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Pharm Ch. 8

What is alternative medicine? herbal meds, chiropractic, acupunture, refewxology, and any other therapies traditionally not emphasized in wester medical schools but popular with many patients
What is complementary medicine? alternative medicine when used simultaneoulsy wiht, rather than instead of, standard western medicine
What is conventional medicine? The practice of medicine as taught in western medical schools
What is dietary supplement? a product taken by mouth that contains an ingredient intended to supplement the diet, including vitamins, minerals, herbs or other botanicals, amino acids, and substances such as enzymes, organ tissues, glandular preparations, metabolites, and extracts
What is herbal medicine? the practice of using herbs to heal
What is herbs? plant components including bark, roots, leaves, seeds, flowers, and fruit of trees, shrubs and woody veins, and extracts of these plants and materials
What is iotrogenic effects? unintentional AE that are caused by the actions of a prescriber or other health care professional or by a specific treatment
What is legend drugs? medications that are not legally available wihtout a prescroption from a prescriber
What are OTC drugs? medications that are legally available without a prescription
What are phytochemicals? the pharmacologically active ingredients in herbal remedies
What has to be included on an OTC drug label? uses, directions for use, active ingredients, warning, storage info, and inactive ingredients
Pt's are encouraged to? read labels and contact doctor when they are unsure
What is the purpose of the FDA's reclassification drugs advisory committee? to get drugs back to OTC status
What is a positive of OTC drugs? pt's can conveniently and effectively self treat many minor ailments
Others say that OTC drugs are bad because? it keeps pt's from seeking care until very ill
Reclassification of a prescription drug as an OTC drug may? icrease cost
But health care decreases when? more drugs are OTC drugs
many pt's cannot read labels which results in? misuse of products
OTC medications also have their? own toxicity profiles
cough and cold products should not be used? in children under 2 years of age (not effective)
People may take to much meds because of? ignorance and wanting to ease their symptoms
OTC nasal sprays can cause? rebound congestion and dependency
OTC meds should be used only for? shorterm treatment of common minor illnesses
60% of pts consult? health care professionals when selecting OTC meds
Diatary supplements are? PO and have ingredients to augment the diet and include vit, minerals, etc..
Diatary supplements are also in? foods (nutritional bar)
Herbs come from? nature (plants, leaves)
Herbal medicine lost ground to new? synthetic medicines
syntheci medicines are? more effective and reliable
What is commission E monographs? herbal recommendations
What are the 5 categories of alternative medicine? Alternative medical systems, mind body interventions, biologically based therapies, manipulative and body based methods and energy therapies
People believe that if a product is "natural"? then it is safe
All manufactruers of dietary supplements are required to? comply with good manufacturing practices
Manufacturers must provide what? data that demonstrates product, identity, composition, quality, purity, and strength of ingredients
For other drugs they do not have to provide proof of what? evidence that the substance is safe and effective
As herbal meds increase nurses must? provided education on these drugs
There are what effects caused by herbs? Allergic reactions, toxic reactions, and AE
Some herbs have been shown to? have mutagenic effects and to interact with drugs
What can the herbal kava cause? liver tox
What can the herbal ephedra cause? stroke risks
excessive use of dietary supplement can be? dangerous
there are how many new dietary supplements yearly? 1000
Herbal medicine is based on? the premise that plants contain natural substances that can promote health and alleviate illness
Herbal products constitute? the largest growth area
What are the common used herbal remedies? aloe, black cohosh, chamomile, feverfew, garlic, ginger, ginkgo
OTC drugs can be? lethal or problematic as prescription drugs
People taking herbal, OTC, or dietary meds should? monitor themselves
Why do consumers use herbal products? for treatment of diseases, for long term prevention of disease, and for the maintenance of health and wellness
Herbal products are not? FDA approved
OTC, herbal and dietary meds have no guarantee that is can be safely administered to? children, infants, lactating women, or pt's with certain health conditions that may put them at risk
Created by: alicia.rennaker
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