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AH3-Ch. 18

Preoperative Care

Surgery can be defined as? the art and science of treating disease, injuries, and deformities by operation
What 4 people interact in surgery? nurse, pt, surgeon, and anesthesia care provider
What are the 6 reasons surgery may be performed? Diagnosis, Cure, Palliation, Prevention, Exploration, and Cosmetic improvement
What is surgery for diagnosis? determination of the presence of pathology
What is cure surgery? Elimination or repair of pathology
What is palliation surgery? alleviation of symptoms without cure
What is prevention surgery? like removal of a mole before it becomes malignant
What is exploration surgery? surgical examiniation to determine the nature or extent of the disease
What is cosmetic surgery? repairing scar, or changing breast shape
What is elective surgery? carefully planned surgery
What is emergency surgery? unexpected urgency
The setting in which a surgical procedure may be safely and effectively performed is influenced by? the complexity of the surgery, potential complication and the general health status
What is same day admission? pt who are going to be admitted to the hospital on the same day of surgery
What is ambulatory surgery? same day (outpt)
Where is ambulatory surgery performed? ER, endoscopy clinics, doc office, freestanding surgical clinics, and outpt surgery units in hospitals
What is it called when pt stays overnight after surgery but not over 24 hrs? 23 hr stay
Ambulatory surgery is preferred by? pt, physician and third pary payers
Ambulatory surgery generally involves? fewer lab tests, few meds, less stress, and less risk of infections
What is the nurses action with surgery? preparing pt, caring for pt, and fcilitating the pt recovery with surgery
What are the 4 main purposes of a presurgery interview? Obtain the pt health info, determine pt expectations, provide and clarity into, ass the pt emotional state and readiness for surgery
What is the overall goal of the preoperative assessment? to gather data in oder to identify risk factors and plan care to ensure pt safety
What are the goals of assessment? psychlogic status of the pt, physiologic factors that are directly or indirectly related to surger, baseline data, identify and document surgical site, Identify meds, confirm results of tests, Identify ethnic factors, determine if pt has had adequate info
If stress is increased what can be affected? recovery
What influences the pt susceptibility to stress? Age, past experiences, current health, socioeconomic status
What are the most common psychologic factors? anxiety, fear, and hope
Anxiety is a? survival mechanism
What is diminished with an increased anxiety level? congnition, decision making and coping abilities
Who is informed if anxiety is of excess? surgeon
What should the nurse know in particular about culture of a person? if they believe in blood transfusion
What is the greatest fear with surgery? death
If the pt has a great fear of death what will the physician do? postpone the surgery
Fear of pain and discomfort during and after srugery is? universal
If fear is of excess who should be notified? anesthesia care provider to give meds
What is keloid? overgrowth of a scar
Most psychologic factos related to surgery seem to be? negative
What is a possitive attribute? hope
Hope may be the pt's strongest method of? coping
Initially the nurse should determine if the pt understands the? reason for the surgery
Before surgery women should be ask about their? menstrual and obstetric hx
What should be documented before surgery? hx of surgeries, past hospitilization
A family hx of what prob should be recorded? heart or endocrine
Drugs and herbal products may interact with? anesthetic
When liver function is decreased what is prolonged? anesthetic agent affects
When asking about meds what should also be included? illegal drug use, allergies, and drug intolerance
People should be screened for what? allergies? risk factors, contact dermatitis, hibes, aerosol reaction, and hx of reactions that suggest allergy to latex
What is the last component of a pt hx? review of body systems
Why is CV function evaluated? to determine the presence of preexisting disease or problems
Ppl with asthma and COPD are at risk for what during surgery? hypoxemia and atelectasis
What are conditions likely to compromise resp function? smoking, obesity and airway deformities
What does assessing neurological fn include? pt's ability to respond to questions, follow commends and maintain orderly thought patterns
Why is it important to document the pt ability to pay attention, concentrate and respond? to compare it after surgery
What are diseases of the NS? myasthenia gravis, parkinson's disease and multiple sclerosis
What renal function tests are usually ordered? serum creatine, and blood urea nitrogen
The liver is involved in? glucose hoemostatis, fat metabolism, proten synthesis, drug and hormone metabolism and bilirubin formation and excretion
The liver detoxifies many? anesthtics and adjunctive drugs
A person with hepatic dysfunction may have increased risk of what after surgery? clotting abnormalities and adverse resonses to meds
Who is especially at risk for AE of anesthesia nad surger? pt with diabetes mellitus
Thyroid dysfunction can cause alterations in? metabolic rate
impairment of immune system can lead to? delayed wound healing and increased risk of infection
