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Cardiovascular Alt.

Nursing Management of Cardiovascular Alterations

Risk factors for CAD Heredity, gender, age, DM, obesity/overweight, smoking, inactivity, elevated, HTN
ABCDE of CAD treatment A - Antianginal drugs, aspirin B - Beta blockers, BP C - Cholesterol, cigarettes D - Diet, DM E - Education, exercise
What is angina? Ischemia of cardiac muscle
What is the difference between stable and unstable angina? Stable is relieved by NTG and unstable is not.
What is the cause of Prinzmetal's angina? Coronary artery spasm - NOT occlusion of coronary due to atherosclerosis
Class I of Unstable angina Pain with strenuous activity
Class II of unstable angina Pain with ADLs with some limitations
Class III of unstable angina Pain with ADLs with marked limitations
Class IV of unstable angina Pain with any activity and/or at rest
Tx of Prinzmetal angina Ca+ channel blocker
Definition of myocardial infarction Ischemia and death of myocardium from occlusion of coronary arteries
Complications of MI Dysrhythmias HF Ventricular Septal Papillary muscle rupture Thromboemboli Pericarditis Shock
Definition of MONA for Tx of MI M - Morphine (Sedate & Vasodilate) O - Oxygen (Incr. O2 Sat) N - Nitrates (Vasodilate) A - Aspirin & Analgesics (Decrease Aggr.)
PQRST acronym for assessment of myocardial pain (Male vs. Female) P - Palliatives or provocation Q - Quality R - Radiation and region S - Severity T - Time and treatment
Purpose of chest x-ray with MI? Differential dx between aortic aneurysm and MI
True or false: Chest pain post stent is abnormal. True. Indicative of reocculusion of artery or stent.
Name the areas (zones) involved with MI. Which are recoverable? Ischemia Injury - Recoverable Infarction - Death (nonrecoverable)
T wave changes with ischemia that is seen minutes or hours after episode? T wave elevation. Followed by T wave inversion
EKG changes seen with myocardial injury and for how long? ST segment elevation. Lasts for days.
When are small q waves normal? In leads I, AVL, V5, V6, small q waves are normal
Size of pathological Q waves Larger than one box
CK enzyme post-MI Rises in 2-6 hours Peaks in 18-36 hours Elevated for 3-6 days
CK-MB enzyme Post-MI Specific for MI Rises in 4-8 hours Peaks in 15-24 hours Elevated for 2-3 days
Troponin I and T Post-MI Highly specific for myocardium damage Rises in 1 hour Peaks in 10-24 hours and remains for weeks
When assessing LDH isoenzymes, what results are specific for myocardial damage? When LDH1 is greater than LDH2
Myoglobin enzyme Post-MI Elevated 30 minutes to 1 hour
Properties of myoglobin Released from ischemic muscle but is not specific to myocardial tissue. Elevates early Myoglobin elevates before CK
Properties of CK CK is not specific for cardiac muscle Rises in 2-6 hours Peaks in 18-36 hours Elevated for 3-6 days
4 days Post-MI, which enzymes will be elevated? CK-MB Troponin I and T
2 days Post-MI, which enzymes will be elevated? CK CK-MB Troponin I and T
2 hours Post-MI, which enzymes will be shown? CK CK-MB Troponin I and T Myoglobin
1 hour Post-MI, which enzymes will be shown? Troponin I and T Myoglobin
1 week Post-MI, which enzymes will be shown? Troponin I and T
MI skin manifestations S/S of decreased CO - diaphoresis - coolness
MI CV manifestations Pulse deficit Abnormal rhythm Abnormal sounds JVD Edema Varicosities
MI Respiratory manifestations Cough Sputum Breath sounds Nutrition Ascites (HF)
MI GI manifestations Ascites Diminished Bowel sounds
MI GU manifestations Decreased urinary output
What is PTCA Cardiac catheterization (Balloon Angioplasty)
How do fibrinolytics and thrombolytics work? Lyse thrombi by converting plasminogen to plasmin causing fibrin to break down into fibrinogen
What are the target times and outcomes of fibrinolytic therapy? 2-3 hours = maximum myocardial survival 6 hours = moderate myocardial survival 12 hours = Marginal myocardial survival.
What is commonly seen with newly reperfused myocardial tissue? - Reperfusion releases oxygen free radicals and cellular swelling occurs. - Tissue swelling R/T ischemia may prevent reperfusion - Reperfusion arrhythmias - PVC primarily, VT and AV block also
Contraindications for fibrinolytics 12 hours out from MI Known neoplasm Pregnancy and postpartum Hemorrhagic stroke within 3 months Active bleeding BP greater than 200/120 Post CPR Recent surgery, head trauma Allergy to med Trauma or surgery within 2 weeks
With fibrinolytic therapy, where will you want to assess for bleeding on the patient? Injection site Retroperiotoneal Back
What drugs can be given to an MI patient to decrease their myocardial O2 demand? Beta blockers Morphine
How can you decrease cardiac workload in a patient with heart failure? IABP VAD (Ventricular Assist Device) Biventricular pacing (Correct A. Fib.) Rest
Which kind of aortic aneurysm is more critical than the other and why? Thoracic aortic aneurysm is more critical since it can bleed out much quicker than an abdominal aortic aneurysm.
What is the minimum MAP to perfuse the heart? 60 mmHg
Created by: keelerd
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