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Maternity-Child, definitions, acronyms

5 P's- passenger=the fetus is assessed for: size of head, attitude, lie, presentation, position, engagement, station
5 P's- passenger-attitude is the relationship of fetal parts to one another (flexion)
5 P's- passenger-lie is the relationship of "head to tail" axis of fetus to that of the mother's- vertex/occiput, breech, transverse, oblique
5 P's- passenger-presentation is the fetal part that enters the pelvis first- cephalic, breech, shoulder
5 P's- passenger-position is the relationship of the fetal presenting part to mother's pelvis- 3 letters, LOA=best, ROA=oki too
5 P's- passenger-position-1st letter is R=ight or L=eft side
5 P's- passenger-position-2n letter is presenting landmark- O=cciput (back of head), M=entum (chin), S=acrum, A=cromion (shoulder)
5 P's- passenger-position-3rd letter is presenting landmark in relation to front, back and sides of mother's pelvis- A=nterior, P=osterior, T=ransverse
5 P's- passenger-engagement is when the largest diameter of presenting part reaches pelvic inlet, can be detected by vaginal exam and cannot be displaced
crowning when presenting part can be seen (perineum bulges)
5 P's- passenger-station is presenting part in relation to ischial spines by cms- above= -1 to -5, at= 0 ("point of no return"), below= +1 to +5
5 P's- powers primary=freq, intensity, duration of contractions and secondary=mother's pushing efforts (2nd stage)
5 P's- position (mother's) physical position of mother for labor and birthing/pushing, e.g. squatting
5 p's- pysche e.g. excitement, fear, anxiety
1st stage labor is from onset of true labor to complete dilation/effacement, 3 phases-latent, active, transition
2nd stage labor is active labor, from complete dilation/effacement to delivery
3rd stage labor is from delivery of baby to delivery of placenta
4th stage labor is immediate recovery phase, 4hrs following delivery
Leopold maneuvers abdominal palpation to determine fetal position- 1st=head, 2nd=back, 3rd=presenting part, 4th=determine attitude or brow (flexed/extended head)
dystocia abnormal or difficult birth
dysplasia congenital abnormality
chorioamnionitis bacteria infection of fetal membranes
tocolytic therapy intervention for preterm labor, consisting of glucocorticoids to accelerate lung maturity, tocolytics- beta-adren agonist, magnesium sulfate (antidote- calcium gluconate), CCB's- Procardia, prostaglandin inhibitors- NSAID's
GPTPAL gravida=any preg, para=preg >20wks, T=term babies >37wks, P=preterm >20wks and <37wks, A=abortions, L=current living children
Hagar's sign softening of the isthmus of uterus
Goodell's sign softening of cervix
Chadwick's sign bluish color of cervix & vagina
Kleinhauer-Betke test tests amt of fetal hemoglobin in mother's blood
Coomb's test- direct and indirect direct tests for antibodies already bound to red blood cells and indirect tests for unbound circulating bodies, direct is done on baby and indirect is done on mother
BUBBLE HEE breasts, uterus, bladder, bowel, lochia, episiotomy/incision, homan's, emotional, education
CPD cephalopelvic disproportion- passageway not big enough for fetus to go through
biophysical profile fetal breathing movement, movement of limbs or body, fetal tone (ext and flex of extremities), amniotic fluid volume, reactive FHR with activity (reactive NST)
APGAR appearance(color-cyanotic,body pink/ext blue,all body pink), pulse(absent,<100,>100), grimace(reflex-no response,weak response,sneeze/cough,responds promptly), activity (muscle tone- absent, min flexion/sluggish,flexed/active), resp(absent,weak,strong)
Created by: kgrabo99
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