What causes F&E imbalances? vomiting, diarrhea, or difficulty swallowing
Serum electrolyte levels are often? evaluated before surgery
Obesity stresses what systems? cardiac and pulmonary
Obesity predisposes a pt to? wound dehiscence, wound infection, and incisional herniation
What is essential for wound healing? protein, Vit ACB
an older adult is at increased risk for? malnutrition and fluid volume deficits
Who can perform a physical exam? nurse, nurse practitionars, physicias and physician assitants, ACP
Lack in the required diagnostic reports may? delay or cancel surgery
Preoperative teaching increase? pt satisfaction and may reduce postoperative fear, anxiety and stress
When there is minimal time for teaching what should be discussed? the most important
When teaching the nurse must find a balance between? telling so little the pt is unprepared and telling so much the pt is overwhelmed
Preoperative teaching concern what three types of info? sensory, process, and procedural
What do ppl want to know with sensory info? what they will see, hear, smell, and feel during surgery
What do ppl want to know with process info? not specific details but desire the general flow of what is going to happen
What do ppl want to know with procedural info? desired details are more specific
What approach is usually used with teaching? team
All pt should recieve info on? deep breathing, coughing and moving post op
Ambulatory surgical centers usually have a staff telephone so pts can? call to answer last minute questions and to reinforce teaching
Arrival time for ambulatory surgery is usually? 1-2 hours before surgery
What info should be told to the pt about ariving for ambulatory surgery? pt registraction, parking, what to wear, what to bring, and how someone has to drive them home
Legal prep for surgery consists of? checking that all required forms have been correctly signed and are present on the chart, and the pt understands
Before surgery can be legally performed the pt must? sign an informed consent with a witness
What is informed consents? an active, shared decision making process between the provider and the recipient of care
What are the 3 conditions that must be met for consent to be valid? Must be adequate disclosure of the diagnosis (nature and purpose of treatment), pt must demonstrate clear understanding and comprehension of the info being provided, pt must give consent voluntarilty (not be persuaded)
Who is ultimately responsible for obtaining the pt consent? physician
What may override the need to have consent? a medical emergency
Benzodiazepines and barbiturates are used for their? sedative and amnesic properties
Anticholinergics are given to reduce? secretions
Antiemetics are given to decrease? N
What is included in the preop assessment? proposed surgery, hx of surgery, past health, smoking, allergies, review of systems, current resp and heart status, current height and weight, VS, mobility restriction, blood studies (CBC, electrolytes, coagulation studies), urinalysis, ECG, Chest X ray
How long does hemoglobin survive? 120 days
What is normal RBC for male? 4.5-6 x 10 (6)
What is normal RBC for female? 4-5 x 10 (6)
What is the function of hemoglobin? delievers oxygen through circulation to body tissues and returns CO2 from tissues to lungs
What is a decrease in hemoglobin? anemia
What is an increase is hemoglobin? polycythemia
What is the normal range of hemoglobin for men? 13.5-18
What is the normal range of hemoglobin for women? 12-16
What does hematocrit indicate? relative proportion of plasma and RBC
What is the normal range of hematocrit for male? 40-54%
What is the normal range of hemtocrit for female? 38-47%
What do WBC do? protect the body, they phagocytose bacteria and other foreign entities
What is the normal range for WBC? 4,000-11,000
How long to platelets last? 7-10 days
What is the normal range of platelets? 150,000-400,000
What are surgical risk factors? nutrtion, age, health habits, disease, environment, anemia
What is NPO prevent? aspiration during sugery
What does NPO do? return of normal intestinal motility, treat vomiting or diarrhea, treat medical prob
What are nursing interventions for NPO? oral hygiene, ice chips, hard candy, gum, avoid exposure to others eating, need to clarify is order is NPO excepts meds
What does consent protect the pt from? unsanctioned surgery
What does consent protect the surgeon from? claims of unauthorized operation
If the pt is of legal age and mentally capable they can? sign own form
If the pt is a minor, unconscious, or incompetent then who signs? family member, next of kin
What is pt is emancipated minor who signs? Married of independently earning own living may sign own permit
Sedative reduce? nervousness, excitability, irritability, without causing sleep
Hypnotics cause? sleep, more potent on CNS than sedatives
Barbiturates are? CNS depressants, reduce nerve impulses to cerebral cortex, raise convulsive/seizure threshold
Antianxiety meds do what? reduce anxiety by reducing overactivty in CNS, benzodiaziepines, barbiturates, antihistamines, MAOIs
Antocholinergics block? action of acetylcholine, parasympathetic nerves
Low does of anticholinergics do what to heart rate? decrease
High doses of anticholinergics do what to heart rate? increase
What do anticholinergics do? decrease secretions, decrease muslce rigidity and diminish tremors
Created by: alicia.rennaker
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