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Ch45/50 Perio/Ortho2
Week 5 Perio/Ortho 2 Matching
Question | Answer |
Plaque | Sticky tooth-colored film present on teeth that forms from bacteria and its by-products. |
Calculus | Plaque that hardens or calcifies. |
Band pusher | Used to seat and position the band on the tooth. |
Six | The number of sulcular site measurements recorded for each tooth. |
Cross bite | When a maxillary tooth or teeth align so that they are lingual to the occluding mandibular tooth or teeth. |
Distal end cutters | An instrument used to cut and hold the distal ends of arch wires. |
Normal sulcus depth | 3mm or less. |
Class IV furcation | Where the entrance to the furcation is clinically visible due to recession of the gingiva. |
Crowding | The most common cause of malocclusion. |
Open Bay | Office design that allows for many patients to be treated at once. |
Cephalometric & Panoramic Xray | Most commonly used radiographs on orthodontics. |
Ecudate | Fluid type substance (pus) contains bacteria, leukocytes, dead cells, degenerated tissues, and tissue fluid. |
Furcation involvment | Loss of interdental bone between multirooted teeth due to periodontal infection. |
Gingivectomy | Surgical excision of the gingiva. |
Gingivitis | Inflammation of the gingiva. |
Gingivoplasty | Surgical reshaping of the gingival tissue. |
Perio debridement | The removal of calculus, plaque and their by products from the coronal and root surfaces, also from the tissue walls and pocket to promote healing. |
Periodontal pocket | The sulcus that has a depth deeper then 3mm due to some type of pathology. |
Recession | Apical migration of the gingival margin, leading to exposure of the CEJ. |