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Photoshop Terms
vocab for Photoshop
Question | Answer |
A recorded step or series of steps that can be saved and played back in order to apply similar changes to multiple images. | Action |
An application within Photoshop that is used to manage and browse files and file folders. | Adobe Bridge |
A color mode that uses black and white values to specify color. | Bitmap |
Cyan Magenta Yellow Black (CMYK) color is a color mode that is popular for printing and has a maximum of 16.7 million colors. | CMYK Color |
A file format used in Photoshop which offers a true digital negative of an image. | Camera Raw |
A Photoshop panel that provides the user with the ability to change text attributes, such as kerning, tracking, and leading. | Character Panel |
A retouching tool in Photoshop that allows a user to copy a selected area and paste it over another area in order to cover blemishes. | Clone Stamp Tool |
The adjustment of the intensity of the colors in an image. | Color Balance |
A Photoshop feature which allows the user to compile thumbnail images and titles for quick viewing and referencing. | Contact Sheet |
A Photoshop tool which allows the user to cut edges off of an image. | Crop |
A color mode that uses two colors, combining highlights and midtones to black and white color while allowing the user to choose the second color. | Duotone |
Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) is an image file format which supports a maximum of 256 colors, transparent backgrounds, and animation. | GIF |
A color mode with a maximum of 256 colors that renders an image in a range of grays from white to black. | Grayscale |
High Dynamic Range (HDR) is a method of merging two or more images allowing a high range of luminance between light and dark areas. | HDR |
A retouching tool in Photoshop that allows a user to copy an area and drag it across another area of an image to mix pixels and blend color tones in order to cover blemishes. | Healing Brush Tool |
A color mode with a maximum of 256 colors that is used to reduce the saved file size of images. | Indexed Color |
The estimation of a value, in color of pixels, between two known values. Interpolation is used when changing the resolution of an image. | Interpolation |
A Selection option which allows the user to select the background of an image, then use that selection to create a new selection in the inverse space. | Inverse Selection |
Joint Photographic Experts Group (JPEG) is an image file format which supports millions of colors and works best with photographs and other images with continuous tones. | JPEG |
A color mode designed to maintain constant color, regardless of the device that is used, to convert images from one mode to another in Photoshop. | Lab Color |
A Photoshop tool which allows the user to make a selection within an image. | Lasso |
A segment of an image document which is separated from other segments for isolated editing. | Layer |
A feature which allows a user to group together certain combinations of layers on an image and save them. | Layer Composition |
A series of settings that can be applied to a layer in an image and saved for easy application to multiple layers in the future. | Layer Style |
A Photoshop tool which selects an area based on similarly colored pixels, and may be adjusted for color tolerance. | Magic Wand |
A color mode that serves as an intermediate mode when converting between other color modes and is used for special printing needs. | Multichannel |
A color matching system used to standardize colors used in digital and printed images. | PANTONE |
Portable Document File (PDF) is a file format designed by Adobe to enable the printing and viewing of documents. Any formatting used in the document will appear the same regardless of which operating system is used. | |
Portable Network Graphics (PNG) is an image file format which supports grayscale, 256 color, true color images, and alpha transparency. | PNG |
A Photoshop panel that provides a user with the ability to change text attributes, such as indents and spacing. | Paragraph Panel |
A retouching tool in Photoshop that allows a user to select an area and replace it with a different selected area in order to cover blemishes. | Patch Tool |
A feature that allows a user to adjust the color balance and apply a hue adjustment to an image. | Photo Filter |
A Photoshop feature which allows the user to combine two or more connecting images to create a larger image, such as a panoramic photo. | Photomerge |
A Photoshop feature which allows the user to adjust a selection using brush tools. | Quick Mask |
Color Red Green Blue (RGB) color is a color mode that is popular for computer graphics and has a maximum of 16.7 million colors. | RGB |
A retouching tool in Photoshop that allows a user to neutralize red tones by blending them with the eye color of the person in an image. | Red Eye Tool |
A Photoshop option which may be used to modify the edges of a user-created selection. | Refine Edge |
The number of pixels per square inch on a computer-generated display. The greater the number of pixels per square inch, the higher the quality of the image. | Resolution |
A Photoshop feature which allows the user to create segments of an image document which may be configured for the Web. | Slice |
A Photoshop tool which gives the user the ability to skew, distort, or change the size of an image or selection. | Transform |
The layout of panels and tool boxes in the Photoshop application which may be arranged and saved by the user. | Workspace |
A Photoshop tool which allows the user to view close-up details of an image. | Zoom |