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Body Systems
Question | Answer |
What is a PVC sensation? | Flip-flop |
Barium Swallow/Upper GI Series helps identify what? | Swallowing abnormalities, esphogus, strictures, varacies, gastric tumors, and peptic ulcers |
How long does it take the Small Bowel Series test? | 5-6 Hours |
What is Enteroclysis? | A small bowel enema |
Barium Enema/Lower GI Series identifies what? | Polyps, tumors, strictures, or lesions |
How many liters of Barium is instilled into the rectum? | 1-1 1/2 liters |
what parts of the colon is observed with a lower GI series? | Rectum, sigmoid colon, and decending colon are observed during filling. |
What is a Cholecystography series? | Gallbladder |
After the initial xray is taken with the gallbladder test, what is the patient instructed to and additional xrays maybe taken? | Eat a fatty test meal. |
In Radionuclide imaging how is the medium order? | By weight |
What is a CT scan used to detect (with GI) | Structural abnormalities of the GI tract such as metastaic lesions. |
What is a percutaneous Liver biopsy? | Invasive procedure, long needle sample of liver tissue. Pt to take deep breath and hold to stablize the liver in place. |
What is PY tests? | To detect Helicobacter pylori:bacteria associated with peptic ulcer disease |
What is a hydrogen breath test? | Indicates lactose intolerance. Breath sample before and at intervals after ingestion of a CHO solution. |
With a hemocult where is the blood? | Blood is hidden |
What is anorexia? | Lack of appetite |
Where is the appetite center located? | In the hypothalmus |
What are some s/s of anorexia? | Hunger absent, Wt. loss, Dry skin, bleeding gums, easy bruising, Soft bones, |
In diagnostic finding with anorexia what will the Hgb/blood cell counts look like? | They will be decreased. |
Where is the vomiting center located? | Medulla |
Valsava maneuver, what is it? | Forcefull expusion of stomach contents and pooping |
What is an early stage of cancer in the oral cavity? | White patch, mostly symptom free |
Who ia usually the first person to find oral cancer | Your dentist |
What is GERD | Common disorder that develops when gastric contents flow in an upward direction into esophagus. |
What is the cause of Gerd? | The esophageal sphincter does not close well |
Wht are some s/s of GERD? | Dyspepsia (epigastric pain or discomfort) Regurgitation Dysphagia (difficult swallowing) Odynophagia (painfull swallowing) |
What is fundoplication? | a laparoscopic procedure that tightens the cardiac sphincter by wrapping the gastric fundus around the lower esophagus and suturing it into place. |
What are some nursing mtg teachings for Gerd? | Educate diet life style wt. loss avoid tight clothing elevate hob no smoke no food or drinks before bed |
What is Diverticulum? | A sac or pouch in one or more layers of the wall of an organ or structure. |
What is esophageal diverticula | It is found at the junction of the pharynx and esophgus or middle of esophgus or at the bottom. |
What is the cardinal sign of bad breath | Diverticula, trap food and secretions which narrows the lumen interfers with the passage of food into the stomach and exerts pressure on the trachea. |
What are some assessment findings with Esophageal Diverticulum | Foul breath Pain or difficulty in swallowing, belching, reguritations, coughing, gurgling sounds upon ausculation in mid upper chest |
What is a hiatal hernia? | Protrusion of part of the stomach into the esophagus |
What are the 2 types of Hiatal hernias? | Sliding Paraesophageal |
What is a sliding hernia | The junction of the stomach and the esophagus and part of the stomach slide up the the weakend portion of the diagragm, (heartburn) |
What is a paraesophageal hernia? | Stomach displace up beside of the esophagus. |
Other risk factors for Cancer of the Esophagus | Habitual ingestion of hot liquids or food, poor or inadequate oral hygiene, nutritional deficiences. |
Assessments findings of Cancer of the Esophagus | difficulty swallowing, wt. loss (follows progressive dysphagia), progression, liquid diet, then the expansion of the tumor, back pain and resp. distress. |
What is gastritis? | Inflamation of the stomach lining. |
Where does most of the absorption take place in the intestines. | 10 inches in the duodenal |
What is a gstroscopy? | Done in difficult cases to obtain specimens and visualize mucosa |
If you have acute gastritis what med/surg mtg techniques should you do? | clear liquid diet, bland diet, treat the cause |
If you have chronic gastritis what med/surg mtg techniques should you do? | work on lifestyle. Medication to sooth stomach lining. |
What is a peptic ulcer? | Loss of tissue in the gi tract area that comes in contact with gastric juices. |
Where do most peptic ulcers occur | In the duodenum |
What are some possible risk factors for developing a peptic ulcer | Helicobacter pylori infection, cigarette smoking, family history, chronic use of ASA or NSAIDS |
What is the most common sign of peptic ulcer | bleeding |
Cancer of the stomach is characterized by? | an enlarged mass or ulcerating lesion that expands or penetrates several tissue layers. |
What is achlorhydria ? | absence of free HCL in the stomach. Promotes bacterial growth and chronic ingestion of toxins that are linked to cancer. |
When is pain a factor with Cancer of the stomach. | Late symptom |
What are some other factors with Cancer of the stomach | chronic ingestion of highly salted , smoked food or pickled. nitrates,nitrites. tobacco and alcohol use. chronic inflamation, heredity |
What is gastric analysis | decrease or absence of gastric juices. |
What is the only curative approach to gastric cancer | surgery |
what percentage of the population is obese | 1/3 |