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cardiovascular *
Question | Answer |
There are three major components of the cardiovascular system: | heart arteries veins |
Which of the following is not a granular type leukocyte? | plasma |
The fluid portion of blood. | plasma |
Another name for thrombocytes. | platelets |
Approximately 45% of the total blood volume. | hematocrit |
A count which looks at the leukocytes. | differential |
A type of granular leukocytes. | eosinophils |
Red blood cells. | erythrocytes |
The oxygen-carrying pigment of the erythrocytes. | hemoglobin |
diastole | Relaxation of the heart chambers. |
systole | Contraction of the heart chambers. |
sinus rhythm | Sequence of contraction and relaxation of the heart chambers. |
arteries | Transport blood away from the heart. |
veins | Transport blood towards the heart. |
capillaries | Small vessels that connect arterioles and venules. |
Transport blood away from the heart. | arteries |
Contraction of the heart chambers. | systole |
Small vessels that connect arterioles and venules. | capillaries |
Transport blood towards the heart. | veins |
Relaxation of the heart chambers. | diastole |
pericardium | A triple-layered sac that encloses the heart. |
epicardium | Outer layer of the heart wall. |
myocardium | Middle layer of the heart wall. |
endocardium | Inner layer of the heart wall. |
atria | Receive venous blood from the veins. |
atrium | Singular form of atria. |
ventricles | Pumps blood into the arteries. |
atrioventricular valves | Includes the tricuspid valve and the mitral or bicuspid valve. |
semilunar valves | Includes the aortic valve and the pulmonary valve. |
Receive venous blood from the veins | atria |
Middle layer of the heart wall | myocardium |
A triple-layered sac that encloses the heart | pericardium |
Pumps blood into the arteries | ventricle |
Inner layer of the heart wall | endocardium |
A graphic tracing of variations in electrical potential of the heart muscle. | electrocardiogram |
Stroke volume/end diastolic volume. | ejection fraction |
The procedure where deep structures are examined by a screen with crystals. | fluoroscopy |
There are several classes of this radionuclide agent. | technetium 99m |
An agent causing dilation of blood vessels. | vasodilator |
Studies which use a signal to stimulate passage of an electronic circuit. | gated |
A median septum or partition. | mediastinum |
Studies showing the myocardium. | perfusion |
Evaluates ventricular function and wall motion. | ventriculography |
Administered on myocardial imaging. | Thallium |
Shadow. | silhouette |
An ultrasound of the heart. | echocardiogram |
A radioactive nuclide. | technetium 99m |
Named for an Austrian physicist. | Doppler |
Technique used in catheterization. | Seldinger |
A coronary vasodilator. | dipyridamole |
Used between a conductor and object to which it is applied. | electrode |
Act of listening for sound within the body. | auscultation |
Striking a part with short, sharp blows. | percussion |
Studies showing the myocardium. | perfusion |
A high-pitched sound heard over the arteries. | bruit |
Chest pain. | angina pectoris |
Nosebleed. | epistaxis |
Generalized massive edema. | anasarca |
Perspiration. | diaphoresis |
hyperlipidemia | A generalized term for elevated lipids in the blood. Common specific forms of this are hypertriglyceridemia and hypercholesterolemia. This condition can be dangerous because it leads to blockages in the arteries. |
hypertriglyceridemia | A form of hyperlipidemia with elevated triglyceride concentration in the blood. |
hypercholesterolemia | A form of hyperlipidemia with elevated cholesterol in the blood. |
hypertension | Abnormally high blood pressure. |
hypotension | Abnormally low blood pressure. |
orthostatic | An orthostatic hyper- or hypotension occurs when the values of the blood pressure change upon changing positions. In other words, a patient could have high blood pressure when standing up, but it returns to normal when taken sitting down. |
hypoxemia | Deficient oxygenation of the blood. |
orthopnea | Difficulty breathing except when in the upright position. Often designated by necessity to elevate the head and upper body: two pillow orthopnea, three pillow orthopnea. |
Low blood pressure. | hypotension |
Generalized term for elevated lipids in the blood. | hyperlipidemia |
