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CC ch11
consumer tools
Question | Answer |
produce | fresh fruits and vegetables |
comparision shopping | evaluating different brands, sizes, and forms of a product before making a purchase decision |
impulse buying | making an unplanned purchase without much thought |
grade | an indication of food quality |
brand name | the name a manufacturer puts on products so people will know the products are made by that company |
store brand | a brand sold only by a store or chain of stores |
national brand | a brand that is advertised and sold throughout the country |
generic product | a plain-labeled, no brand grocery item |
precycling | thinking about now packaging materials can be reused or recycled before buying a product |
unit pricing | a listing of a product's cost per standard unit, weight, or measure |
organic food | a food produced without the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, or growth stimulants |
pesticide | an agent used to kill insects, weeds, and fungi that attack crops |
food additive | a substance that is added to food for a specific purpose, such as preserving the food |
GRAS list | (Generally Recognized As Safe) List of food additives accepted as safe by the FDA |
nutrition labeling | an analysis of a food product's contributions to an average diet that appears on the product packaging |
Daily Value | a dietary reference that appears on food labels |
universal product code (UPC) | series of lines, bars, and numbers that appears on packages of food and nonfood items. This code is used by a computer scanner to identify a product, its manufacturer, and its size and form |
open dating | a system of putting dates on perishable and semi-perishable foods to help consumers obtain products that are fresh and wholesome |