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-scopy, -scope
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Med Term Tests


-ectomy surgical repair
-scopy, -scope -scopy=process of visually examining -scope=instrument used for viewing
-stomy formation of an opening
-tomy incision
-tripsy surgical crushing
lith/o stone
aden/o gland
cardi/o heart
col/o colon or large intestine
derm/a, dermat/o skin
mamm/o, mast/o breast
neur/o nerve
ophthalm/o eye
oste/o bone
ot/o ear
vas/o vessel, ductus deferens
-algia hernia
gastr/o stomach
-itis inflammation
-megaly large or enlarged
-osis condition
-oma tumor (occassionally, swelling)
-pathy disease
-penia deficiency
phlebitis vein inflammation
-opia vision
diplopia double vision
cyan/o blue
megal/o enlargement
-para female who has given birth
phag/o eating, swallowing, ingesting
phas/o speech
scop/o to examine, to view
nulli- none
primi- first
gravida ?
par/o to bear offspring
ecto out, without, away from
endo inside
inter between
intra within
a-, an- no, not, without
dys- pain
eu- normal, good
abdomin/o abdomen
lapar/o abdominal wall
thorac/o thorax, chest
diaphoresis ?
hematuria blood in urination
pyuria puss in urine
hematoma localized collection of blood, usually clotted in an organ, tissue or space, resulting from a break in the wall of a blood vessel.
thrombocytopenia reduction in the number of blood platelets
thrombopenia ?
anemia condition in which the number of RBC or the concentration of hemoglobin (or both) is decreased
leukopenia an abnormal decrease in the total number of WBC
leukocytosis an abnormal increase in the total number of WBC
benign ?
malignant ?
ac before meals
pc after meals
prn as needed/when necessary
bid twice a day
tid three times a day
qid four times a day
D/C discontinue
gtt drop
gtts drops
mcg microgram
mg milligram
gm, g gram
kg kilogram
gr grain
PO by mouth
NPO nothing by mouth
ID intradermal
IM intramuscular
SC subcutaneous
IV intravenous
IVPBIV piggy back
OD right eye
OS left eye
OU both eyes
UD unit dose
S (with line over the top) without
c(with line over the top) with
HS bedtime
q every
X times
supp suppository
QH every hour
amp ampule
q6h every 6 hours
cap capsule
cc cubic centimeter
L Liter, left
R rectal, right
mEq milliequivalent
hypo hypodemic
ad, lib as desired
p (with a line over the top) after
a (with a line over the top) before
m minim
NKA no known allergies
T tablespoon
t teaspoon
oz ounce
Rx take, by prescription
SL sublingual
tab tablet
OTC over the counter
> greater than
less than
D5W dextrose 5% in water
NS normal saline
LR lactated saline
h, hr hour
stat immediately
ml milliliter
oint, ung ointment
1kg to lbs. 2.2lb
1g to gr 15gr
60mg to gr 1 gr
1kg to g 1000 g
1g to mg 1000mg
4000mL to gal 1 gal
1 gal to qt 4 qt
1 L to mL 1000 mL
1 L to qt 1 qt
1 qt to pt 2 pt
500 mL to pt 1 PT
1 pt to fl oz 16 fl oz
240 mL to oz 8 oz
8 oz to cup 1 cup
30 mL to oz 1 oz
1 oz to dr 8 dr
1 oz to tbsp 2 tbsp
15 mL to oz 1/2 oz
1/2 oz to dr 4 dr
1/2 oz to tbsp 1 tbsp
5 mL to dr 1 dr
5 mL to tsp 1 tsp
1 tsp to gtt 60 gtt
1 tbsp to tsp 3 tsp
1 mL to gtt 15 gtt
Convert Fahrenheit to Celsius C=(F-32)/1.8
Convert Celsius to Fahrenheit F=Cx1.8+32
Metric system, largest to smallest kg, g, mg, mcg
1 kg to g 1000 g
1 g to mg 1000 mg
1 mg to mcg 1000 mcg
1 L to mL 1000 mL
Apthecaries' system, largest to smallest gal, qt, pt, fl oz, fl dr, M
1 gal to qt 4 qts
1 qt to pt 2 pts
1 pt to fl oz 16 fl oz
1 fl oz to fl dr 8 fl dr
1 fl dr to M 60 M
1 fl oz to oz 1 oz
1 fl dr to dr 1 dr
Created by: melissaaclark
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