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Prof.Jordan; Test 3

Cardiovascular disease (CVD) is an abnormal condition characterized by disorders of the heart and blood vessels
Atherosclerosis is a buildup of cholesterol, lipids, cellular wastes, calcium, & other substances
Endothelium injury Hyperlipidemia (nondenuding), HTN (denuding), chemical irritants (infections)
Stage 1 fatty streak formation (reversible), collateral circulation formation
Stage 2 prgressive changes (age 30 and continue to increase), chronic endothlial injurey
Stage 3 compicated lesion, rigidity and hardening (Atheromas)
Formed plaque hemmorrhage into the plaque, thrombus formation on the plaques surface, total occlusion; causes MI, stroke
Unmodifiable risk factors age, gender, genetic predisposition, ethnicity
Modifiable risk factors elevated serum lipids and cholesterol, HTN, smoking, physical inactivity, obesity, DM, stress and behavior patterns, elevated cholesterol
HTN= BP > 140
Smoking 2-6x higher risk to develop CAD, doubles the jeopardy
Physical inactivity decreases HDL's, decreases fibrinolytic activity (increases clot formation), sifles collateral formation
obesity increase risk proportional to degree of obesity, increase LDL's and triglycerides, assoc. with HTN and DM2
Diabetes Mellitus altered lipid metabolism
Stress and behavior patterns Type "A" personality, activation of sympathatic nervous system
Elevated cholesterol < 200 is desired, 240 is high risk
To utilize lipids must become water soluble, done by combining with proteins
Primary prevention reduce intake of saturated fat and cholesterol, increase physical activity, control weight, smoking cessation, decrease stress or alter behavioral problems, elvaluate dietary patterns
Medication therapy goals increase lipoprotein removal, restrict lipoprotein production, decrease cholesterol absorption
HGM CoA Reductase inhibitors (statins) block the syntesis of cholesterol, increase the removal of LDL's and triglycerides, increase HDL's
Statins must be administered at bedtime
nursing interventions for statins is monitor liver function
Statin medications are Atorvastatin (lipitor), Pravastatin (pravachol), Simvastatin (zocor), Lovastatin (mevacor, altocor), Fluvastatin (lescol)
Atorvastatin lipitor
pravastatin pravachol
Simvastatin zocor
Lovastatin mevacor, altocor
fluvastatin lescol
HDL's (HEALTHY) contain more protein and less lipid, carry lipids away from arteries, increase with physical activity, decrease with age and hx of CAD
HDL level >60 = negative risk <35 = major risk
VLDL's (LETHAL) contain more triglycerides, lead to LDL's, elevation may increase the risk of premature atherosclerosis with other risk factors (DM, HTN, Smoking)
Triglycerides made up of fatty acids (saturated, unsaturated), low triglycerides = high HDL's
Triglyceride level's <150 = normal > 200+ = High
LDL's (LETHAL) contain more cholesterol, have an affinity for arterial walls, decreased level desireable
LDL levels < 130= desirable >160= high risk
Cholesterol comes from what foods? (mostly animals) egg yolks, meath, poultry, fish, seafood, whole-milk products
Food that DO NOT contain cholesterol fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds
Cholesterol levels <200= desirable 240+ high
Saturated fats major reason for elevating blood cholesterol
Daily cholesterol intake= <300; limit to <200 if known heart disease
Side effects of statins include constipation, abdominal pain and cramps ( mild to servere, but subside as therapy continues)
Benefits of statins reduction of CHD mortality, overall reduction of coronary events, reduction of coronary procedures, reduction of strokes, reduction of overall mortality
Bile acid Sequestrants work by binding with bile acids in the intestine, forming an insoluble complex that is excreted through the stool
Bile acid sequestants binds to LDL's and cholesterols. Loss of bile acids raises cholesterol and LDL levels. tends to increase triglyceride levels
Bile acid sequestants interfere with absorption of digoxin, b-adrenergic blockers, coumadin and synthroid
Bile acid sequestants side effects constipation, nausea (decrease over time)
Bile acid sequestrants medications include Cholestyramine (questran), Colestipol (colestid), Colesevelam (welchol)
Cholestyramine aka Questran; bile acid sequestrant
Colestipol aka Colestid; bile acid sequestrant
Colesevelam aka Welchol; bile acid sequestrant
nursing considerations for bile acid sequestrants give before meals, mix with applesauce or a beverage
Nicotinic acid medication Niacin
Nicontinic acid works by inhibiting synthesis and secretion of VLDL's, LDL's, triglycerides and cholesterol. Increase HDL levels
Nicontinic acid side effects flushing, hyperglycemia, hyperuricemia, upper gi distress, hepatoxicity
Nursing considerations with nicontinic acid medications take with food
Contraindications with nicontinic acid medication liver disease, severe gout, peptic ulcer
Fibric acids work by reducing triglycerides by decreasing VLDL's, decreases liver synthesis and secretion of VLDL's, increases HDL's
Nursing considerations of fibric acids give before meals, may enhance the effects of anticoagulants and hypohlycemia
Fibric acid medications include Gemfibrozil (lopid), Fenofibrate (tricor, lofibria)
Gemfibrozil aka Lopid; fibric acid
Fenofibrate aka Lofibra; fibric acid
Fibric acid side effects dyspepsia, gallstones
Additional therapies include Higher dose of statin Statin + Bile acid sequestant Statin + Nicotonic acid
Cardiac cath evaluates heart valves, heart function, blood supply, abnormalities, ventricular aneurysms, cardiac enlargment, need for open heart surgery
Procedures performed in cardiac cath angioplasty, stent placement, atherectomy, PCI
Angioplasty a balloon is placed at site of occlusion and then inflated which mashes plaque against inner wall
Stent placement the catheter is placed at the site of occlusion with a stent over the balloon, balloon is inflated which mashes the plaque and places the stent in place; requires anticoagulant therapy for approx. 6 months to 1 yr
Atherectomy use of high speed drill,diamond cutter; cuts and pulverizes the plaque, balloon at end of catheter collects remnants of plaque
Closing the incsion from cardiac cath options direct pressure with femstop or hand, suture such as roeder knot, or angio-seal (most ideal) callagen sponge and anchor and is absorbed in 60-90 days
Pre-operative to cardiac cath NPO, informed consent, teaching (posistion, allergies, dye, cough, pain, sedation)
Post-operative to cardiac cath flat in bed, hydration, vs q15 mins, site and pain assessment
Discharge instructions of cardiac cath avoid heavy lifting, and rigorous activity for one week, may be small bump or bruising, notifiy MD if pain, swelling at insertion site, fever, chills, pain or change to extremity
Created by: stilsl
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