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WGU Assessment SS

WGU social science Assessment

Where did the Nex Perce tribe live in the 1600's? Idaho/Oregon area
What is the Black Legend? Used to describe Spaniards oppression of Native Americans.
what is the 'Requerimiento'? It was a document read tonatives declaring that Jesus was the Christ, and that the pope had power to rule all the earth--including them---and demanded their alleiance to Rome and Madrid. Threatend to enslave native Americans if Spanish demand weren't met
What is the Encomienda? used to oppress Native Americans by Spanish- Conquistadors granted trusteeship over the indigenous people. Indian lands remained in their possession but the conquistadors, known as ecomendoeros taxed the people and summoned them for labour.
What was the Treaty of Tordesillas? divides land up between Spain and Portugal Portugal = Africa Spain= New World
Definition of Manifest Destiny. is a phrase that expressed the belief that the United States had a mission to expand, spreading its form of democracy and freedom.
What was the headright system? Intrdoduced to bring laborer to the colony. Every person who paid thier way to VA was granted 50 acres of land.
Which act did John Adams remarked, "The pot was set to boil" did he this? The Stamp Act
What was the "Trail of Tears"? The migration of Cherokees to Oklahoma.
What is the case of Plessy v. Ferguson about? Plessy was jailed for sitting in the "White" car of the East Louisiana Railroad.
What was the Kansa-Nebraska Act Intrdoduced to bring laborer to the colony. Every person who paid thier way to VA was granted 50 acres of land.
What was 'Bleeding Kansas' all about? A bloody conflict over Kansas becoming a proslavery or antislavery state.
The War with Mexico in 1845. Mexico began the war because of the U.S. annexation (1845) of Texas
The Dred Scott case was about.... An African slave who lived in a free state trying to gain his freedom.Southerners approved the Dred Scott decision believing Congress had no right to prohibit slavery in the territories.
Oregon statehood 1859. Oregon joined the Union as a free state.
What was the Fugitive Slave Act? group of laws referred to as the "Compromise of 1850."
Who was elected President in 1861? Abraham Lincoln
Who passed the Agricultural Adjustment Act? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who established the Tennessee Valley Authority? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who helped establish the FDIC? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Who commissioned the Lewis and Clark's exploration of the Louisiana Purchase? Thomas Jefferson
Which President Served during the Civil War; and ended slavery? Abraham Lincoln
Which President set precedents for the President's role in government? George Washington
Which President challenged scientists to send a man to the moon? John F. Kennedy
Which President initiated diplomatic opening to China? Richard Nixon
Which President hastened the end of the cold war? Ronald Reagan
Which President created the New Deal? Franklin D. Roosevelt
Where did the immigrants come from in the Industrial Revolution? Europe
What was Treaty of Versailles? was the peace treaty which officially ended World War I
What was The Crisis about? Articles written by W.E.B Du Bois that encourage soldiers to fight for domacracy.
What is the Great Society programs? Prepared disadvantaged preschoolers,insuance for people over 65,prtect Aftican American voting, and federal funds for school districts.
Describe a political map. Boundaries, divisions, and capitals.
Describe a relief map. Plains, mountains, rivers, deserts and plateaus.
Describe a topographical map. Natural and manmade feaures, relative position, and elevation.
Describe a road map. Direction, highways, cities and interstates.
List the characteristics of a Mercator projection. It show all areas on the map at the same scale.
Describe marine west coast. Much precipitation and mild tempertures.
Describe a tropical equatorial experiences hot and humid weather.
What is subtropical desert? extremely high air and soil temperatures. vegetation is limited to small hard-leaved or spiny shrubs, cacti, or hard grasses
Describe a humid continental. large temperature range due to its interior location in mid-latitude continents.
Define deforestation. involves the cutting down, burning, and damaging of forests.
Define energy development. (blank)
Define non-renewable resource. The ability of an ecosystem to produce the raw materials necessary for economic activities.
Define renewable resource. are naturally replaced in a relatively short time.
what is the role of the legislative branch? Laws are written, discussed and voted on in Congress.
what is the role of the executive branch? makes laws official. The approves and carries out laws passed by the legislative branch. The President approves and carries out laws passed by the legislative branch.He appoints or removes cabinet members and officials. He negotiates treaties, and acts
What is the role of the judicial branch? oversees the court system of the U.S. the Supreme Court rules whether something is constitutional or unconstitutional
Created by: starham
Popular U.S. History sets




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