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Web Design Final Rev
Final exam review for web design HTML, CSS, Dreamweaver
Question | Answer |
CSS selector that changes underline or overline | text-decoration |
CSS selector that is used with 1px solid blue | border |
CSS selector to change the color of the background | background-color |
CSS selector to change the size of words | font-size |
CSS selector to change words to italic | font-style |
CSS selector to change words to bold | font-weight |
CSS selector used to change the actual font face | font-family |
CSS selector used to change line spacing | line-height |
CSS selector used to change the background to a picture | background-image |
CSS used to just change the size of a border | border-width |
Default horizontal alignment for paragraphs | left |
Creates a line break or "enter" | br / |
Creates a numbered list | ol |
Creates a bulleted list | ul |
Number of header elements in HTML | 6 |
Largest header element | h1 |
Smallest header element | h6 |
Closing tags in the reverse order you opened them is called | nesting |
This specific creates a bullet (or number, depending on the list type) | li |
A hyperlink that starts with and links to a specific place on the internet is called | absolute |
A hyperlink that links straight to a file in the site folder, like page1.html is called | relative |
HTML code to insert a picture starts with this | img |
This is added to an image tag for accessibility and describes the image | alt |
Two tags can bold text; b (which is deprecated) and | strong |
Two tags can italize text; i (which is deprecated) and | em |
HTML tag that creates a horizontal line across the page | hr / |
HTML tag that indents from left and right and is a block element used in place of a paragraph | blockquote |
#000000 is the hex code for | black |
#ffffff is the hex code for | white |
Formatting tags like em, strong, or other tags that cannot stand alone are called | inline |
Tags that can stand alone, like paragraphs or lists are called | block |
The information the title tag displays where in the browser? | tab |
The two most widely accepted image formats for the web are GIF and | JPG |
This web image format supports transparency and animation | GIF |
What symbol must all hexadecimal codes appear with? | # |
In CSS a div starts with a | pound sign |
In CSS a class starts with a | period |
If John has a font tri-list of Arial, Tahoma, sans-serif and he does not have Arial on his computer, what font will display? | Tahoma |
What generic font category does Times New Roman fall in? | serif |
Level one headings always appear, by default, with this formatting | bold |
The default color, if not changed in CSS, for a webpage font is | black |
Unclicked links, by default, are this color | blue |
Clicked (visited) hyperlinks, by default, are this color | purple |
A small icon located up in the address bar in the browser that appears on some webpage is called a | favicon |
The default file format for Fireworks that maintains layers and transparency is | PNG |
An animated GIF is an image with more than one | state |
A photograph or image with multiple clickable link areas (added in Dreamweaver) is called a/an | imagemap |
If you do not want buttons that are hyperlinked to have an ugly blue or purple border, set the border to | zero |
This type of image format, which can have up to 16 million colors, is best used for photographs on webpages | JPG |
The default unordered list type is | disc |
The three common unordered list types are disc, circle, and | square |
To set up a page layout, it is best to use these | divs |
The three main types of HTML lists are ordered, unordered, and | definition |
Internet Explorer, Safari, and Google Chrome are called | browsers |
Using the wildcard, the * in your CSS, and setting margins and padding to zero, is called the | universal reset |
To center a div, it must have a width set and you must set this to auto: | margin |
In HTML, the M stands for | markup |
The Adobe program that is used to code webpages in a WYSIWYG (what you see is what you get) fashion is called | Dreamweaver |
If you want a hyperlink to open in a new window, you must set the target to | _blank |
A closing tags looks different from an opening tag because inside the the tag, the first character is | / |
A button that changes to another button when you point your mouse at is is called a | rollover |
A line in CSS that begins with //* and ends with *// is called a | comment |
Webpages created in Notepad need to be saved with this typed at the end of the filename | .html |
Organizing a webpage with the most important elements first describes the principle of visual: | heirarchy |
Prototyping, testing, analyzing, fixing, and testing again is the principle of _____ design | iterative |
Principle that the more choices you present your users with, the longer it will take them to reach a decision. | Hick's Law |
Generally, if not at the top of the page, the main navigation should be at this side: | left |
This graphical control element is a navigational aide to help users keep track of their locations within the website structure. | breadcrumbs |
Having a highly intuitive website structure increases the: | usability |
Human eyes scan a page in this pattern: | F |
The most ideal font size in pixels for web design is: | 16 |