Difficulty breathing except when upright. | orthopnea |
Deficient oxygenation of blood. | hypoxemia |
High blood pressure. | hypertension |
palpitation | A subjective sensation of a rapid or irregular heartbeat. Often this is determined because a patient is aware of the heart beating. |
paroxysmal nocturnal dyspnea | Being awakened in the night by episodic painful or difficult breathing, often relieved by sitting up. This is usually a result of elevated pulmonary venous pressure and pulmonary edema. |
rale | An abnormal, discontinuous, nonmusical sound heard on auscultation. This is usually indicative of lung disease, congestion, or bronchospasm, but can also be caused by heart failure. |
rhonchus | A continuous dry rattling sound in the throat or bronchial tube due to a partial obstruction. |
syncope | A temporary suspension of consciousness; a faint or a "swoon." When syncope is of cardiac origin, it is typically sudden and ends abruptly and spontaneously. |
vasovagal syncope | Often called a vasovagal attack, this is both a vascular and neurogenic reaction. |
thrill | A sensation of vibration felt by the examiner on palpation of the body or on auscultation, especially over the heart because of a large cardiac murmur. Other apparent heart sound abnormalities may be described as "heaves," "rubs," or "gallops." |
A thrill (speaking cardiovascularly, of course) is a sensation of | vibration felt by the examiner. |
Vasovagal syncope is also referred to as vasovagal | attack. |
anemia | A reduction in the number of erythrocytes per cubic millimeter in the blood. There are many types of anemia; it can necessitate transfusions and be life-threatening. |
anemia of chronic disease | As the title implies, this is an anemia that is coexistent with another disease(s). Generally it is multifactorial with iron-deficiency anemia. Underlying disease generally causes the anemia of chronic disease. |
aplastic anemia | Any form of anemia caused by bone marrow failure or aplasia of the marrow. |
hemolytic anemia | Type of anemia in which mature erythrocytes have a shortened survival and bone marrow responsiveness is decreased. It can be hereditary or acquired and is normally seen after an infection or chemotherapy. |
hypochromic anemia | Iron-deficiency anemia. |
iron-deficiency anemia | An anemia in which iron stores are very low or absent. The blood lacks the proper amount of red blood cells that it needs. Pregnant women and those with a lack of iron in the diet are most commonly affected. |
macrocytic anemia | Caused by a lack of folic acid or vitamin B12 and in certain diseases. The erythrocytes in blood become larger than normal. |
megaloblastic anemia | Caused by megaloblasts in the bone marrow. The red blood cells are larger than normal; it is usually caused by folic acid or vitamin B12 deficiency. |
microcytic anemia | Characterized by smaller than normal red blood cells. |
normochromic anemia | The hemoglobin in the red blood cells is normal, but this type of anemia still occurs. However, the amount of normochromic red blood cells that are circulating is low. |
normocytic anemia | An anemia in which red blood cells are the normal size, but there are less of them total. |
pernicious anemia | Caused by a lack of vitamin B12, it is generally associated with gastric atrophy issues. |
sickle cell anemia | Also called sickle cell disease, it is a hereditary condition in which two abnormally inherited genes cause red blood cells to change shape. |
sideroblastic anemia | An anemia in which there exists an adequate amount of iron but there is an inability to incorporate it to hemoglobin. |
pernicious | Lack of vitamin B12, generally associated with gastric atrophy issues |
hypochromic | Also called iron-deficiency anemia |
microcytic | Characterized by smaller than normal red blood cells |
megaloblastic | Caused by megaloblasts in the bone marrow |
aplastic | Caused by bone marrow failure |
anemia of chronic disease | An anemia that is coexistent with another disease(s) |
iron-deficiency anemia | Low or absent iron stores |
macrocytic | The erythrocytes in blood become larger than normal |
aneurysm | A sac formed by the dilatation of the wall of an artery, vein, or the heart. It is filled with fluid or clotted blood and often results in a pulsating tumor. |
arrhythmia | Any variation from the normal rhythm of the heart. |
