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Final test

Final test US HISTORY II

Jackie Robinson Brooklyn Dodgers, 1st Black player in Major League Baseball.
Whittaker Chambers Former Soviet Union agent, Editor for Time Magazine.
William Levitt Brassy NY developer, built 10,600 homes on 1,200 acres.
Alan Freed Cleveland D.J. coined term rock & roll in 1951 played $&B on air briged gap between "white & black" music."
Eugene "Bull" Connor Police Commisioner- unleashed dogs, tear gas, electric cattle kprods, & fire hoses on protestants, all televised!
Stokely Carmichael 25 yr old graduate of Howasrd head of SNC 1966, adopted separtists philosopy of black power, kept whites from organizing.
Port Huron Statement Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) Hayden drafted "We are the people of this generation, bred in at least moderate comfort, housed in universities, looking uncomfortably to the world we inherit."
Timothy Leary zany Harvard professor, "tune in, turn on, drop-out."
Betty Friedan Led women's movement "The feminine mystique" 1963 launced new phase of female protest on national level. Founded, National organization for women (NOW)
Community Service Organizations Social service group tht sought to educate & organize migrant poor to become self-reliant
Ed Roberts Developed prototype of so-called personal computer, the altair 8800, imperfect & cumbersome.
Iron Curtina Speech Prime Minister Winston Churchill gave a higly controversial speech at Fulton, Missouri warning of Soviet expansionism.
Marshall Plan aid selled the outlay for Europe. little aid for the "Third World" countries.
Postwar Partition of Germany Germany lost much of its territory in the east to Poland and to the Soviet Union. The military zones formation composed of two separate countries when the British, French, and American zones became West Germany and the Soiet Union became East Germany.
Nuremburg War Trials 1st time in history people put on trial for crimes against humanity.
George Kennan Communist- the policy of "containment"-don't let it spread.
1947 Truman Doctrine Money to countries to remain democratic.
1948 Marshall Plan 13 billion to rebuild Europe, resounding success.
How was security strengthened? National Security Council, Central Intelligence Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO)
NATO 1st peace time military alliance
constitutional democracy Japan rebuilds under MacArthur
Two Major Events in 1949 Truman was blamed for the Chinese Civil War and Soiet Union explodes 1st atomic bomb
Chinese Civil War China Communist; won by Mao & communist
Mao Tse-tung Communist
Chiang Kai-sheck supported by US
GI Bill Education for Veterans
Economic Problems from the Domestic Policy Inflation and strikes
Truman orders ban discrimination in federal hiring and integrated the military.
Korean War WWII ended along the 38th parallel i Korea
"Police Action" Pusan- UN almost drives off Korea; MacArthur orders landins at Inchon-UN now on offensive. Chinese are on N. Korea's side.
MacArthur/Truman feud Macarthur wants to bomb- concept of "limited war"; Truman fires MacArthur; A truce takes place in July.
1952 Election Dem. Aldai Stevenson Rep. Dwight Eisenhower & Richard Nixon- "I like Ike" Ike promises; result- Eisenhower wins.
Richard Nixon Red Hunter- Congressman who examines microfilm in Alger Hiss's conviction for perjury.
Alger Hiss Accused of leading a Soviet spy ring.
Brown vs Board of Education said "seperate but equal" was inherently unequal, overturns Plessy vs. Ferguson
"Declaration of Constitutional Principles" 100 southern Senators and Representatives signed- opposing intergration of schools
Dr. Martin Luther King Baptist Mininster begins boycott of segregated buses. in Alabama wrote "Letter from a Birmingham Jail". Lead over 200,000 in Washington D.C march.
1956 Federal Hwy Construction changed how America looked and made transportation easier.
1956 Election Eisenhower won by a landslide
"brinkmanship" a strategic effect upon those very frear of nuclar disaster. "go to the brink of war" America threatened Korea.
Vietnam a colony of France
Ho Chi Minh a seasoned revolutionary proletarian (a man of the people) wants Vietnam's independence form France
Dien Bien Phu French defeated & left Vietnam
Sputnik 1st satellite by Soviet Union
Natiional Defense and Education Act millions for college to study science and math
1960 Election Rep. Richard Nixon, Dem. John F. Kennedy & Lyndon B. Johnson; campaign issues- Kennedy Catholic, "missle gap", the 1st tv debate
Amendment 22 two term limit - Eisenhower accused of "golfing and goofing"
Berlin Wall It separated East and West Berlin
Bay of Pigs in Cuba failed. Kennedy took blame.
Cuban Missile Crisis Soveits had missles in Cuba compromise; America moved out of Turkey, Soviet Union moved out of Cuba
Peace Corp voluteers who would provide educational and technical services abroad.
Civil Rights movement aimed to achieve the racial integration of public services and equal acess to politicl rights.
Ceasar Chavez organized the United Farm Workers
American Indian Movement Dennis Banks and George Mitchel, "Broken Treaties Caravan"
JFK's Assassination JFK was shot and killed when vistiting Dallas.
Lee Harvey Oswald and Jack Ruby conspiracy-Jack was involved with but Harvey shot Kennedy
President Johnson When Kennedy died, he took over Presidency
Barry Goldwater Ran against Johnson in 1964 election
1964 Election Johnson defeats Barry Goldwater
"Great Society" war Medicare, Civil Righsts Act, 24th ammendment, Voting Rights Act, Open Housing Bill; King assassinated.