TETO stands for test early, test: | often |
This type of design means a website can automatically alter it's layout according to the user's computer/device screen or browser size. | responsive |
HTML codes are contained in these: | angle brackets |
This is a required preamble on a webpage that tells browsers and validators what version of HTML the webpage is written in: | DOCTYPE |
This section of a web page contains all the content that is inside the webpage and visible on the browser viewport: | body |
If you download a large image to use on a webpage, you should do this to the image outside of your HTML editor to make it the proper size: | resize |
All html files, CSS page, images and any assets for the webpage should be saved in the webpage: | root |
The most current Microsoft browser, included with Windows 10, is: | Edge |
Browsers do this to HTML code: | interpret |
The first internet browser: | Mosaic |
The year Google Chrome began: | 2008 |
Web editors that display the design as you work on a webpage, as opposed to just codes, are considered this type of editor: | WYSIWYG |
HR, IMG, and BR are considered this type of tag, which does not have a closing pair. | empty |
This attribute refers to the color of text on a webpage | color |
In a tag, the part that includes an equal sign is the: | attribute |
This tag requires a title attribute to have any function. | abbr |
This tag is used to highlight parts of your text. | mark |
When using multiple styles inline, separate each declaration with: | semi-colon |
Hexadecimal color codes begin with a: | number sign |
The first two numbers of a hexadecimal code refer to this color: | red |
The middle two characters of a hexadecimal code refer to this color: | green |
HSL, RGB, and Hex are all ____ models for web design. | color |
The three common semantic HTML5 tags are header, footer, and: | section |
If the paragraph after an unordered list is erroneously indented, what tag is missing? | /ul |
To create a hyperlink, use this tag: | a |
This attribute is used to open a hyperlink in a new window or tab: | target |
To create a hyperlink that jumps down the page, first name the targets with this attribute: | ID |
To jump down the page, the attribute value for the HREF should begin with a: | # |
This tag represents a single cell in a HTML table: | td |
This tag represents a cell in a table that is also centered and bold: | th |
This attribute would be used to "merge" a row of cells in a table: | colspan |
To link to an external style sheet, put this tag in the head: | link |
When linking to an external style sheet, set the rel attribute to: | stylesheet |
When styling a horizontal rule, it is suggested to provide a color, background-color, border-color and this to make it work in all browsers: | height |
Hollow round bullets are called this (value): | circle |
This style attribute would create a list with capital roman numerals: | upper-roman |
To style a list to NOT be on separate lines, like for a navigation bar, change the display value to: | inline |
This tag creates a numbered list: | ol |
When styling a background or list to have images, you must remember to put this before the open parenthesis with no space in between: | url |
This property is used to style bullets to have an image: | list-style-image |
To style a frame to use around an element, include what three values for the border--- size, color, and: | style |
The most common value for border-style is: | solid |
This pseudo-class is used to create an alternative format when hyperlinks are pointed at: | a:hover |
When creating styles, the actual element you are styling (such as a p or h3) is called the: | selector |
This type of stylesheet is inside the tags and overrides any other styles: | inline |
When used in the head section, an embedded style sheet of CSS rules must be surrounded by this tag: | style |
CSS selector used to change text to small-caps: | font-variant |
When setting a float, which alignment can NOT be used: | center |
To style the image background to not move as you scroll the page down, set this property to fixed: | background-attachment |
To modify every other row of a table using a pseudo-class, you would include this after TR, followed by a set of parenthesis | nth-child |
If both an HTML table and it's rows/cells have a border, style the table border-collapse property to this to remove the double borders: | collapse |
To prepare images for use on a website, resize to the appropriate size in this measurement: | pixels |
The number of pixels in a linear inch is referred to as the image: | resolution |
This image format is a vector format for high-quality, scalable graphics generated by code: | SVG |
To create a responsive image that scales down as the browser scales down, set this to 100%: | width |
To center an image, you must style the image: | container |
If using an image floating to the side of a paragraph, this should be done to the HR after the paragraph so that the image does not interfere: | clear |
To combine multiple images, side by side, with a caption below them, insert them in this tag: | figure |
This would be an application of which design principle--" reduce the distance from one point to the next and make the target object large enough to enable prompt detection and selection of interactive elements" | Fitt's Law |