arteriosclerosis | is a generic term for a number of diseases in which the arterial wall becomes thickened and loses elasticity. |
Atherosclerosis is | a disease in which a yellowish plaque comprised of cholesterol and other lipid material is formed within the arteries. It is the most common of the diseases listed here. |
arteritis | Inflammation of an artery. |
blood dyscrasias | Pathologic condition of the blood usually referring to disorders of the cellular elements of the blood. |
bradyarrhythmia | Any disturbance of the heart rhythm in which the heart rate slows—in adults generally below 60 beats per minute. |
bradycardia | Slowness of the heartbeat. |
A sac in the wall of an artery, the vein, or the heart. | aneurysm |
A disease with yellowish plaque formation in the arteries. | atherosclerosis |
A heart rhythm of less than 60 beats per minute. | bradyarrhythmia |
Inflammation of an artery. | arteritis |
Blood diseases usually referring to disorders of the cellular elements of the blood. | blood dyscrasias |
cardiomyopathy | A generalized term for primary noninflammatory disease of the heart muscle (myocardium), often of unknown etiology because ischemic, hypertensive, congenital, valvular, and pericardial disease have all been ruled out. |
congestive heart failure (CHF) | A clinical syndrome that reflects a fundamental abnormality in the effective performance of the heart. |
cor pulmonale | Right ventricular enlargement secondary to malformation of the lungs. This produces pulmonary artery hypertension. (This is pronounced "core pulmonal-ee.") |
coronary artery disease | Any disease of the coronary arteries, but most often due to atherosclerosis in the large and medium-sized arteries of the heart. |
deep venous thrombosis (DVT) | Thrombosis is the formation or presence of a thrombus, which is an aggregation of blood factors (such as platelets and fibrin) causing vascular obstruction. Deep venous thrombosis is one of the most common venous disorders. |
dextrocardia | The positioning of the heart on the right side of the thorax rather than on the left. |
embolism | The sudden blocking of an artery by a clot or foreign material which has been brought to the site of embolism by the blood flow. |
endocarditis | Inflammation of the endocardium, usually specifically involving one or more heart valves. SBE (subacute bacterial endocarditis) is an infective endocarditis that may be triggered or intensified by bacteria during dental procedures. |
Right ventricular enlargement secondary to a malformation of the lungs is called (cor, core) pulmonale. | cor |
An (embalism, embolism) involves the sudden blocking of an artery by a clot or foreign material. | embolism |
When the heart is positioned on the right side instead of the left, this is referred to as (dextracardia, dextrocardia). | dextrocardia |
One of the most common venous disorders is deep venous (thrombosis, thrombosus). | thrombosis |
A major complication of coronary (artery, artrey) disease is a myocardial infarction. | artery |
SBE prophylaxis | Patients with a history of heart disease or rheumatic fever may be given antibiotics for SBE prophylaxis prior to dental treatment. |
fibrillation | A twitching of the cardiac muscle that is not in a sustained rhythm, is faster than normal, and is not effective. Atrial fibrillation is a chronic condition that can be present for years. However, ventricular fibrillation is quickly fatal. |
fistula | An abnormal passage or communication between two internal organs. |
arteriovenous fistula | AVF is a communication between an artery and a vein during which blood flows into the neighboring vessel. It is also a surgically created connection which provides a site for the tube used in hemodialysis. |
hemophilia | A congenital disease passed from the mother in which the blood does not clot properly, and there is both abnormal internal blood flow and bleeding from the mouth. |
hemorrhage | Bleeding; blood escaping dangerously from the vessels. It can occur both internally, where it is not immediately detected, or externally, where it can be seen escaping the body. |
ischemia | The lack of blood in a body part. This can be due either to the blood vessels constricting or an obstruction occurring within a vessel. |
