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normal blood values
Question | Answer |
LIVER TESTS **cellular leakage of enzymes and products made by the liver** | BILIRUBIN is cleared out by the liver. ALBUMIN and PT are made by the liver. ALT, AST (or SGOT), ALP, GGT enzyme increases are mostly due to liver cellular damage. |
CHOLESTEROL **don't want to live to this age** | <200 |
GLUCOSE **at 40, weight and glucose levels go crazy** | 70 - 100 (critical values <40 and >400) |
URINE SPECIFIC GRAVITY **very narrow range** | 1.010 - 1.030 (measures how many solutes, by weight, are in the fluid urine) |
Cl- **lots of 1's** | 101 - 111 (balances Na+ to maintain electrical neutrality of plasma) |
K+ **same as albumin** | 3.5 - 5 (very important for cardiac contractions because of the Na K pump. Hypo=underactive muscles; arrhythmias, flat T waves, prominant U waves, etc. Hyper=overactive muscles; nausea/vomit, diarrhea, peaked T waves, wide QRS, depressed ST segment.) |
pH **drop acid, or drop in value = acidic** | 7.35 - 7.45 |
Ca++ **I haven't drank milk since I was this age** | 9 - 10.5 (Bone cancer can cause hyper. Very important part of muscle contractions, cardiac function, neural transmission, and blood clotting.) |
Na+ **my weight range** | 135 - 145 (critical <120 or >160) |
Hgb **girls mature at __, boys at __** | 12 - 16 |
normal adult urine output | 30 ml / hour |
normal child urine output | 1 ml / kg / hr |
Hct **3x HGB; there are 3 parts to centrifuged blood** | 36 - 48 |
RBC | 4 - 6 |
albumin **same as K** | 3.5 - 5 (Is a large protein, and an indicator of anorexia. Maintains osmotic blood volume. Hypo = 3rd space fluid shift from blood vessels) |
Mg++ **second smallest value** | 1.3 - 2.1 |
O2 sats | 95% - 100% |
PLATELETS **plates are in houses, and houses that used to be worth $__ are now worth $__** | 150,000 - 400,000 |
WBC | 4,000 - 11,000 |
CO2 **rearrange the 02** | 20 - 29 |
HCO3- **there are 3 2's in this value** | 22 - 26 |
PaO2 | 80 - 100 |
PaCO2 | 35 - 45 |
BUN **the buns of __-__ year olds are off limits** | 7 - 20 |
creatinine **really small creature, the smallest value** | 0.8 - 1.4 |
pH(high) PaCO2(norm) PaO2(norm) HCO3-(high) | metabolic alkalosis |
pH(low) PaCO2(high) PaO2(low) HCO3-(norm) | respiratory acidosis |
pH(high) PaCO2(low) PaO2(high) HCO3-(norm) | respiratory alkalosis |
pH(low) PaCO2(norm) PaO2(norm) HCO3-(low) | metabolic acidosis |
What are common causes of metabolic alkalosis? | Loss of acid. (gastric suctioning, vomiting) |
What are common causes of respiratory acidosis? | Inability to move CO2 out. (obstruction, loss of lung surface, CNS depression, over sedation) |
What are common causes of respiratory alkalosis? | Excessive loss of CO2. (hyperventilation) |
What are common causes of metabolic acidosis? | Accumulation of acid, or loss of bicarb = bicarb deficit. (ketoacidosis, shock, severe diarrhea, kidney failure) |
1g = __ mg = __ mcg **add a comma each time** | 1g = 1,000 mg = 1,000,000 mcg |
1 cup = __ ml = __ fl oz | 1 cup = 250 ml = 8 fl oz |
1 oz = __ ml = __ T | 1 oz = 30 ml = 2T |
1t = __ ml | 1t = 5 ml |
1 in = __ cm | 1 in = 2.5 cm |
1 kg = __ lb | 1 kg = 2.2 lbs |
1 pt = __ ml = __ fl oz = __ cups | 1 pt = 500 ml = 16 fl oz = 2 cups |
1 L = __ qt = __ fl oz = __ pt = __ cups | 1 L = 1 qt = 32 fl oz = 2 pt = 4 cups |
1 T = __ t = __ ml = __ fl oz | 1 T = 3 t = 15 ml = 1/2 oz |
normal PT | 11.0 - 12.5 secs (no anticoagulation therapy) |
therauptic PT; critical value; which drug? | 1.5 - 2 times the control value; >20 secs; warfarin(Coumadin) anticoagulation therapy for at home use. |
INR, which drug? **I N R a baby!** | 2 - 3.5 secs; warfarin (Coumadin) at home anticoagulation therapy. |
normal PTT | 60 - 70 secs (no anticoagulation therapy). |
therauptic PTT; critical value; which drug? | 1.5 - 2.5 times the control value; critical value >100 secs; heparin anticoagulation therapy in a hospital setting. |