrease by half after administration
Postmarketing surveillance evaluation of a new drug after it has been approved and used in large numbers of patients
Potency the strength of a drug at a specified concentration or dose
Preclinical investigation procedure implemented after a drug has been licensed for public use, designed to provide information on use and on occurrence of side effects
Prodrug drug that becomes more active after it is metabolized
Prototype drug well-understood model drug with which other drugs in pharmacologic class may be compared
Receptor the structural component of a cell to which a drug binds in a dose-related manner, to produce a response
Receptor sites A molecular site or the docking port on the surface of, or within, a cell, usually involving proteins that are capable of recognizing and binding with specific molecules.
Second messenger cascade of biochemical events that initiates a drug's action by either stimulating or inhibiting a normal activity of a cell
Scheduled drugs in the United States, a term describing a drug placed into one of five categories based on its potential for misues or abuse
Therapeutic classification method for organizing drugs on the basic of their clinical usefulness
Therapeutic index the ratio of the drugs LD to it's ED
Therapeutic range the dosage range or serum concentration that achieves the desired drug effects
Therapeutics the branch of medicine concerned with the treatment of disease and suffering
Toxic concentration level of drug that will result in serious adverse effects
Trade (proprietary) name proprietary name of a drug assigned by the manufacturer; also called the brand name or product name
Withdrawal physical signs of discomfort associated with the discontinuation of an abused substance
Created by: txcross
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