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Cell bodies of sensory neurons are found in the Dorsal root ganglia
Cell bodies of motor neurons are found in the Ventral horn
Axons of sensory neurons enter the CNS via the Dorsal root
Axons of motor neurons leave the CNS via the Ventral root
Protein producing organelles in nerve cells are Nissl bodies
The central fissure (sulcus) separates the Frontal and parietal lobes
Cranial Nerve I Olfactory
Cranial Nerve II Optic
Cranial Nerve III Oculomotor
Cranial Nerve IV Trochlear
Cranial Nerve V Trigeminal
Cranial Nerve VI Abducens
Cranial Nerve VII Facial
Cranial Nerve VIII Vestibulocochlear
Cranial Nerve IX Glossopharyngeal
Cranial Nerve X Vagus
Cranial Nerve XI Accessory
Cranial Nerve XII Hypoglossal
Sensory neurons of the peripheral nervous system are usually pseudounipolar
A type of neuroglia not found in the CNS satellite cells
Which cranial nerve would turn the eye laterally Abducens
Nerve for eyelid movement Oculomotor
Cranial nerve for secretion of tears and saliva Facial
Cranial nerve for facial touch and pain Trigeminal
Cranial nerve that controls swallowing movements Accessory
Sends 2 point discrimiination, deep pressure, vibration, conscious muscle sense Dorsal column
Dorsal column ascends Ipsilaterally
Dorsal column synapses in the Thalamus
Dorsal column crosses in the Medulla
Pain and temperature is carried by the Lateral spinothalamic tract
Lateral spinothalamic tract synapses in the Thalamus
Lateral spinothalamic tract crosses in the Spinal cord at entry
Anterior spinothalamic tract crosses in the Spinal cord at entry
Anterior spinothalamic tract sends info about Light touch, light pressure
Posterior spinocerebellar tract sends info about Unconscious muscle and joint sense
Posterior spinocerebellar tract crosses in the Does not cross
Anterior spinocerebellar tract sends info about Unconscious muscle and joint sense
Anterior spinocerebellar tract crosses in the Spinal cord at entry
Occipito frontalis (epicranium & Galea) Fascial expression - raises eyebrows, tenses scalp
Orbicularis oculi Facial expression - closes eyelids
Orbicularis oris Facial expression - closes lips
Buccinator Facial expression - tenses cheek
Zygomaticus major Facial expression - Raises corner of mouth
Temporalis Mastication - Raises front of mandible
Masseter Mastication - Raises mandible; side to side
Medial Pterygoid Mastication - raises mandible; side to side
Digastric Mastication - Depresses mandible; raises hyoid
Sternohyoid Infrahyoid - Depresses hyoid
Sternothyroid Infrahyoid - depresses larynx
Sternocleidomastoid Flexors of Head and Neck - Rotates face to opposite side
Scalenes Flexors of Head and Neck - bend sideways
External intercostals Anterior trunk muscle - elevates ribs
Internal intercostals Anterior trunk muscle - depresses ribs
External obliques Anterior trunk muscle - Increase abdominal pressure, trunk flexion and rotation
Internal obliques Anterior trunk muscle - Increase abdominal pressure, trunk flexion and rotation
Transversus abdominus Anterior trunk muscle - Increase abdominal pressure
Rectus abdominus (linea alba) Anterior trunk muscle - Flexion of trunk, protection of abdomen
Diaphragm Anterior trunk muscle - depresses central tendon
Erector spinae (sacrospinalis) Postvertebral muscles - Extends vertebral column
Splenius capitis Postvertebral muscles - hyperextends head; rotates face to same side
Pelvic diaphragm Pelvic floor muscle - elevates pelvic floor
Urogenital diaphragm Pelvic floor muscle - Supports genitalia; closes urethra; dilates during labor
Trapezius Pectoral Girdle - Adducts scapula; elevates acromion
Rhomboids Pectoral Girdle - Adduct and elevate scapula
