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Skeletal System A&P

Skeletal System

What are the functions of bones? ** provides structure & shape, protects organs, **aids in movement*, mineral storage CALCIUM & PHOSPHORIS can release calcium to maintain blood level
Types of Bones Long bones - Short Bones - Flat Bones - Irregular Bones
Epiphysis end section of each bone
Diaphysis middle section of bone
Articular Cartilage connective tissue between bones
Periosteum * a membrane that lines the outer surface of all bones- except at the joints of long bones
Compact bone * dense bone , Compact bone forms a shell around cancellous bone and is the primary component of the long bones of the arm and leg and other bones, where its greater strength and rigidity are needed.
spongy bone igher surface area but is less dense, softer, weaker, and less stiff. It typically occurs at the ends of long bones, highly vascular and frequently contains red bone marrow
Medullary canal central cavity of bone shafts where red bone marrow and/or yellow bone marrow are stored
Endosteum thin layer of connective tissue which lines the surface of the bony tissue that forms the medullary cavity of long bones
Bone Marrow flexible tissue found in the interior of bones, marrow in large bones produces new blood cells
Haversian canals series of tubes around narrow channels formed by lamellae, inside compact bone, surround blood vessels and nerve cells throughout the bone
Formation - Ossification process of laying down new bone material by cells called osteoblasts. It is synonymous with bone tissue formation.
Formation - Osteoblasts cells that are responsible for bone formation
Formation- Osteocytes star-shaped cell, most abundant cell found in compact bone, used for exchange of nutrients and waste,
Formation - Epiphyseal plate each end of a long bone. The plate is found in children and adolescents; in adults, who have stopped growing, the plate is replaced by an epiphyseal line.
Markings- process ?
Markings - Condyle
Markings - Head
Markings- Neck
Markings- Trochanter
Markings - Crest
Markings - Foramen
Markings - Fossa
Markings - Notch
Markings - Sinus
Markings - Proximal
Flat Bones * contains most Red bone marrow, no yellow marrow. Includes, Cranium, Sterium and ribs.
Irregular bones * includes remaining bones. ex. facial, auitory, vertebrae.
long bones * largest bones and move the body. Ex. Femur and humerus. contains red and yellow marrow.
short bones * increases joint strength and mobility. ex.metacarpel, metatarsel,phalangy
Markings - Distal away from the body
Axial Skeleton core skeleton, 80 bones,skull, facial bones, rib cage & spine
Cranium - Frontal forehead
Cranium - Parietal Side
Cranium- Occipital Base
Cranium - Tempural just above ears
Cranium - Sphenoid @ base of skull in temporal lobe, all cranial bones attach to it
Cranium - Ethmoid between the eyes
Cranium - Hyoid attaches to tongue
Cranium - Sutures lines forming junction between cranial bones
Cranium - Fontanels membrane like opening in the cranium of newborns
Facial Bones - Maxilla upper jaw
Facial Bones - Mandible lower jaw
Facial Bones - Nasal Cavity - created by 5 bones, 2 nasal bones - Vomer- lower part of nasal septum, creates midline (septum) - Inferior Concha - one on each side of nasal cavity
Facial Bones - Lacrimal eye socket, tear ducts
Facial Bones - Zygomatic forms the cheek
Facial Bones - Auditory Ossicles - 3 tiny bones in ear Mallleus , Incus (Anvil) , Stapes (stirrup)
Spine - Vertebrae - Cervical (7) - in the neck, C1- atlas- 1st cervical vertebrae, articulates w/ occipital bones- up @ down movement C2 - axis, 2nd articulations, w/ the atlas- side-to-side movement
Spine - Vertebrae - Thoracic (12) - chest area- upper back- works with ribs
Spine - Vertebrae - Lumbar (5) - lower back, primary weight bearing vertebrae
Spine - Vertebrae - Sacrum 5 as child, fuses into 1 as adult. Forms pelvic girdle, works w hips
