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A&P Special Senses

Special Senses

Special Senses Organs & Sensory receptors associated w/ touch - vision - hearing - taste- smell
Sensory Receptors special structures stimulated by change in environment - found all over the body, skin connective tissue
Sensory Receptor Locations - Touch tactile, feel pain, pressure, temp
Sensory Receptor Locations - Visceral on internal organs - feel thirsty, hungry
xSensory Receptor Locations - Vision Sight
Sensory Receptor Locations - hearing hearing
Sensory Receptor Locations - Olfactory smell
Sensory Receptor Locations - Gustatory taste
Sensory Receptor Locations - Balance balance
Special Senses Actions sense organ is stimulated - impulse carried along nerve pathway to brain where interpreted & referred back to sense organ "projection of the sensation"
Eye Characteristics 1" diameter, sphere shaped, moved by muscles, protected by bone
Eye Location in orbit formed by maxilla, zygomatiic, frontal sphenoid & ethmoid bone
Eye - Lacrimal Glands/Tear Ducts - Function bathe eye in fluid maintain moisture cleanse located above lateral area of eye
Eye - Conjunctiva - function & location secretes mucous & lubricates thin membrane lining eyelids & part of eye
Eye Layers & Functions - Sclera - white of eye - in the outer eye - tough, maintains shape & protects
Eye Layers & Functions -Muscles controlled by extrinsic muscles *movement of eye
Eye Layers & Functions - Cornea has no blood vessels in it, "window" - in center of sclera - functions: transparent, lets light in, refracts (bends) light as it comes through the window
Choroid - Middle layer - function has blood vessels & dark pigment non-refractive
Choroid - Middle layer -Pupil - circular opening (black part)
Choroid - Middle layer -Iris colored layer - muscular- surrounds pupil- eye color related to pigment
Choroid - Middle layer -Iris - Intrinsic Muscles Intrinsic muscles- 2 sets of muscle in iris control light entering
Choroid - Lens transparent, membrane like structure, directly behind iris & pupil
Choroid - Lens - Suspensory Ligaments holds lens in place
Choroid - Lens - Refractions refracts light
Choroid - Lens - Accomodation ability of lens to adjust shape in order to focus
Choroid - Lens - Chambers lens situatied between 2 chambers which help maintain shape
Choroid - Lens - Anterior Chamber filled w watery fluid called Aqueous Humor
Choroid - Lens - Posterior Chamber filled w jelly like fluid Viterous Humor
Retina -
Retina - functions transparent, light sensitive *light rays from object for images here**
Retina - Visual Receptor Cells found on//around retina
Retina - Visual Receptor Cells - Rods much more sensitive to light, provide vision in dim lighting produces colorless vision sensitive to light
Retina - Visual Receptor Cells - Cones detect color & sharp images bright light
Retina - Visual Receptor Cells - Macula center of retina contains Fovea Centralis *has cones for color vision**
Retina - Optic Disc pale disc where nerve fibers gathers & enter optic nerve
Retina - Optic Disc - Blind Spot b/c optic disc has no rods/cones, so no visual receptors = no vision
Retina - Optic Chiasm where 2 optic nerves cross
Eve Nerves (3) - Oculomotor eye movement
Eye Nerves Trochlear eye movement
Eye Nerves - Optic vision
Vision process light goes into -> cornea -> pupil -> lens/light rays bend (refract) light -> retina/image formed -> Rods & Cones pick up stimuli -> optic disc -> optic nerve -> optic chiasma ->alonng optic tracts - occopital lobe of brain
Eye Disorders - night blindness problem w rod, ssensitivity is low, occurs w age & low vitamin A age= no improvement Vitamin A= can improve
Eye Disorders Color blindness different kinds, depends on which colors effected *congenital, born with it
Eye Disorders - Conjunctivitus pink eye inflammation of membrane in front of eye
Eye Disorders - Glaucoma excessive intraoccular pressure -pressure under eye - oculiohumor fluid - rate of production greater than rate of removal - results - destruction of retinaa & damage to optic nerve - no early onset of symptoms - early detection important - more in a
Created by: danaslanaker
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