leukemia | A progressive cancerous disease of the blood-forming tissues that distorts the development of leukocytes in the blood and bone marrow. There are several types and they are more common in children than in adults. |
The lack of blood in a body part. | ischemia |
Communication between an artery and vein with blood flow into a neighboring vein. | arteriovenous fistula |
A progressive cancerous disease of blood-forming tissues. | leukemia |
An abnormal twitching of the heart muscle that is fast and noneffective. | fibrillation |
Profuse bleeding. | hemorrhage |
leukocytosis | A temporary increase in leukocytes in the blood resulting from fever, hemorrhage, infection, or inflammation. |
lymphedema | A chronic edema of the extremities that can be present on either one or both sides of the body. It is secondary to the obstruction of the lymph vessels or other disorders of the lymph nodes. |
mitral stenosis | Obstruction of blood flow from the left atrium to the left ventricle because of narrowing of the mitral opening. |
mitral valve prolapse | A bulging of one or both of the mitral valve leaflets into the left atrium during systole so that a sharp systolic sound or click and late regurgitation murmur are heard. |
mononucleosis | The presence of a large number of monocytes in the blood. The most common type infects adolescents and results in two to three weeks of fever and fatigue. |
murmur | A sound heard on auscultation of the heart or blood vessels which can be either benign or pathologic. |
Murmers can be classified into three main types: | systolic, diastolic, and continuous. |
Murmurs are graded according to | intensity-grade |
systolic | Systolic murmurs are divided into two types: ejection murmurs which are due to turbulent flow through narrowed or otherwise irregular valves or outflow tracts and holosystolic murmurs which are due to regurgitation or |
diastolic | Diastolic murmurs are due to stenosis of the mitral or tricuspid valves or regurgitation of the aortic or pulmonary valves. Mitral stenosis produces a diastolic murmur. |
aortic regurgitation | A backward flow of blood (a leak) into the left ventricle caused by an improper closure of the aortic valve. |
myocardial infarction (MI) | Ischemic myocardial necrosis due to the abrupt reduction of coronary blood flow to the myocardium, especially the left ventricle. |
In layman's terms, this is a heart attack. | myocardial infarction |
The most important procedure in determining the presence of MI is the | electrocardiogram. |
myocarditis | Inflammation of the muscular walls of the heart. |
patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) | Failure of the communication between the pulmonary artery and the aorta to close in a fetus. This is the most common congenital cardiac anomaly, and it is usually secondary to maternal rubella infection. |
patent foramen ovale (PFO) | An opening in the septum separating the atria (by itself called an atrial septal defect) which is caused by failure of the fetal opening to ever close. |
pericarditis | Inflammation of the pericardium due to a bacterial, viral, or fungal infection. It can be a complication of MI or surgery, or related to another pathology. There are several different types. |
petechia | A pinpoint, perfectly round, purplish-red spot caused by intradermal or submucous hemorrhage.( The plural is petechiae.) |
Raynaud disease | A vascular disease characterized by intermittent bilateral attacks to the fingers and toes, as well as occasionally the ears and nose, marked by extreme pallor or cyanosis of the skin. |
A pinpoint purplish spot. | petechia |
A vascular disease of the fingers and toes. | Raynaud disease |
Secondary to maternal rubella infection. | patent ductus arteriosus |
Inflammation of the walls of the heart. | myocarditis |
A heart attack. | myocardial infarction |
rheumatic heart disease | All layers of the heart are affected by inflammation following rheumatic fever. |
shock | A state in which blood flow to and perfusion of peripheral tissues is inadequate to sustain life because of insufficient cardiac output or maldistribution of the blood flow. |
3 types of shock: | hypovolemic, cardiogenic, and vasodilatory. |
When shock persists, it impairs organ function and causes | irreversible cell damage and ultimately death. |
hypovolemic shock | Shock with insufficient vascular volume. |
cardiogenic shock | Shock with inadequate cardiac function. |
