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Brinkley APUSH ch.15

Ch. 15 us history Identifications

Alexander H. Stephens Former VP of Confederacy, elected as GA senator
Atlanta Compromise Booker T. Washington's outlined philosophy of race relations (1895) Believed that African Americans should forgo agitating for political rights and concentrate on self-improvement and preparation for equality
Blanche K. Bruce Black senator from Mississippi
Carpetbagger N scum creep who moved to S for capital reasons,
Charles Sumner leader of Radical faction of Republican party, beat to a bloody pulp as Coach smith says
Convict Lease System no wage-paying employment system where S lease gangs of convicted criminals to private interests as cheap labor supply.
Credit Mobilier One of the political scandals of Grant/Republicans of the time. French owned Credit Mobilier construction company that helped build the Union Pacific Railroad made fraudulent contracts that cost them and the fed. gov. millions.
Crop Lien System Poor farmers would spendon credit at local stores; rediculous interest
Edwin M. Stanton secretary of War cooperated with radicals
Fence Laws As commercial agriculture intruded into the livestock-raising backcountry in the 1870s, these laws fenced in the livestock instead of the agriculture.
14 amendment 1st constitutional definition of citizenship
Grantism What liberal republicans called grant's first term (1869-79) Their negative view of Grant caused them to split.
Hamilton Fish Grant's sec. of State, only cabinet member with experience
Henry w. grady Editor of the Atlanta Constitution and spokesmen for a New industrialized s. who seldom challenged white supremacy, but advocated other important changes in southern values. Promoted the virtues of thrift, industry and progress.
Hiram R. Revels Black senator from Mississippi
Horace Greeley Veteran editor and publisher of the NY tribune woth the Liberal republicans and the Democrats presidential nominee for the election of 1872 against Grant. He lost 286-66 electoral votes.
Horatio Seymour Dem nominee for Pres.(1868) lost to Grant
James B. Duke Owner of the American Tobacco Company that established a virtual monopoly over the processing of raw tobacco into marketable materials showing how s. is becoming industrialized.
Jim Crow Laws State statutes that had institutionalized an elaborate system of segregation.
Joel Chandler Harris Author of Uncle Remus and other folk tales portraying slaves society of the antebellum years as harmonious world marked by engagin dialect and close emotional bonds between races.
John Wilkes Booth Assassinated Lincoln
Joint Committee on Reconstruction formed Dec. 1865 to form Reconstruction plan
KKK not very nice group towards the blacks
Liberal Republicans opposed Grante and split from Republican Party
Lost Cause Romantic view of the s. side of the Civil war
O.O Howard Led freedman's bureau; provided social services for freed s. blacks
Panic of 1873 Jay Cooke and Co invested too heavily in postwar railroad building and soon failed. worst recession to date
readjuster response to the Redeemers regimes, movement in VA demanding that the state revise its debt payment procedures so as to make more money available for state services.
Redeemed nickname white s. had for the Democrats taking back the governments of former Confederate states.
Samuel J. Tilden Reform governor of NY who had help overthrow corrupt Tweed Ring. became Democrats presidential nominee against Ruherford B. Hayes
Scalawag s. white republicans thought rep. would serve interests better than Democrats
Seward's Folly Seward bought Alaska from Russians for 7.2 million dollars in 1867.
sharecropping tenants of w landowners; paid landowners fixed rent or share of crop
Standard Gauge Railroad track all the same size.
Tenure of Office Act trap to impeach Johnson, president can't remove cabinet officals
Thaddeus Stevens Leader of Radical section of Republican party advocated wide-scale punishment of s. and redistribution of land among freed lacks
13th amendment Abolished slavery dec. 1865
Wade-Davis bill president appointed provisional governor for each s state; required majority of white males to pledge Union allegians, deny Confederate ties, abolish slavery, repudiate debts for Union readmission, pocket vetoed by Lincoln
Wiskey Ring Another Grant Scandal. Treasury of Secretary Benjamin H. Bristow, discovered that some officals and a group of distillers were cheating the gov. out of taxes by filling out false forms.
Created by: 6smartees
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