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Lab Hematology Test

Lab Hematology Review 3/1/11

Increased amount of neutrophils Neutrophilia
WBC with "ground glass" in cytoplasm Monocyte
Disease associated with increased atypical lymphocytes Mononucleosis
The WBC with big bright pink or orange granules in the cytoplasm Eosinophils
WBC that is elevated during a parasitic infection Eosinophils (or basophils)
What may cabot rings indicate? Lead poisoning & certain anemias
Normal % of eosinophils 1-3%
Myelogenous leukemia has more of {what type of white cell} than normal? Basophil
Inclusion body that have remnants of RNA Basophilic Stippling
Different shapes of RBC's Poikilocytosis
Color of the cytoplasm of a lymphocyte Blue
A smaller than normal RBC Microcyte
Dehydration will cause the hematocrit to ___________ give a false high reading.
A disease where there is a large number of RBC's and high Hct Polycythemia Vera
Normal hemoglobin for an adult male 13-18
Normal hemoglobin for an adult female 11-16
Normal % of neutrophils 50-65%
Platelets and WBC's make up this layer of a spun capillary tube Buffy Coat
When performing a capillary puncture for Hct testing, the capillary tube contains _________ Heparin
Main constituent of red blood cells Hgb
The globin portion of Hgb is made of _______ 4 protein chains
The largest of the WBC's Monocyte
Elevated WBC & elevated neutrophils indicate: Bacterial Infection
RBC indices that measure the average volume of a red blood cell MCV (Mean Cell Volume)
Low number of lymphocytes Lymphopenia
The smallest of the WBC's Lymphocyte
4 examples of poikilocytosis: Sickle Cell Stomatocytes Target Cells Helmet Cells
An increase in the number of WBC's Leukocytosis
RBC of larger than normal size Macrocyte
RBC with normal color is called Normochromic
The main function of hemoglobin Carry oxygen
What is it called when both small (microlytic) and large (macrolytic) RBC's are present Aniso cytosis
RBC's that have both pale and dark color to them is called: Polychromasia
Decreased amount of platelets Thrombo cyto penia
Main function of WBC's Fight infection
Normal Hct level in adult males 42-52%
Normal Hct level in adult females 36-48%
Normal Hct level in newborns 51-60%
Normal Hct level in 1 year olds 32-38%
Normal Hct level in 6 year olds 34-42%
Hct is ______ the amount of Hgb 3 times
Hgb is ______ the amount of Hct 1/3 (plus or -3)
On a CBC what should the WBC range be: 5,000 to 10,000/mm3
On a CBC what should the MCV range be: 82-98
On a CBC what should the MCH range be: 26-34 (MCH=Mean Cell Hemoglobin)
On a CBC what should the Platelets level be: 150,000-400,000/mm3
On a CBC what should the Lymphocyte level be: 25-40%
On a CBC what should the Neutrophil level be: 50-65%
What does a Hypochromic RBC indicate: pale (low hgb)
What does a Hyperchromic RBC indicate: dark (high hgb)
Anisocytosis can indicate: Thalassemia or Liver Disease
What type of RBC inclusion is common in pernicious anemia? Howell-Jolly Bodies
When one type of WBC (and overall count) has drastically increased it could be (5): Leukemia Bacterial Infection Stress Exercise Pain
Normal # of platelets but they don't function properly Thrombasthenia
Increased WBC, increased neutrophils Bacterial Infection
Decreased WBC, increased lymphocytes Mononucleosis
Increased eosinophils can mean Parasites or Allergic Reaction
When are increased lymphocytes normal? Newborns or children under 6
Factors affecting decreased platelets Leukemia Chemical Exposure Radiation Cancer Drugs
Created by: jruhde
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