vasodilatory shock | Shock with inadequate vasomotor tone. |
anaphylactic shock | The most commonly seen type of shock, it is caused by an immediate hypersensitivity to a substance (such as a bee sting or drug). |
septic shock | Shock associated with an overwhelming infection. |
An immediate hypersensitivity to a substance. | anaphylactic |
Shock associated with an overwhelming infection. | septic |
Shock with inadequate cardiac function. | cardiogenic |
Shock with insufficient vascular volume. | hypovolemic |
Shock with inadequate vasomotor tone. | vasodilatory |
tachyarrhythmia | Any disturbance of the heart rhythm in which the heart rate is abnormally high, usually greater than 100 beats per minute in an adult. |
tachycardia | Excessive rapid action of the heart. (Essentially the same thing as tachyarrhythmia, but this is the more commonly used term.) |
tetralogy of Fallot | An anatomic abnormality manifested by severe or total right ventricular outflow tract obstruction and a defect that allows unoxygenated blood from the right ventricle to bypass the pulmonary artery and flow directly into the aorta. |
thrombophlebitis | Inflammation of a vein associated with thrombus formation. |
sick sinus syndrome | A term applied to a variety of abnormalities of sinus node function. |
varicose veins | Unnaturally and permanently distended veins. |
Unnaturally and permanently distended veins are referred to as (varecose, varicose). | varicose |
Sick (sinis, sinus) syndrome is a broad term for abnormal sinus node function. | sinus |
Tetralogy of (Fallot, Falot) occurs in infants. | Fallot |
Tachyarrhythmia has a high heart rate, usually greater than (1000, 100) beats per minute in an adult. | 100 |
Tachycardia is excessively (slow, rapid) heart rate. | rapid |
A pinpoint purplish spot. | petechia |
Right ventricular enlargement secondary to a malformation of the lungs. | cor pulmonale |
A sac in the wall of an artery, vein, or the heart. | aneurysm |
A vascular disease of the fingers and toes. | Raynaud disease |
The lack of blood in a body part. | ischemia |
A kind of anemia. | hypochromic |
An immediate hypersensitivity to a substance. | anaphylactic shock |
Inflammation of the pericardium. | pericarditis |
A type of murmur. | holosystolic |
Unnaturally and permanently distended veins. | varicose veins |
A chronic condition secondary to obstruction of the lymph vessels. | lymphedema |
Abnormalities of sinus node function. | sick sinus syndrome |
Inflammation of the walls of the heart. | myocarditis |
A heart attack. | myocardial infarction |
A large number of monocytes in the blood. | mononucleosis |
Disease affecting all layers of the heart. | rheumatic heart disease |
Communication between an artery and vein with blood flow into a neighboring vein. | arteriovenous fistula |
A disease with yellowish plaque formation in the arteries. | atherosclerosis |
A heart rhythm of less than 60 beats per minute. | bradyarrhythmia |
Flow in the opposite direction than is normal. | regurgitation |
Secondary to maternal rubella infection. | patent ductus arteriosus |
The sudden blocking of an artery by a clot or foreign material. | embolism |
The positioning of the heart on the right side. | dextrocardia |
Most common atrial septal defect. | patent foramen ovale |
Insufficient vascular volume. | hypovolemia |
Profuse bleeding. | hemorrhage |
Inflammation of an artery. | arteritis |
An anatomic abnormality of the right ventricle. | tetralogy of Fallot |
A common venous disorder. | deep venous thrombosis |
A reduction in the number of erythrocytes in packed red blood cells. | anemia |
arrhythmia | Abnormality in heart rate |
bradycardia | Slow heart rate |
coronary artery disease | Atherosclerosis of the large and medium arteries |
fibrillation | A twitching of the cardiac muscle, in a nonsustained rhythm, abnormally fast |
embolism | A sudden blocking of an artery by a clot |
myocardial infarction | "Heart attack" |
tachycardia | Excessive rapid action of the heart |
hemorrhage | Excessive bleeding |
ischemia | The lack of blood in a body part |
hemophilia | A congenital disease in which blood does not clot properly |
hemolytic | anemia |
septic | shock |
anaphylactic | shock |
microcytic | anemia |
hypovolemic | shock |
sickle cell | anemia |
aplastic | anemia |
pernicious | anemia |
hypochromic | anemia |
megaloblastic | anemia |
cardiogenic | shock |