Spine - Vertebrae - Coccyx tail bone - 4 as a child, fuses to 1 as adult
Spine - Vertebrae - Foramen opening thru a bone, hole down center for spinal cord
Rib Cage - True Ribs (14), 7 on each side - attach in front of sternum to back vertebrae
Rib Cage - False Ribs 3 @ side - attached @ 7 ribs & vertebrae
Rib Cage - Floating Ribs 2 @ side - attach only to vertebrae
Rib Cage - Costal Cartilage attaches ribs to sternum
Rib Cage - Sternum breastbone -manubrium - upper portion - body - middle portion - Xiphoid Process - lower portion, made of cartilage
Appendicular Skeleton *know axial & appendicular diagram 126 bones, shoulder girdle, pelvic, arms & legs
Shoulder Girdle - scapula shoulder blade, triangle shape - Acromion Process - projection from the spine to scapula - clavicle- collar bone
Humerus - upper arm, 2nd longest bone, funny bone
Radius - outside forearm - thumb side - rotates ulna
Ulna - lower arm, larger than radius
Olecranon Process - part of the ulna that forms the elbow
Carpals Wrists
Metacarpals Hand bones
Phalanges finger bones - digits
Pelvic girdle pelvis
Ilium upper flared bones in the back
Iliac Crest *** top ridge of ilium
Ischium lower in the back
Acetabulum *** cavity in ischium, forms hip socket
Pubic front
Symphysis pubis area where the pubic bones meet
Legs - Femur *** largest bone/ strongest upper bone
Legs - Patella *** knee cap
Legs - Tibia lower leg (larger of the 2)
Legs - Fibula smaller bone in lower leg
Legs - Tarsals ** ankle bone - Calcaneous - makes heal of foot - Talus - tarsals works w tibia/fibia
Legs - Metatarsals foot bones
Legs - Phalanges Toe bones
Joints - articulations of bones where bones meet
Joints - Diarthroses moveable joints
Joints - Articular Cartlage where 2 bones meet
Joints - Bursa joint capsule
Joints - Synovial Cavity *** joint cavity between the articular cartilage of 2 bones - contains Synovial Fluid for lubrication
Ball & Socket greatest freedom of movement, hip & shoulder
Hinge *** moves in 1 direction. ex knee & elbow
Pivot allows rotation ex. radius/ulna, axis/atlas
Gliding nearly flat allows gliding movement ex vertebrae, tarsal, carpel
Amphiarthroses partially moving cartilage,small amount of movement - ex ribs, vertebrae, sternum
Synarthosis *** no moveable joints connected by tough fibrous tissue that doesnt allow movement
Movement - ** diarthrosis
Movement - Flexion ** decrease the angle, brings 2 bones closer together
Movement - Extension ** increase the angle, straightening the motion
Movement - Abduction away from midline
Movement - Adduction moves toward midline
Movement - Rotation moves around central axis
Movement - Circumduction complete circle
Movement - Pronation palms face back or towards the bed
Movement - Supination palm face forward or up
Movement - Inversion turn in
Movement - Eversion turn out
Movement - - Plantar Flexion extend ankle away, push toes away from ankles, like youre painting nails,
Movement - Dorsiflexion flex ankle toward knee
- Fracture -broken bone
Fracture - Greenstick incomplete, common in kids
Fracture - Simple closed, no break in skin
Fracture Compound Open, out of place, breaks thru skin
fracture Comminuted splints, breaks in multiple pieces
Dislocation bone gets displaced from joint
Sprain torn ligaments, joints not dislocated,
Arthritis joint inflammation
Herniated Disc cartilage dislocated between veterbrae, out of place
Rickets insufficient vit d - bones become soft due to lack of calcium
spiral curvature - kyphosis hunch back, curves outward
spiral curvature -lordosis swayback, curves in @ lumber area
spiral curvature -Scoliosis side to side curve of pine, " S " shape
Osteoporosis weakening of bones, d/t insufficient calcium & exercise, more bone tissue lost than made
Osteomyelitis * infection of bone tissue
Osteosarcoma * bone tissue
Hemaporosis **** production of blood cells, RVC , WVC, PLATELETS
Bones ** requires calcium & phosphorous
Created by: danaslanaker
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