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Pharm Ch. 10

Keeps in minds your 6 rights? right drug, right time, right pt, right route, right documentation, and right dose
Always do what when giving meds? wash hands
When calculating meds you should? double check
Obtain drugs how? 1 pt at a time
Check the drug how many times before giving it? 3x
Check what on all meds? expiration date
Meds used after expiration date can cause? less potent or harmful
Make sure drugs given together are? compatable
before giving meds check what on the pt? braclet
open the drug when? in front of the pt
Stay with the pt while? they take the meds
Chart the medication on what? medication record
Response time will vary with? route
If the pt can't swallow well some meds can be? crushed
Crush? one pill at a time
Offer the pt how much to drink? a whole glass
T or F: you can place meds on pt's tongue? T
Sublingual and buccal routes are for? rapid absorption
Sublingual? buccal? Under tongue, Between cheeck and molar
Allow the drug to completely dissolve before? swallowing
Fluids should not be taken with ? buccal or sublingual
Orally disintegrating meds do what in the mouth? dissolve without water in 60 seconds, placed on the tongue
In orally disintegrating meds you have to make sure? the pt has not eaten or drank in the last 5 min
orally disintegrating meds cannot be? split, broken, or torn
If you overfill a liquid med you get rid of there excess where? sink
You can mix baby liquid meds? with sweet tasting foods
Do not mix meds with what? honey it can cause botulism
Before giving meds through a tube you should? put pt in semi fowler position
Tube, you should assess? whether fluid restriction or fluid overload is a concern
Tube, if a tablet must be given? crush it if you can
Tube, you should dilute what with 15-30 ml of warm water? the tablet
Tube, you should allow liquid to move? by gravity
Tube, do not try to? force the medication
After giving meds through a tube you should always? flush it with 15-30 ml warm water
Rectal, assess for what? rectal bleeding or diarrhea
Suppositories should not be? divided
The suppositorie should not be? inserted into stool
You should always do what with a suppositorie? lubricate it
While putting in the suppositorie you should tell the pt to? take a deep breath, and exhale through mouth
Never recap? a used needle
How do you recap a needle with meds in it? scoop method
What needles should be used when withdrawing meds from an ampule? filter needles
T or F: never use a filter needle for injection into a pt T
When removing meds from an ampule what needle should you use? sterile filter needle
Medications in a ampule rest where? the top
Multidose vials should have what on them? date and time and discard date
When getting meds from a vial you must? inject air first
The amount of air injected into a vial should be what? the same amount taken
How do you get meds from two vials? inject air into first vial, then inject into the second, get does from second vile, and then get dose from first
What is the air lock technique? After getting the meds you need, add .2 ml of air
When getting two insulin meds you should draw up which first? clear then cloudy
Why is the z track method used? to prevent irritating substances from getting in other parts
What method of injection is considered the safest? ventrogluteal
What is the ventrogluteal site? pt is placed on their side, injection on side
What should you do when giving a ventrogluteal site injection? make a triangle and the site is the center
What is the preferred vastus lateralis site for? infants
Iv's are more what than others? dangerous
Before giving IV's assess the pt for? drug allergies, for phlebitis and inflammation
Check what on IV bags? expiration date
Most iv's have what to add to them? mixtures, add under hood
Some IVPB have to be wat to be activated? snap line
When hanging IV bags do not? squeeze the bag
Always label IV bag with what? pt name and room number, name of meds,dose, date and time mixed, your initils and date and time meds were given
Label IV bag when? meds are added
How do you flush an IVPB? usuing backpriming method (fluid is drained through the tubing into the old intravenous piggyback bag
RN and only RN can give? intravenous push meds
What does bolus mean? a dose given all at once
When putting in eye drops make sure the pt is not? wearing contacts
wipe eye from? inner to outer canthus
Never apply drops to the? cornea
You apply pressure to the pt's nasolacrimal duct for? 30-60 seconds, to reduce systemic absorption
Wait several min before? administering the 2nd eyedrops
For ear drops in adults you should? pull ear up and back
For ear drops in children you should? pull ear down and back
How are nose meds given? spray, drop, and dose metered sprays
What is a flowmeter used for? for pts to monitor the peak expiratory flow rates
After pushing the inhailer how long do you inhale? deep for 5 seconds, and have them hold breath for 10 seconds
How long should you wait between puffs? 1-2 min
How long do you wait between meds? 2-5 min
pts should be taught? to count puffs per day (needed), and divide by actual puffs taken
Do not cut? transdermal patches
measure what topical med? nitroglycerin ointment
Created by: alicia.rennaker
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