Civil Rights Act of 1964 prohibited racial segreation in public facilites such as bus terminals, restaurants, theaters, and hotels.
24th ammendment Citizens the ridht to vote in any Presidency election and cant be denied by reason fo failure to pay taxes.
Voting Rights Act of 1965 ensured all citizens the right to vote
Tonkin Gulf Resolution authorized theh president to "take all necessary measures to repel any armed attack against the forces of the United States and to prevent further agression."
Pleiku Viet Cong guerillas killed 8 and wounded 126 Americans at Pleiku, in South Vietnam.
"Operation Rolling Thunder" the first sustained bombing of North Vietnam, which was intended to stop the flow of soldiers and supplies into the south.
Tet Offensive Many Vietnamese were driven from their homes during the bloody street battles of l1th 1968 Tet offensive.
1968 Election Dem. Robert Kennedy, Hubert Humphrey, riots in Chicago; Rep.-Richard Nixon; Campaign- honorable peace; Result- Johnson Legacy
Johnson's Legacy The Vietnam war became the Lyndon Johnson war, lost support decided not to run for relection and became depressed.
Vietnamization gradual troop withdrawal, Nixon Doctrine, appeals to "silent majority"
Cambodia bombings ordered on April 29, 1970
Kent State National Guard fires into crowd, four students killed
1972 Election Rep. Nixon, Dem. Geroge McGovern; Result- Nixon 520-17 wins all lbut MA and DC, 47 million to 29 million
June 1973, CREEP hearings 5 burglars arrested at Democratic national headquarters at the Watergate complex.
B-52 bombings- US withdrawal US ceased fire Jan 23,1973, split the nation "no more Vietnams" Peace with Honor after 56,00 died, 300,000 wounded, cost $118 billion.
Nixon's resignation tapes are publicly known and are shocked, and Nixon claims "executive privilige"; Supreme Court orders the tapes released. House of Representatives draws up Articles of Impeachment in July 1974.
Gerald Ford Ford pardons Nixon, unpopular at time-probably cost him 1976 Election
Jimmy Carter Bicentennial President
Why did Soviet Union invade Afghanistan? human rights, America boycotted Olympics in Moscow
Camp David Accords, Anwar Sadat, Menachem Begin Highlight of Carter's Presidency- ivited Sadat & Bengin to a retreat at Camp David to negotiate and relsove the Palestanian refugee dilemma.
Economy inflation, interest rates, OPEC
OPEC uses its huge oil supply as a political land economic weapon and refused to sell oil to nations who supported Israel.
Hostages in Iran Teheran, failed rescue Ayatollah Khomeini, American embassy hostage led for 1yr didn't use military force.
1980 Election Rep. Ronald Reagan Dem. Jimmy Carter; Result- 489-49; Reagan wins- hostages released 52 Americans.
Inaguration Day hostages releasd after 444 days
Reagan Administration Assassination attempt, defense spending, wins re-election in 1984 525-13 over Walter Mondale, "Reaganomics"
Reaganomics raise spending; tax cuts, large deficts, income rise 20%, longest post-World War II expansion.
1988 Election George Bush wins- "read my lips, no new taxes"
The fall of the Soveit Union and the Soviet Empire Communism in Eastern Europe and the Soviet Union is overthrown, The WEST wins the COLD WAR! The BErlin wall falls in 1989. Saddam Husseins's Iraq invades Kuwait, Desert Storm begins.
1992 and 1996 Elections Won by William "Bill" Jefferson Clinton 370-168 over Bush and 379-159 over Bob Dole. The largest peacetime economic expansion-the DOW and NASDAQ; he was impeached (lied about a scandal)
2000 Election George Bush wins over Al Gore- Controvery on votes in Florida. 9/11 and the War on Terror, Economic Recovery? not much
2004 election still Bush-"surge" in Iraq, recession, bailouts and stimuls packages.
2008 election Barack Obama wins; bailouts and stimulus packages, unemployment and ObamaCare
2010 elections Republicans take control of the House of Representatives, Tea Party, record defecits, national debt, Revolutions in the Middle East
Joseph McCarthy Accuses many governments of Communism
Julius and Ethel Rosenberg convicted of spying
After WWII security was strengthened NSC, CIA, and NATO
1948 Election Dem. Harry Truman- 271 speeches traveled 30,000 miles; Rep. Thomas E. Dewey- expected Presidency;
Cease Fire Eisenhower goes to Korea; Ike threatens to end fighting or America will up the ante;
Rosa Parks refuses to give up seat on bus to a white man.
Eisenhower orders Federal troops to Arkansas to allow blacks to attend school
Orval Faubus Arkansas Governor uses the National Guard to prevent blacks from attending white schools.
Fidel Castro Cuban leader following three years of guerilla warfare against the Batista regime and planned a revolution and opposed control of the Cuban economy.
John F. Kennedy a Catholic, and had Addison's diesease; speech of the New frontier and youngest person to run for president
Lyndon Johnson Kennedy's running mate for Vice president
Nixon Doctrine let United Nations fight own war
Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) Star Wars Hastened End of Cold War; Protective Shield over america; refers to Soviet Union as "the evil empire" told Mr. Gorbachev "tear down this (Berlin) wall.
Created by: Msmlb_93
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