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normal blood values

LIVER TESTS **cellular leakage of enzymes and products made by the liver** BILIRUBIN is cleared out by the liver. ALBUMIN and PT are made by the liver. ALT, AST (or SGOT), ALP, GGT enzyme increases are mostly due to liver cellular damage.
CHOLESTEROL **don't want to live to this age** <200
GLUCOSE **at 40, weight and glucose levels go crazy** 70 - 100 (critical values <40 and >400)
URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY **very narrow range** 1.010 - 1.030 (measures how many solutes, by weight, are in the fluid urine)
Cl- **lots of 1's** 101 - 111 (balances Na+ to maintain electrical neutrality of plasma)
K+ **same as albumin** 3.5 - 5 (very important for cardiac contractions because of the Na K pump. Hypo=underactive muscles; arrhythmias, flat T waves, prominant U waves, etc. Hyper=overactive muscles; nausea/vomit, diarrhea, peaked T waves, wide QRS, depressed ST segment.)
pH **drop acid, or drop in value = acidic** 7.35 - 7.45
Ca++ **I haven't drank milk since I was this age** 9 - 10.5 (Bone cancer can cause hyper. Very important part of muscle contractions, cardiac function, neural transmission, and blood clotting.)
Na+ **my weight range** 135 - 145 (critical <120 or >160)
Hgb **girls mature at __, boys at __** 12 - 16
normal adult urine output 30 ml / hour
normal child urine output 1 ml / kg / hr
Hct **3x HGB; there are 3 parts to centrifuged blood** 36 - 48
RBC 4 - 6
albumin **same as K** 3.5 - 5 (Is a large protein, and an indicator of anorexia. Maintains osmotic blood volume. Hypo = 3rd space fluid shift from blood vessels)
Mg++ **second smallest value** 1.3 - 2.1
O2 sats 95% - 100%
PLATELETS **plates are in houses, and houses that used to be worth $__ are now worth $__** 150,000 - 400,000
WBC 4,000 - 11,000
CO2 **rearrange the 02** 20 - 29
HCO3- **there are 3 2's in this value** 22 - 26
PaO2 80 - 100
PaCO2 35 - 45
BUN **the buns of __-__ year olds are off limits** 7 - 20
creatinine **really small creature, the smallest value** 0.8 - 1.4
pH(high) PaCO2(norm) PaO2(norm) HCO3-(high) metabolic alkalosis
pH(low) PaCO2(high) PaO2(low) HCO3-(norm) respiratory acidosis
pH(high) PaCO2(low) PaO2(high) HCO3-(norm) respiratory alkalosis
pH(low) PaCO2(norm) PaO2(norm) HCO3-(low) metabolic acidosis
What are common causes of metabolic alkalosis? Loss of acid. (gastric suctioning, vomiting)
What are common causes of respiratory acidosis? Inability to move CO2 out. (obstruction, loss of lung surface, CNS depression, over sedation)
What are common causes of respiratory alkalosis? Excessive loss of CO2. (hyperventilation)
What are common causes of metabolic acidosis? Accumulation of acid, or loss of bicarb = bicarb deficit. (ketoacidosis, shock, severe diarrhea, kidney failure)
1g = __ mg = __ mcg **add a comma each time** 1g = 1,000 mg = 1,000,000 mcg
1 cup = __ ml = __ fl oz 1 cup = 250 ml = 8 fl oz
1 oz = __ ml = __ T 1 oz = 30 ml = 2T
1t = __ ml 1t = 5 ml
1 in = __ cm 1 in = 2.5 cm
1 kg = __ lb 1 kg = 2.2 lbs
1 pt = __ ml = __ fl oz = __ cups 1 pt = 500 ml = 16 fl oz = 2 cups
1 L = __ qt = __ fl oz = __ pt = __ cups 1 L = 1 qt = 32 fl oz = 2 pt = 4 cups
1 T = __ t = __ ml = __ fl oz 1 T = 3 t = 15 ml = 1/2 oz
normal PT 11.0 - 12.5 secs (no anticoagulation therapy)
therauptic PT; critical value; which drug? 1.5 - 2 times the control value; >20 secs; warfarin(Coumadin) anticoagulation therapy for at home use.
INR, which drug? **I N R a baby!** 2 - 3.5 secs; warfarin (Coumadin) at home anticoagulation therapy.
normal PTT 60 - 70 secs (no anticoagulation therapy).
therauptic PTT; critical value; which drug? 1.5 - 2.5 times the control value; critical value >100 secs; heparin anticoagulation therapy in a hospital setting.
Created by: Diane Steadman
Popular Nursing sets




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