Levator scapulae Pectoral Girdle - Elevates scapula
Serratus anterior Pectoral Girdle - Abducts (protracts) scapula
Pectoralis minor Pectoral Girdle - Depresses and protracts scapula
Pectoralis major Shoulder joint muscle - Flexes and adducts humerus
Latissimus dorsi Shoulder joint muscle - Extends, hyperextends and adducts humerus
Deltoid (whole muscle) Shoulder joint muscle - Abducts humerus
Deltoid (anterior third) Shoulder joint muscle - Flexes humerus
Deltoid (posterior third) Shoulder joint muscle - Extends and hyperextends humerus
Subscapularis Shoulder joint muscle - Medially rotates humerus
Teres major Shoulder joint muscle - Medially rotates and adducts humerus
Teres minor Shoulder joint muscle - Laterally rotates humerus
Infraspinatus Shoulder joint muscle - Laterally rotates humerus
Supraspinatus Shoulder joint muscle - Weakly abducts humerus
Biceps brachii Anterior upper arm - Flexes elbow, helps supinater
Brachialis Anterior upper arm - Flexes elbow
Triceps brachii Posterior upper arm - Extends elbow
Pronator teres Anterior forearm, superficial layer - pronates radius
Flexor carpi radialis Anterior forearm, superficial layer - flexes wrist joint
Palmaris longus Anterior forearm, superficial layer - flexes wrist joint
Flexor carpi ulnaris Anterior forearm, superficial layer - flexes wrist joint
Flexor digitorum superficialis Anterior forearm, middle layer - Flexes 4 fingers (carries luggage)
Flexor pollicis longus Anterior forearm, deep layer - flexes thumb
Flexor digitorum profundus Anterior forearm, deep layer - flexes 4 fingertips (keyboarding)
Brachioradialis Posterior forearm, superficial layer - paradoxically flexes elbow when hand partially pronated (hand to mouth)
Extensor carpi radialis longus and brevis Posterior forearm, superficial layer - extends wrist joint
Extensor digitorum Posterior forearm, superficial layer - extends 4 fingers
Supinator Posterior forearm, deep layer - supinates radius
Extensor pollicis longus Posterior forearm, deep layer - (only tendon is visible) extends thumb
Extensor pollicis brevis Posterior forearm, deep layer - extends thumb
Iliopsoas (fused iliacus and psoas major) Anterior hip - Flex hip joint (kickers)
Gluteus maximus Posterior hip - Extends and laterally rotates femur
Gluteus medius Posterior hip - Abducts femur
Gluteus minimus Posterior hip - Abducts and medially rotates femur
Piriformis Posterior hip - Laterally rotates femur
Obturator internus Posterior hip - laterally rotates femur
Quadratus femoris Posterior hip - laterally rotates femur
Quadriceps femoris Anterior thigh - Extends knee, flexes hip
Rectus femoris Anterior thigh - Extends knee; helps flex hip
Vastus lateralis and medialis Anterior thigh - extends knee
Sartorius Anterior thigh - weakly flexes hip and knee
Biceps femoris Posterior thigh - flexes knee, extends hip
Semitendinosus Posterior thigh - flexes knee; extends hip
Semimembranosus Posterior thigh - flexes knee; extends hip
Pectineus Medial thigh - flexes hip; adducts femur
Adductor longus Medial thigh - adducts femur
Gracilis Medial thigh - adducts femur; flexes knee
Adductor magnus Medial thigh - adducts femur
Fibularis longus Lateral leg - everts foot; supports arches
Fibularis brevis Lateral leg - everts foot
Tibialis anterior Anterior leg - Dorsiflexes foot
Extensor hallucis longus Anterior leg - straightens big toe
Extensor digitorum longus Anterior leg - straightens 4 toes
Gastrocnemius Posterior leg - plantar flexes foot
Soleus Posterior leg - plantar flexes foot
Flexor hallucis longus Posterior leg - flexes big toe
Flexor digitorum longus Posterior leg - flexes 4 toes
Created by: bjperkins
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