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Lifting and Moving
Lifting and Moving Vocabulary
Question | Answer |
Abduction | Moving of a body part away from the central axis of the body |
Active Exercise | Therapeutic activity that the client performs independently after proper instruction |
Adduction | To draw inward toward the median axis of the body or toward an adjacent part or limb |
Alignment | Arrangement or position in a straight line or in parallel lines |
Atelectasis | Total or partial collapse of the lung. |
Atony | Lack of normal muscle tone |
Atrophy | wasting away, deterioration, or diminution |
Circumduction | The circular movement of a limb such that the distal end of the limb delineates an arc. |
Contracture | An abnormal, often permanent shortening, as of muscle or scar tissue, that results in distortion or deformity, especially of a joint of the body |
Dangle | To hang loosely and swing or sway to and fro |
Body Mechanics | The application of kinesiology to the use of proper body movement in daily activities, to the prevention and correction of problems associated with posture, and to the enhancement of coordination and endurance. |
Decubitus Ulcer | a chronic ulcer of the skin and underlying tissues caused by prolonged pressure on the body surface of bedridden patients Nontechnical names bedsore pressure sore |
Disuse Syndrome | signs and symptoms that result in inactivity |
Dorsiflexion | The turning of the foot or the toes upward |
Embolism | an obstruction in a blood vessel due to a blood clot or other foreign matter that gets stuck while traveling through the bloodstream. |
Embolus | a mass of clotted blood or other material brought by the blood from one vessel and forced into a smaller one, obstructing the circulation |
Extension | the movement by which the two ends of any jointed part are drawn away from each other, the bringing of the members of a limb into or toward a straight condition. |
External Rotation | turning outwardly or away from the midline of the body, such as when a leg is externally rotated with the toes turned outward or away from the body's midline |
Flexion | The act of bending a joint or limb in the body by the action of flexors |
Hyperextension | Extension of a joint beyond its normal range of motion |
Hypostatic Pneumonia | Pulmonary congestion due to the stagnation of blood in the dependent portions of the lungs in old persons or in those who are ill and lie in the same position for long periods. |
Internal Rotation | the turning of a limb about its axis of rotation toward the midline of the body. |
Neutral Position | correct ergonomic positioning of the clinician's body in order to reduce stress and fatigue on muscles and joints during intraoral care of a patient |
Passive Exercise | repetitive movement of a part of the body as a result of an externally applied force or a voluntary effort to move another part of the body |
Phlebitis | Inflammation of a vein. |
Plantarflexion | is the movement which increases the approximate 90 degree angle between the front part of the foot and the shin |
Pron Position | a position of the body lying face down |
Quadriceps Setting | isometric exercise in which a client alternately tenses and relaxes the quadriceps muscles |
Rotation | a circular movement of an object around a center (or point) of rotation |
Spasticity | a feature of altered skeletal muscle performance occurring in disorders of the central nervous system (CNS) impacting the upper motor neuron in the form of a lesion |
Supine Position | position in which the person lies on the back |
Thrombophlebitis | inflammation of a vein caused by a thrombus |
Thrombus | stationary blood clot |
Tonus | the continuous and passive partial contraction of the muscles |
Gurney | A metal stretcher with wheeled legs, used for transporting patients. |
Transfer | discharging a client from one unit or agency and immediately admitting him or her to another, moving a client from place to place |
Trapeze | A short horizontal bar suspended from two parallel ropes |
Ambulate | To walk from place to place; move about. |
Walking Belt (Gait Belt) | safety device applied around the client's waist used to provide ambulatory support and assistance |
Inactive | Not active or tending to be active |